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  1. … DISCUSSIONS FUND-RAISING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSISTANCE FOR THE DISABLED CONSTITUTIONAL … this be reviewed. If it means providing more money for Hansard, I think it should be provided. I welcome Greg … which the Premier is taking part in the Meech Lake accord debates. I can tell the honourable member I have had very …
    House Hansard
  2. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS VISITOR ORAL … says one thing before the election, when they are seeking votes from the people of this province, only to flip-flop and … that's exactly what he'd like. In fact, if the read the Hansard from the second reading debate, you'll find that the …
    House Hansard
  3. … AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM ACT MINERAL EMBLEM ACT SCHOOL BOARDS AND TEACHERS COLLECTIVE NEGOTIATIONS ACT (CONCLUDED) … and I would suggest that the members could look up Hansard, at page 1861, May 15, 1975, for my remarks when I … recall, sir, that there was a report made to the House on Votes and Proceedings No. 27, on April 29, 1975, and that …
    House Hansard
  4. … 40 inmates from this jail. Inmates from the Halton and Peel regions will eventually be housed in the Milton … I deemed to be appropriate. I have carefully perused the Hansard report of Mr. Riddell’s statement, and from the facts … that we adhere to the rules of the House in terms of debates during the committee of supply. I didn’t think that …
    House Hansard
  5. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS HIGHWAY TRAFFIC … signatures ready to be opened, ready for us to count those votes that would permit you to be a union, no. You need to be … period time. I would respectfully request that you review Hansard and report back to the House as to whether or not you …
    House Hansard
  6. … of Metropolitan Toronto Act. We have completed section 2 and are now proceeding to section 3. Just to check the … my imagination to wander for a moment, I can imagine the debates that must take place in caucus when those people on … government side on this amendment. I am reading from the Hansard report of the meeting of the standing committee on …
    House Hansard
  7. … MINING TAX REVENUE MINING CROWN CORPORATION SUN TOOL AND STAMPING CO. PEACE BRIDGE INCIDENT LIQUOR ADVERTISING … about the clear statement by Her Honour, on page 5 of Hansard, which says as follows: “You will be asked to approve … Would he answer verbally so that it can be recorded in Hansard, please? Hon. Mr. Kerr: Yes, Mr. Speaker. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  8. … Government policies Government contracts Immigrant and refugee services Mental health and addiction services … policies GO Transit Government policies Deferred Votes Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 / Loi de 2018 portant sur … third reading, I like to prepare for debate by reading the Hansard of the committee hearings to find out what the public …
    House Hansard
  9. … HOMEMAKER PROGRAM ALCOHOL ABUSE PEANUT PRODUCTION WAGE AND PRICE RESTRAINT PROGRAM URANIUM PRICES 115TH BIRTHDAY OF … chairman, we as members were required to make 32 standing votes in the time available for that purpose. It occurred to … the very able deputy leader of this party. I gather from Hansard that in one response the very able Treasurer said, "I …
    House Hansard
  10. … AMENDMENT ACT ORDERS OF THE DAY PUBLIC SECTOR PRICES AND COMPENSATION REVIEW ACT (CONTINUED) The House met at 2 … I am quoting from his statement yesterday from the Instant Hansard: "The Treasurer has said, and it is factual, that … the member for York South (Mr. Rae) was defeated by seven votes; as many of the Liberals along with the Minister …
    House Hansard
  11. … MEMBERS’ PUBLIC BUSINESS ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS GAME AND FISH AMENDMENT ACT ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS GAME AND FISH … money on many fronts. Yet day after day, in my estimates debates, the Liberal Party consistently tells us we spend too … F. S. Miller: I would like to look at the exact words in Hansard. I don’t think I tried to imply the agreement …
    House Hansard
  12. … DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Motion for adoption of parts three and four of the final report of the standing resources … and Tourism (Mr. Grossman) said -- I’m quoting from Hansard: “In Espanola, on Wednesday of this week, I … at Espanola and Ottawa over the next five years.” Hansard goes on to record that the Leader of the Opposition …
    House Hansard
  13. … to a question last Friday, the Minister of Agriculture and Food (Mr. Henderson) stood in his place and said -- as he … colleague just read that. Hon. Mr. Ashe: You should read Hansard. That was read by your colleague who spoke … activity and slash employment growth." Anybody who votes for this gasoline tax increase is voting for a measure …
    House Hansard
  14. … my ministry was initiating a program of support services and special equipment to assist parents with developmentally … the ill-advised meeting he had in May 1982, as recorded in Hansard of December 15 with respect to the questions I raised … colour to the Legislature. After some of these difficult debates we have, it is nice to have something on the lighter …
    House Hansard
  15. … OF ONTARIO ASSETS PROTECTION ACT MUNICIPAL INTEREST AND DISCOUNT RATES ACT INSURED HEALTH SERVICES ACT ANSWERS TO … questions 114 and 115 standing on the Notice Paper. [See Hansard for Friday, June 19.] ORDERS OF THE DAY CO-OPERATIVE … going to take a few minutes and I hope inject into the debates something new that has not been said before. Above …
    House Hansard