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  1. … that the acupuncture quacks were invading the province, and now there is evidence that they are here and apparently … respond in kind. Hon. G. A. Kerr (Solicitor General): Read Hansard, Give him a course -- Mr. Sargent: The minister knows … for some time, a strong advocate of time limitation on debates. For that reason I will not take more than 20 or 30 …
    House Hansard
  2. … DANS LES CONSEILS SCOLAIRES STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES TEACHERS’ COLLECTIVE BARGAINING CITIZENSHIP … plant ... and I agree with them”—the member from Halton, Hansard, June 1, 2010. “Oakville residents have called on you … with the stakeholders in the sector. I look forward to the debates that we’re going to have on this matter. CITIZENSHIP …
    House Hansard
  3. … SPEAKER STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY STABILIZATION PROGRAMS AND INTEREST RATES ORAL QUESTIONS QUEEN STREET MENTAL HEALTH … necessary for him to involve himself in these partisan votes in the light of the high office he now holds and in the … nyea." His observations probably never saw the record of Hansard. When he referred to this distinguished group of new …
    House Hansard
  4. … wrote to you on June 29 to request a meeting with you and to express her concerns. Quoting from this letter, she … They're not here to listen, but I'm sure they will have Hansard and I'm sure they will have access to it. I would … different. When you read in history about the many agorean debates and fine speeches, in effect, it should be. I don't …
    House Hansard
  5. … CONTROL ACT MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTIVITY ACT ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON NOTICE PAPER … Treasurer stated in this House, and it is in the Instant Hansard, "Even the polls would tell me that I should not do … F. S. Miller: Mr. Speaker, I will be glad to look through Hansard but if the member could show me where the witnesses …
    House Hansard
  6. … Malvern area. I have cautioned the member several times, and I warn him that should he not be speaking to the Bill … to be moved farther back and farther to the right if he votes against the government on this important bill. I must … will read it. If they do, I want to assure them through Hansard of the continuing concern of their provincial member. …
    House Hansard
  7. … Mercredi 18 avril 2018 Orders of the Day Plan for Care and Opportunity Act (Budget Measures), 2018 / Loi de 2018 … him informing this House. My experience in time-allocation debates is that we’re debating the merit of time allocation … because we don’t hear— Hon. Tracy MacCharles: Check the Hansard. Mr. Taras Natyshak: We just heard the member from …
    House Hansard
  8. … WRITTEN QUESTIONS ORDERS OF THE DAY PUBLIC SECTOR PRICES AND COMPENSATION REVIEW ACT (CONTINUED) ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS … minister will take notice of your question when he reads Hansard. In his absence, I am sure the government House … I do not know to what extent the judges may have read the debates of the assembly or the arguments that were put by the …
    House Hansard
  9. … ST MICHAEL'S MUSTANGS VISITORS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES AMENDMENT ACT (ACCESS TO CHILD ABUSE … in this province. I think we need to have further debates in this Legislature on issues faced by persons with … was outraged." He said nothing on May 15, not a word, and Hansard will show that. So the opposition raised the …
    House Hansard
  10. … General as the continuing garnishment which can occur and is now available against payments under a pension plan. … be back to make a statement. Mr. McClellan: You check Hansard and see what was said. Mr. Martel: What are we … the Law respecting the Organization, Operation and Proceedings of Courts of Justice in Ontario. Hon. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  11. … Foulds: He subsequently said, on page 79 of the Instant Hansard: “Dr. Pullan, a director of applied physics for the Ontario Research Foundation, our own lab experts and the dean of science of Lakehead University were meeting … of members in the House, that we could have the votes distributed in the committee in such a way that we …
    House Hansard
  12. … PLAN ORAL QUESTIONS ENERGY PROGRAM ASSISTANCE TO PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY ECONOMIC EQUALITY FOR WOMEN AMHERSTBURG … in the United States with those in Ontario. I quote from Hansard what he said: “We will do it monthly. We will do it … briefing themselves for this discussion or following the debates at the first ministers’ meeting will recall that …
    House Hansard
  13. … RETARDED INTRODUCTION OF BILLS ONTARIO BIBLE COLLEGE AND ONTARIO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ACT TOWNSHIP OF TINY ACT … Speaker, I will take the liberty of forwarding a copy of Hansard to the member for Parkdale because I know upon … the United States, legislative, congressional and Senate debates are now computerized and virtually on-line so you can …
    House Hansard
  14. … THE DOME J. DONALD BAXTER AGRICULTURE LAND ONTARIO ECONOMY HANSARD REPORTING SERVICE VISITOR MINISTER'S COMMENTS MEMBER … the Clerk has received from the chief election officer and laid upon the table a certificate of a by-election in the … As a familiar name given to the official reports of debates in Parliament throughout the Commonwealth, Hansard
    House Hansard
  15. … ORAL QUESTIONS DRUG SUBSTITUTES FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DOMINION STORES OVERTIME WORKERS … out of order because my question was an extract from Hansard. Interjections. Mr. Speaker: Order. I ask the member … because it is sexy, very attractive and will get votes. Mr. Villeneuve: Confrontation. Mr. Gregory: …
    House Hansard