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Displaying 6946 - 6960 of 7372
  1. … WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AMENDMENT ACT, 1994 / LOI … throughout the Legislature who will be joining us in our proceedings this morning. Could you please identify yourself … for questions from the three caucuses. Get your name on Hansard, please, and it's your dime. Ms Julie Nielsen: My …
    Committee Hansard
  2. … OF SOUTH ASIAN CANADIANS CANADIAN COUNCIL OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS, ONTARIO REGION ONTARIO COMMITTEE, COMMUNIST PARTY … of multiculturalism policy. I think one of the current debates going on is, should race relations be a part of … but which may be found in the reports of this House in Hansard at the time of the Quebec referendum in 1980. If you …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … / LOI DE 1996 RÉDUISANT LE NOMBRE DE DÉPUTÉS LABOUR UNION AND EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT, 1996 … by Mario Sergio. Will this motion be discussed after these proceedings? The Chair: I understand that it was his … than `Don Valley East'." I can read you nine pages of Hansard back in 1975 as to why the name Oriole was chosen and
    Committee Hansard
  4. … / LOI DE 1996 RÉDUISANT LE NOMBRE DE DÉPUTÉS LABOUR UNION AND EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT, 1996 … by Mario Sergio. Will this motion be discussed after these proceedings? The Chair: I understand that it was his … than `Don Valley East'." I can read you nine pages of Hansard back in 1975 as to why the name Oriole was chosen and
    Committee Hansard
  5. … The committee will be in order. I'll get the gavel later and try to bang the table a little lighter than that. We have … the agenda from now until 6 o'clock, when we will rise for votes in the House: We have Dr Agnes Bishop, president of the … as they present, identify themselves for the purpose of Hansard? Let me begin by welcoming the president of the AECB, …
    Committee Hansard
  6. … Jan 2014 / Jeu 23 jan 2014 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … to the government side. If you’d introduce yourselves for Hansard, so we know which one of you is who on the audiotape, … it any way you see fit. If you’d introduce yourselves for Hansard. Any questions will come from the NDP this time. Mr. …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … Tuesday 16 May 2023 Mardi 16 mai 2023 Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 Loi de 2023 sur le … General, the floor is yours. Please state your name for Hansard, and then you may begin. You have 20 minutes. Hon. … Sorry. Please just state your name for the record, for Hansard. Thank you. Mr. Mario Di Tommaso: I apologize. My …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … Chair: The rotation: we start with the official opposition and 20 minutes allocated to them. Mrs Leona Dombrowsky … Hon Mr Stockwell: I think it was. You should reread your Hansard. I think you have a confusing way of hearing … Mr Agostino: As much influence as I had -- I needed nine votes. Hon Mr Stockwell: You didn't have enough, eh? Mr …
    Committee Hansard
  9. … appointee as member, Ontario Securities Commission, and he will correct me if I have mispronounced his name. Mr … to make some remarks, should you choose to do so, and subsequent to that each of the political parties … minutes to direct questions to you. Mr Shirriff: Chairman and members of the committee, I will take the opportunity of …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … Rogers   The committee met at 0900 in committee room 2 and by video conference. The Vice-Chair (Mr. Aris Babikian): … We are also joined by staff from legislative research, Hansard and broadcast and recording. To make sure that … sure that I am on time for question period or for morning proceedings; and certainly the driving distance is only about …
    Committee Hansard
  11. … CHAIN DRUG ASSOCIATION SHOPPERS DRUG MART LTD HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO RESPIRATORY THERAPY SOCIETY … of Health has continuously maintained during negotiation proceedings relative to pharmacists' dispensing fees that … you understand, those are part of our record, they're in Hansard, so we all have those questions as well. Mr O'Connor: …
    Committee Hansard
  12. … de la province de l’Ontario Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Ontario Restaurant Hotel and Motel Association … as you run out of time. If you’d introduce yourself for Hansard. Mr. Dave Bryans: Sure. I’m Dave Bryans. I’m the … to the end of the time. If you’d introduce yourself for Hansard. Ms. Katie Walmsley: I will. Good afternoon. My name …
    Committee Hansard
  13. … FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE ANDREA BOWKER JOE HAYDEN POLISH GAY AND LESBIAN ASSOCIATION (TORONTO) TORONTO MAYOR'S COMMITTEE … of the poorest in our community, that downloading and your debates on megacity are totally intertwined. Like the … it if you'd both introduce yourselves for the benefit of Hansard at the beginning of your presentation, and I'd …
    Committee Hansard
  14. … People with Disabilities, Members of Racial Minorities and Women / Loi prévoyant l'équité en matière d'emploi pour … small businesses, although IBM, if you heard any proceedings yesterday, did give qualified support for the … getting set up, Mr Chair, if you would check the Instant Hansard, I think you'll find that Ms Carter referred to …
    Committee Hansard
  15. … Cycling Association. Welcome. Identify yourselves by name and whatever titles you might have in your organization. … time I have been here today, and I know from reading in Hansard about the debate held in the Legislative Assembly on … will become part of the record, a permanent part of these proceedings, and will undoubtedly be relied on in the …
    Committee Hansard