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Displaying 736 - 750 of 14003
  1. (Original Version)
    … Protection Act, 2004, to make certain related amendments and to repeal and replace the Quality of Care Information … agent's duties and is not contrary to this Act or another law; and    (6)  Section 17 of the Act is amended by adding … directives of the Minister. Consultation    (2)  Before making a directive under subsection (1), the Minister shall, …
  2. (Original Version)
    … Environmental Assessment and Consultation Improvement Act, 1996 EXPLANATORY NOTE The … issue policy guidelines that the Board must consider when making decisions. (Section 7 of the Bill, section 27.1 of the Act) 3. Other amendments If an environmental law of another jurisdiction imposes requirements that are …
  3. (Original Version)
    … Governor in Council to make regulations governing rules and processes that apply if the Registrar of the Alcohol and … the Lieutenant Governor in Council is given new regulation making powers in respect of the harvesting of forest … that the council of a local municipality may, by by-law, delegate the authority to pass by-laws under section 34 …
  4. (Original Version)
    … capital under the name Building Ontario Fund in English and Fonds ontarien pour la construction in French. The Act … objects, the composition of the board of directors, by-law making provisions, the Chief Executive Officer and employees …
  5. (Royal Assent Version)
    … notification system for Ontario Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly … the rights or obligations of the Corporation or any by-law, resolution or appointment of the Corporation except to … (1)  The Corporation shall not charge a fee to any person making a request for the location of underground …
  6. (Original Version)
    … to delegate to persons in the private sector powers and duties and responsibilities to deliver services relating to road … any other remedy under the delegation agreement or at law. Obligations of delegate 8. (1) A delegate shall …
  7. (Original Version)
    … Bill 143 2013 An Act to enact the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2013, to repeal the Day Nurseries Act, … incorporation by reference 83. Public consultation before making regulations 84. Notice of regulation on website PART … for the purposes of this section, as otherwise required by law, or as permitted by the regulations. Duty to return …
  8. (Original Version)
    … the Trillium Gift of Life Network Act Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly … that person's death if, (a) the other person dies without making an objection in accordance with section 4; or (b) the … a cohabitation agreement under section 53 of the Family Law Act . Person lawfully in possession of body, exception …
  9. (Original Version)
    … Bill 37 2008 An Act to amend the Child and Family Services Act to protect Ontario's children Note: This Act amends the Child and Family Services Act .  For the legislative history of the … pornography, it shall report the matter to a society or a law enforcement agency, or to both as necessary. Annual …
  10. (Original Version)
    … An Act to require a public inquiry into government action and spending in connection with the G20 Summit Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly … and actions of the Government of Ontario and of Ontario's law enforcement agencies in connection with the G20 Summit; …
  11. (Original Version)
    … An Act to require a public inquiry into government action and spending in connection with the G20 Summit Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly … and actions of the Government of Ontario and of Ontario's law enforcement agencies in connection with the G20 Summit; …
  12. (Original Version)
    … Bill 10 2014 An Act to enact the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, to repeal the Day Nurseries Act, … incorporation by reference 83. Public consultation before making regulations 84. Notice of regulation on website PART … for the purposes of this section, as otherwise required by law, or as permitted by the regulations. Duty to return …
  13. (Original Version)
    … the Trillium Gift of Life Network Act Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly … person's death if,   (a)  the other person dies without making an objection in accordance with subsection 4 (3); or   … a cohabitation agreement under section 53 of the Family Law Act . Person lawfully in possession of body, exception    …
  14. (Original Version)
    … from the body. Part II of the Act sets out the manner and circumstances in which an objection may be made by or on … person's death if,   (a)  the other person dies without making an objection in accordance with subsection 4 (3); or   … a cohabitation agreement under section 53 of the Family Law Act . Person lawfully in possession of body, exception …
  15. (Original Version)
    … from the body. Part II of the Act sets out the manner and circumstances in which an objection may be made by or on … person's death if,   (a)  the other person dies without making an objection in accordance with subsection 4 (3); or   … a cohabitation agreement under section 53 of the Family Law Act . Person lawfully in possession of body, exception …