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  1. … bill: Bill 169, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and to amend and repeal various other statutes in respect of … think, from time to time, still watches these legislative proceedings. He would probably ask -- Interjection: Daily. … promised they would do this. So there you have it right in Hansard. The Acting Speaker: Further debate? Mr. Kormos: I'm …
    House Hansard
  2. … THUNDER BAY ACT BOROUGH OF SCARBOROUGH ACT LOUBILL HOBBIES AND SPORTS LIMITED ACT ANSWERS TO WRITTEN QUESTIONS ORDERS OF … all a point of clarification: Unless there is an error in Hansard -- which there may be -- at no time did I ask the … aware of warrants issued for purposes other than criminal proceedings and what other reasons have been given to require …
    House Hansard
  3. … AT GENERAL STEELWARES PLANT UNION GAS STRIKES AT DARRIGO AND FORT FRANCES CLINIC DOFASCO PLANT AT PORT BURWELL … particular areas, as for example, adoption and affiliation proceedings, it has not been generally abolished. It has been … consulted; they should have a referendum. I will check Hansard tomorrow and find out. It’s my opinion that we elect …
    House Hansard
  4. … COASTAL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CAYUGA LANDFILL SITE PITS AND QUARRIES CONTROLS ORDERS OF THE DAY THRONE SPEECH DEBATE … is not the time for it, those who were present for those debates will realize that both the tone and the substance … since he is not here this morning, you can refer him to Hansard so he can sit and think a little more seriously about …
    House Hansard
  5. … UNITS PENSION REFORM ACTIVITIES OF POLICE EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY RECYCLING FOURWAY PUBLIC SCHOOL WASTE DISPOSAL … demolition and conversion control. We have had a number of debates this year and last year on the issue of demolition … as I am sure you have understood. It would show in Hansard, at any rate; I would not even have to explain that …
    House Hansard
  6. … LAW REFORM AMENDMENT ACT ORDERS OF THE DAY INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COMMISSIONER NOTICE OF DISSATISFACTION THRONE … just a brief opportunity on a personal note to read from Hansard of June 12, 1984, a couple of quotes. This is a quote … depending on the mood he was in. In fact, many of the debates in this House will be tame compared to the debates
    House Hansard
  7. … FLECK CHILD CARE SERVICES BLADDER CANCER OAKVILLE ARTS AND CULTURE MOTIONS COMMITTEE SITTINGS HOUSE SITTINGS … of legislation passed. As has been pointed out in previous debates by this side of the House and by the third party, … in the House. That’s a very clear measure—it’s recorded in Hansard—of the lack of interest. There may be one member at …
    House Hansard
  8. … CONSERVATIVE PARTY VISIT OF MINISTER OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES EDUCATION FINANCING SOCIAL ASSISTANCE … comments made during question period. I have reviewed the Hansard for yesterday, and I must say to the members that in … Solicitor General not agree that he has clearly biased the proceedings of the office of the police complaints …
    House Hansard
  9. … MINISTRY OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AMENDMENT ACT The House resumed at 8 p.m. … this evening. I was reminding myself as I read through the Hansard of what is now five weeks ago that when the Minister … downstairs in committee room 1, I believe. From a read of Hansard, it looks to have been a fairly spirited exchange …
    House Hansard
  10. … NATIONS HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES FOREST FIRES DRINKING AND DRIVING SENIOR … Mr. Peterson: We will give her a QC. Mr. Rae: She still votes New Democrat, Mr. Speaker. I want to assure you of … the Trillium restaurant at Expo? Mr. Speaker: I have read Hansard from yesterday; I was not here. I understand the …
    House Hansard
  11. … juin 2004 MEMBERS' STATEMENTS JASSEN CULLIMORE DAVID COOK AND TERRY BUTT RELAY FOR LIFE JACK MCCLELLAND HEALTH SERVICES … I want to revisit your answer, not that I'll quote from Hansard, but you'll recall that you indicated an error had … to people who are hanging in the balance on these kinds of debates. I have been very clear and I will repeat one more …
    House Hansard
  12. … WATER QUALITY AGA KHAN FOUNDATION GRAPE AND WINE INDUSTRY INJURED WORKERS VEHICLE SAFETY SENIOR … the bottom line is that those who need it are caught up in debates, like mother and father fighting over a kid while the … The Speaker made the following remarks (at page 2292 of Hansard for May 29, 1979): "[I]t is not the responsibility of …
    House Hansard
  13. … NOTICE OF DISSATISFACTION ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN ORDERS AND NOTICES ORDERS OF THE DAY THIRD READING ELECTORAL … to point out to the minister that was a direct quote from Hansard from the former Community and Social Services critic … 105, 117, 136, 137, 138 and 140 in Orders and Notices [see Hansard for Friday, January 10]. Mr. Speaker: There are quite …
    House Hansard
  14. … STATEMENTS FAMILY SUPPORT OFFICES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ANNIVERSARY OF D-DAY AIDS TREATMENT FOREST … To the Attorney General I say, please look closely at the Hansard. I'll be submitting to you my speech verbatim so you … the same thing this bill says. As was the case in those debates, most members of this assembly, if not all, will …
    House Hansard
  15. … ON ELECTION FINANCES VISITOR STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE RESTRUCTURING ORAL … someone for misbehaviour. I know that emotions run high in debates and I probably have made the odd call myself, but … service and, as I recall it -- I don't have the instant Hansard yet in front of me -- he referred to what they were …
    House Hansard