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Displaying 871 - 885 of 7370
  1. … going to go out of the succession duty business entirely and become one of those havens, like Alberta and Nassau, to … to the somewhat lengthy remarks beginning at 4152 of Hansard of Oct. 11, 1973, and going on page after page … people in the Province of Ontario who undoubtedly read Hansard every night at bedtime will show perfectly clearly …
    House Hansard
  2. … ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF TREASURY AND ECONOMICS (CONTINUED) CONCURRENCE IN SUPPLY, MINISTRY OF … happens to be my major economic source of information. Hansard had better add "he said with a smile," or I am in … projects, has done nothing. We have had three emergency debates here; every time all it has done is say, "Tom Davies …
    House Hansard
  3. … RECOGNITION OF DOWNHILL SKIER STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ANNUAL REPORT, EMPLOYMENT EQUITY FOR WOMEN IN … there would be no new cases started. Mr. Warner: It is in Hansard. Hansard does not lie. Interjections. Mr. Speaker: … report. We have referred to them previously in the debates, particularly the Industrial Accident Prevention …
    House Hansard
  4. … MANAGEMENT MEMBERS' STATEMENTS MINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION GRANTS CLIMATE CHANGE CABINET MINISTERS … yesterday: "Stop raising issues in rural Ontario." It's in Hansard. I listened when she said it. Check back in Hansard. … of looking at the pamphlets, of watching the leaders' debates, of doing all that is necessary to inform oneself, …
    House Hansard
  5. … ACT HUNTER DAMAGE COMPENSATION AMENDMENT ACT DOG LICENSING AND LIVE STOCK AND POULTRY PROTECTION AMENDMENT ACT … second reading, nor have I had the opportunity to read Hansard to ascertain just what statements were made at the … but we do envisage the thrust of the rules will make the proceedings simpler and less technical, and especially less …
    House Hansard
  6. … CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY CLOSING OF DYLEX PLANT MARKET VALUE ASSESSMENT … by the Minister of Health in these words on page S-805 of Hansard on January 26: "Let me finally make it very clear … aid society. However, since there are no further proceedings being contemplated in this matter which the OPP …
    House Hansard
  7. … SCHOOLS REPORTS STANDING COMMITTEE ON PROCEDURAL AFFAIRS AND AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS HOUSE SITTINGS MOTIONS … and made a lot of promises to a lot of people to get votes. Between May 2 and May 24, his nominees made a lot of … the introduction of what some refer to as an electronic Hansard, but which is really the provision of television …
    House Hansard
  8. … about some of the contracts from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Last week, it was reported that Mr. Horswill, the … some time next week. Mr. Peterson: I refer the Premier to Hansard when he responded thus to the question to table the … for these estimates, is not present to participate in the debates for the concurrence, might I ask the chair which …
    House Hansard
  9. … RIFLES WATER EXTRACTION RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT P.J. AND M.J. FARRELL CANCER TREATMENT YOUNG OFFENDERS ORGAN DONOR … but it does not relate to any point of order which is the proceedings in this House. You may have a valid point, but it … accounts committee. I referred to some of the questions in Hansard, because I was very curious how it was the Ontario …
    House Hansard
  10. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT … member would like to print 15,000 or 20,000 copies of Hansard to suggest that he is taking some kind of leadership … be working for them and that is the best way to get the votes. I do not know, but I do want to speak on this and make …
    House Hansard
  11. … avril 2001 ORDERS OF THE DAY BACK TO SCHOOL ACT (TORONTO AND WINDSOR), 2001 / LOI DE 2001 SUR LE RETOUR À L'ÉCOLE … in this place, from my experience and when I checked the Hansard and the records of this place. Normally, when you … You don't care about the kids; you care about a couple of votes you're going to try to get, and you're not going to get …
    House Hansard
  12. … TORONTO TRANSIT COMMISSION, GRAY COACH LINES, LIMITED AND GO TRANSIT LABOUR DISPUTES SETTLEMENT ACT (CONCLUDED) … are irrelevant and should be ignored, and I trust Hansard will treat them in the same manner. Having said that, … in a vote, rejected this settlement by approximately 37 votes to four. This afternoon, my deputy minister received a …
    House Hansard
  13. … of the province for the year ending March 31, 1975, and recommends them to the legislative assembly, Toronto, … last April. I can read it to the Attorney General out of Hansard if he wants. What progress has the Attorney General … legislators regarding the lottery issue. On the contrary, debates have exhibited an intensity and a passion comparable …
    House Hansard
  14. … STOUFFVILLE DUMP FRENCH-LANGUAGE SCHOOLS EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY REPORT STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND OTHER … to note that, as reported in the Ontario newspaper Hansard, second reading took place in the Legislature to … to Hansard. I do not have the date, but during one of the debates and questions about benefit increases, the member for …
    House Hansard
  15. … to create a property interest in the ownership of space and to govern the conveyancing of these interests. It does … day. Mr. M. Davidson: You should listen to some of the debates in the House, Larry. Mr. McClellan: If the minister … the specific number, which will, of course, be recorded in Hansard. Mr. Sargent: Without getting into the Canadian bit …
    House Hansard