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  1. … ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AMENDMENT ACT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AMENDMENT ACT CONSUMER PROTECTION AMENDMENT ACT … was prepared to tell the press with respect to revocation proceedings commencing in February, when his indication to … member for Bellwoods, the minister said, and I quote from Hansard at page 807: "That covers Country Place, which has …
    House Hansard
  2. … TALPIOT COLLEGE ACT, 2006 STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES POLICE SERVICES NATIONAL ACCESS AWARENESS WEEK … example of Dalton McGuinty saying anything in order to win votes, with no inkling, no idea, no plan of how to get the … to the people who are going to watch this or read the Hansard and get on the Internet and write me those e-mails, …
    House Hansard
  3. … AMENDMENT ACT ORDERS OF THE DAY THIRD READINGS LANDLORD AND TENANT AMENDMENT ACT LAND TRANSFER TAX AMENDMENT ACT LAND … promised an employment strategy. He said, and I quote from Hansard on page 4236 in 1980: "The Ontario Manpower … when it comes to the case of losing some additional votes, as they think they will, or moving against this …
    House Hansard
  4. … Daigeler: Today I will do something I have not done before and probably will not be doing again for a long time. I will … who raised a point of privilege with me, I will examine Hansard. I will be reporting back to the House both on your … farm income crisis, our party has had several emergency debates in this House, and all of it is relevant. Certainly …
    House Hansard
  5. … TAXATION AIR QUALITY GOVERNMENT ADVERTISING TERMINATION AND SEVERANCE PAYMENTS SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT PROPERTY … Mr Bud Wildman (Algoma): You cut her off, so it's not in Hansard. The Speaker: Yes, I cut her off; it's not in … opposite is very sensitive about the fact that when he votes, presumably, if he votes, in favour of this motion, he …
    House Hansard
  6. … in co-operation with the One Step Beyond Adventure group and the Alexander Mackenzie Trail Association, are recreating … material for a minister's statement. I will review the Hansard for today and would ask that if the minister could … thrashing of politicians promising everything to get votes. The truth is that people in good faith went to the …
    House Hansard
  7. … mar 1978 SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES SELECT COMMITTEE ON INCO AND FALCONBRIDGE LAYOFFS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY SELECT … they have not been read they will be formally printed in Hansard so we would have that record? I would think it would … over the last 10 or more years, sometimes winding up debates, sometimes just simply making comments in the midst …
    House Hansard
  8. … There are 37 students from St. Joseph’s School in Wawa and Sister Anne Brotherton who is in charge -- also Mr. and … of a provincial officer, I would have to go through the proceedings of a suit against the Crown to be compensated for … Yes, we simply wish to indicate to the House and to Hansard and to posterity, to all future generations, that we …
    House Hansard
  9. … access to justice by amending or repealing various Acts and by enacting the Legislation Act, 2006 / Projet de loi 14, … down our throats. We want the bill split to allow separate votes on each piece of legislation." That's the right way of … Again, I'll run over the recommendations so they'll be in Hansard for the parliamentary assistant and others to review …
    House Hansard
  10. … been more than enough. The difference is 42 cents postage and a lot of wasted paper. My staff advises me that this … we had a minister of the crown, and it is recorded in Hansard, refer to members of the opposition as fascist bully … meet on Monday and Tuesday afternoons following routine proceedings; the standing committee on estimates may meet on …
    House Hansard
  11. … VISITOR STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY NIAGARA ESCARPMENT PITS AND QUARRIES WATER POLLUTION NUCLEAR PLANT SAFETY SALES TAX … could go into Hydro and get a copy. I will read from Hansard what was said. “I have knowledge that there is a … know what is going on in this very serious field?” [2:15] Hansard says: “Hon. Mr. Davis: They are down in the Hydro …
    House Hansard
  12. … ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS CITY OF WINDSOR ACT (RE CLEARY ESTATE), … on September 29 and the Premier said, and I quote from Hansard, "I know the minister will also want to be meeting … dispute, because as you know, it's before arbitration proceedings at this time. Mr Mahoney: Broken down; nobody's …
    House Hansard
  13. … the face of stated NDP policy in the rest of the province and would intrude on the municipalities' responsibilities for … the member for London North: I'm always pleased to reread Hansard -- it's my favourite reading material -- so I will do … I only say as my categorization that they have bought votes from the public and they have turned around and done …
    House Hansard
  14. … INVESTMENT ASSISTANCE TO HOME OWNERS EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSISTANCE FOR HOME CARE SEVERANCE PAY SKILLS … did not want to answer the question. The minister said in debates on the Suncor question last fall in this House, "By … the answers to questions 1 to 7 on the Notice Paper [see Hansard for Friday, April 2, and the interim answer to …
    House Hansard
  15. … a very disturbing situation that is affecting my riding and, I'm sure, the province as a whole. Conservation … choose who represents them. You will find, Mr Speaker, the Hansard will record that the minister did not read that … your member for Welland-Thorold to get yourselves some votes, and that is truly shameful. 1620 The Deputy Speaker: …
    House Hansard