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  1. … select committee on the Ombudsman, based upon his second and third report. Since many of the recommendations contained … that. Don’t you know? [8:30] Mr. Baetz: You can read it in Hansard tomorrow. The second recommendation of the select … on the fact that these areas need to be served. In the debates in the House when the Office of the Ombudsman was set …
    House Hansard
  2. … removed from the top of my desk. That is a serious matter and I would like to advise the Sergeant at Arms that I would … year. Expenditures must be made in accordance with the votes and items of the estimates in any supplemental … benches of the Liberal Party. Mr Maves: He got himself in Hansard. Mr Gilchrist: Yes, Mr Levac did prove he was here …
    House Hansard
  3. … (CONTINUED) SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES The House met at 2 p.m. Prayers. Mr. … Davis: -- in spite of the fact that we had arranged these debates for about 10 days that he did have a commitment … Martel: I must find out where I said that. It will be in Hansard. Mr. Chairman: The Chair did not hear the hon. member …
    House Hansard
  4. … Statements Nurses Tenant protection Islington Health and Wellness Fair Ontario Drug Benefit Program Unbound … from all three parties, and probably one round of other debates, we could let it go forward, because if you really … on Bill 31, we saw none of any of that. In fact, read the Hansard. I encourage anyone who wants to see the true nature …
    House Hansard
  5. … ACT, 1997 MEMBERS' STATEMENTS TVONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE AND LABOUR RELATIONS REFORM ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION COMMUNITY … by my leader in the House today. I have an excerpt from Hansard of June 4, 1997. That was a debate in this House, and … Party, such as Bob Welch. Perhaps I should send the Hansard to Bob, because the government just appointed him to …
    House Hansard
  6. … COW-CALF STABILIZATION PAYMENTS WINTARIO GRANTS ANCHOR CAP AND CLOSURE EMISSIONS CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES … (Mr. Smith) also told the government it had lied. From Hansard, I quote the leader of the Liberal Party: "The leader … that has characterized much of the constitutional debates. I am confident that history will reflect that …
    House Hansard
  7. … the Board of Parole a say in earned release decisions, and to change the name of the Board of Parole / Projet de … me a note, I'll get your group recognized on the record of Hansard. Fill out a note and have it sent to me, and I'd be … the globe. In all my reading and all my discussions and debates with others on privatization, however, I can say with …
    House Hansard
  8. … of Bill 100, An Act to amend the Electricity Act, 1998 and the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 and to make … committed to. Then once in office, on December 1, 2003, in Hansard, the Energy Minister, Mr Duncan said, "We believe … in Calgary, where, as you know, there are lots of energy debates. The Pembina Institute, in their study, looked very …
    House Hansard
  9. … the Canada pension plan, the teachers' superannuation fund and the public capital markets -- by continuing the Treasury … your permission, I would like to refer to. It comes from Hansard of April 18, 1984, and was asked during the question … rating. The official opposition knows full well that if it votes against this bill and it is defeated, the double-A-plus …
    House Hansard
  10. … occurred at a high school in my riding of Hamilton East, and also to ask this government to act on potential solutions … I was looking at one of his speeches. I was going through Hansard, and fortunately we still have these. He was talking … has fallen. I know the opposition does not like to hold debates using the facts. Just minutes before Mr Marchese …
    House Hansard
  11. … government side of the deficiencies contained in Bill 127 and specifically of the deficiencies that show themselves in … sitting tomorrow at two o'clock with the regular routine proceedings and then proceed to third reading of Bill 127. … last evening, there is on page 2050-1 of the Instant Hansard, page 19, in the third line of the first paragraph …
    House Hansard
  12. … TELEVISION IN LEGISLATURE PETITIONS SALE OF BEER AND WINE EQUAL PAY FOR WORK OF EQUAL VALUE INDEPENDENT … Wells) on this, he was reluctant to have the electronic Hansard introduced into the House, but because you are … I sent a request to the library for one of the earlier debates. I do not believe it was the first one. I was just …
    House Hansard
  13. … (Perth): Mr. Speaker, I’d like to introduce to you, and through you to the members of this House, Miss Cooper and … consider this proposition, which is in the record of Hansard from, literally the year 1968? Mr. Lewis: All of … the member for York South, I had occasion to look at the Votes and Proceedings of yesterday, in which it now appears …
    House Hansard
  14. … DIALYSIS CULTURE DAYS POLARIS MUSIC PRIZE GALA BROCKVILLE AND AREA SPECIAL OLYMPICS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND … I have a question to the Acting Premier. One of the debates with our arbitration system is around the notion of … act when you said they would work. I will point you to the Hansard; the quotes are there. We brought forward a number of …
    House Hansard
  15. … CASES CRIMINAL RECORDS ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS HANOVER AND ANNEXATION PROVINCIAL SCHOOLS TRANSFERS SPECIAL EDUCATION … the existing law which provides that “writs, pleadings and proceedings in all courts shall be in the English language … a point. An hon. member: Careful. Mr. Peterson: Did Hansard make note of sarcasm? Mr. Nixon: -- and I don’t see …
    House Hansard