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Displaying 661 - 675 of 7370
  1. … BRANCH COFFEE PRICES FINANCIAL PROTECTION FOR FARMERS OIL AND GAS PRICES BOISE CASCADE DISPUTE; INCO SHUTDOWN GLANBROOK … Snow: Mr. Speaker, immediately, as soon as I obtain the Hansard report of the honourable member’s statement, I will … for two years on this subject. There’s lots of stuff in Hansard, lots of stuff in print that we believe; lots of …
    House Hansard
  2. … be authorized to pay the salaries of the civil servants and other necessary payments pending the voting of supply for … time the budget is introduced, we must have these policy debates on the various tax measures. As I was saying when the … are most helpful, but I really wouldn't want to deprive Hansard of the pearls of wisdom from the member for Wilson …
    House Hansard
  3. … OF THE INTEGRITY COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES MINING INDUSTRY HEALTH PROMOTION / PROMOTION DE … River): It's clear on the record. It's right there in Hansard. Hon. James J. Bradley (Minister of Tourism, minister … did, he should withdraw. Mr. Hampton: I said it's on the Hansard record, Speaker. Interjections. The Speaker: I did …
    House Hansard
  4. … services Subventions pour les arts et la culture / Arts and cultural funding Driver licences Public transit Member’s … We’ll vote on this particular bill at the end of all the debates. Driver licences Mr. Jim McDonell: I move that, in … speaking with accuracy, I’d like to refer the members to Hansard yesterday morning, when the Attorney General spoke to …
    House Hansard
  5. … Mr. R. D. Kennedy (Peel South): Just before we start proceedings, I would like to take the opportunity to … of cubs, 1st Erindale “C” Cub Pack under Mr. Jan Graper and other leaders. Some of these young gentlemen come from … quite lavish. I appreciate that widespread applause, let Hansard record. Hon. J. R. Rhodes (Minister of Transportation …
    House Hansard
  6. … LOTTERY CORP CONTROL OF SMOKING STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES RED TAPE REDUCTION RÉDUCTION DES FORMALITÉS … following at pages 4213 and 4214 of the House of Commons Hansard: "There some connection between the … law, no passing of second reading, no passing of committee debates, no hearing from the public, no passing of third …
    House Hansard
  7. … LEADERSHIP CAMPAIGN DISASTER RELIEF AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS LATVIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY DEATH OF MEMBER'S … of these tests in the design of a permanent electronic Hansard system. Coverage will begin today with question … race over the weekend. It was pretty close -- 19 votes, 10 people. That is all that made the difference. In a …
    House Hansard
  8. … would it be okay if we went through members' statements and then I'll go back to Beaches-Woodbine for your point of … special order." That ruling can be found on page 2996 of Hansard for October 28, 1992. Second, in 1993 the Speaker … to section 42(f), which deals with time allotment on debates, and I raise this because, given your earlier ruling, …
    House Hansard
  9. … has taken our proposed amendment regarding the English and Wabigoon River system -- which you know about and which … to read them again. I believe I’ve answered. It will be in Hansard. Mr. Riddell: You did just about as well as you did … not used as a means not to enlighten the House of certain proceedings. I’d like to continue on with the next question …
    House Hansard
  10. … why a community-based program with an excellent reputation and therapeutic education program for vulnerable children … issues. Quite frankly, I read with some amazement the Hansard of last Thursday in committee of the whole. I read … Mahoney: George, it was. There were some very acrimonious debates that took place in Kingston, in Sudbury and London …
    House Hansard
  11. … honourable members who commented on this bill last night, and in the next few minutes I would like to attempt to reply … point of view, but if the Solicitor General reads Hansard, I said that all the Tory hacks were there, and the … then they can refer to us as "someone over there." Hansard will show that. Mr. Rotenberg: On a point of order, …
    House Hansard
  12. … GOVERNMENT INTRODUCTION OF BILLS HYDRO ONE INC. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS ACT, 2002 / LOI DE 2002 SUR LES ADMINISTRATEURS … grandchildren can reflect upon, yes, perhaps even the Hansard of these brief proceedings here, and understand that … Hon Mr Sterling: I consider this one of the more serious debates that I've ever participated in in this place, because …
    House Hansard
  13. … SUNDAY TRADING FISHERIES PROJECTS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY HOLIDAY GREETINGS AID TO WAR VICTIMS TARIFFS ON … on the advisory board, but it was strange in the Bill 30 debates and the transition committees that were established … in this House only a few months ago. When I looked back in Hansard, what should I find but a resolution that was debated …
    House Hansard
  14. … FARMERS FOREST MANAGEMENT BRUCE HYDRO LINE EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY AUTOMOBILE PURCHASE RADIO READING SERVICE MOTION … a retail seller charges an unfair price, the bill sets out proceedings and remedies for ensuring compliance with the … and the interim answers to questions 206 and 209 [see Hansard for Friday, June 25]. Before calling the first order, …
    House Hansard
  15. … members, are expressing a genuine concern about this and advocating some useful programs on the part of government … the wisdom and importance of having an electronic Hansard in this House. Yes, it has worked to the advantage of … ago. As I recall, I am sure that in both those first two debates I focused my remarks on matters of an economic nature …
    House Hansard