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  1. … member of lying or making a statement which is untrue and the reference that was made to the incident of last … Sudbury East (Mr. Martel), I have carefully examined the Hansard report of that incident. The whole first portion of … of ideas than in the Legislature? The more heated our debates, the more I am reminded we live in a nation that has …
    House Hansard
  2. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS STANDING COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES … Martin's report. I'd encourage members to look at the Hansard of that— Hon. Sandra Pupatello: That's not true. The … about; nowhere near. We're talking about why we have debates. Your folks, the people who vote for you or don't …
    House Hansard
  3. … PUBLIC BUSINESS HOUSE SITTINGS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES PESTICIDES PESTICIDES PESTICIDES VISITORS ORAL … leader of the third party and certainly will be checking Hansard to see the language that he has used in the past—a … honourable members on the other side have just said, that debates that go on until 9:30 at night or midnight often are …
    House Hansard
  4. … importance to French-speaking citizens in the courts and is of course particularly relevant to the administration … example, that Parliament should be any more limited in its debates concerning judicial proceedings than is the press in … the other day, to prevent discussion -- and I am quoting Hansard. My point is this, Mr. Speaker -- Mr. Pope: It has …
    House Hansard
  5. … MEMBERS' PUBLIC BUSINESS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES HYDRO RATES DEFERRED VOTES HOUSE SITTINGS PARTY … to the New Democratic Party are identified as such in the debates and on the televised proceedings of the House. They … I should indicate I searched for a June 1, 1994, issue of Hansard, where, in contrast to the Hansard of this …
    House Hansard
  6. … WATER QUALITY QUALITÉ DE L'EAU Mr Jean Poirier (Prescott and Russell): I stand in this House today to bring to your … Mr Dennis Drainville (Victoria-Haliburton): As I looked at Hansard last week, on April 9 I saw some of the remarks made … not. I am aware that the Premier wishes to conclude these debates this afternoon, and I certainly want to facilitate …
    House Hansard
  7. … Restraint of Compensation in the Public Sector of Ontario and the Monitoring of Inflationary Conditions in the Economy … House leader participated for a long time in the debates with respect to the new Constitution of the country. … -- [Applause] Mr. Renwick: It is very difficult, because Hansard never quite records the sarcasm which is carried with …
    House Hansard
  8. … CABLE TV SERVICE IN OHC PROJECTS PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS AND SECURITY GUARDS ACT PUBLIC SERVANTS’ POLITICAL RIGHTS ACT … week, and the honourable member will note it if he reads Hansard, the problems with apprenticeships are several. One … Speaker: Order. Mr. Cassidy: We got 47 times the combined votes of the Conservative Party in BC. Mr. Speaker: Order. If …
    House Hansard
  9. … TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT CORP. FAMILY LAW REFORM WATER AND SEWAGE SYSTEMS REGULATION OF REST HOMES ABORTION CLINIC … in the Legislature on June 5, 1984, at page 2184 of Hansard, said I was absent from a vote on private member's … said before many times during this debate and in previous debates. There is nothing I can add to what I have said …
    House Hansard
  10. … that I can recall in the eight years I have been here and I think every member of the House can appreciate my … want to suggest to you that from my reading of the Instant Hansard, the member for Ottawa Centre (Mr. Cassidy) stated it … earliest days in this House I remember some very vigorous debates, with the member for Sudbury East (Mr. Martel) and
    House Hansard
  11. … Mardi 18 octobre 2005 ORDERS OF THE DAY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FORFEITED PROPERTY MANAGEMENT STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, … know that I have at least put those all on the record in Hansard. On Bill 128, it actually says as follows: 1920 "The … the path of dealing with these amendments because in our debates here, in the questions we've brought forward to the …
    House Hansard
  12. … Ontario. While the words of the debate were being uttered and while members from all sides were indicating support -- … Some hon. members: No, he didn’t. An hon. member: Read Hansard. Mr. Warner: I take that to be a direction of the … acquiesced, so that in fact that bill, as I presume the Votes and Proceedings will show, has been sent to the justice …
    House Hansard
  13. … housing Table ronde économique Dance Evolution Richard and Pauline Kniaziew Consideration of Bill 156 Ontario … himself wasn’t above a little fire and brimstone. From Hansard, in 1990, Mr. Allen said, “Yesterday in the assembly … time to contribute productively and collaboratively to debates, as I think all members in this place seek to do. …
    House Hansard
  14. … ORDER REPORTS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS ONTARIO WASTE DISPOSAL AND RECLAMATION COMMISSION ACT PERFUME AND COSMETICS BARS … period and not a 10-minute eating break, as recorded in Hansard. This approval was granted on the condition that the … Mr. Singer: Well done. Mr. Speaker: We’ll have the votes then. Voting first on Mr. Rhodes’ amendment to Mr. …
    House Hansard
  15. … NETWORK PAROLE SYSTEM VISITORS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES LIQUOR REGULATIONS PUBLIC INQUIRY INTO SECURITY … the crown standing in his or her place. If you will review Hansard -- and I can say that I reviewed Hansard, both the … it was like last week? The Speaker: My information is that Votes and Proceedings is the official Hansard and apparently …
    House Hansard