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  1. … WCB CRISIS COMMITTEE HAMILTON-BRANTFORD, ONTARIO BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL UNITED STEELWORKERS OF … Crisis Committee. Would you please introduce yourself for Hansard. You have 20 minutes in which to make your … they know that somewhere they've got to find a couple of votes in the next election. When you and the police start …
    Committee Hansard
  2. … the Ministry of Education. We have been allocated 10 hours and we have three specific votes to complete in the time allotted. If I might take care … evenings, but I think that's an open-ended question. If Hansard and the committee will bear with me, I have a series …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … BOARD OF TRADE UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 93 NEPEAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE … feeling of our business people. Prohibition of parallel proceedings in court and under the act: Currently, a … Thank you. Mr Christopherson: I'll be reflecting on the Hansard on this carefully. Did you actually say that the …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … Mar 2016 / Mar 22 mar 2016 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … you begin, please identify yourself for the purposes of Hansard. Mr. Smokey Thomas: Hi, good morning. I’m Smokey … wider range of methods of serving documents to be used in proceedings before the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … 2009 Mardi 17 novembre 2009 MINISTRY OF SMALL BUSINESS AND CONSUMER SERVICES       The committee met at 0901 in … for this year. We have this morning and time after routine proceedings today, and tomorrow afternoon after routine … River, I might draw his attention to the transcripts in Hansard from this committee—I believe it was July 31—when the …
    Committee Hansard
  6. … health by enacting the Healthy Menu Choices Act, 2015 and the Electronic Cigarettes Act, 2015 and by amending the … to welcome all members of the committee, the Clerk and Hansard. We have a special delegation with us today as … of all the members of the committee. I hope you enjoy the proceedings here. At the last meeting, yesterday, we had a …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … sort of swallow and live with it because we don't have the votes. That's still a whole lot different, Ernie, than … year, go to small-town Ontario. I'm quite sure that's in Hansard, in one of the first discussions we had. Maybe it was …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … REPORT, PROVINCIAL AUDITOR, 1992 MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES CONTENTS Thursday 21 January 1993 Annual … you anticipated an additional $300 million. Dr Pascal: As Hansard will indicate, I said at least $300 million. Again, … I reiterate, I did not participate in the lengthy debates on the WCB, and neither did my colleague Ms Marland …
    Committee Hansard
  9. … The first delegation to present is Environment Canada and Natural Resources Canada, a joint presentation. I believe … coming forward at this time. Please state your name for Hansard. You have 20 minutes for presentation and questions … trying to balance the demands of sitting in the House, and votes, with the work that has to be done on this committee. …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … 26 octobre 2009 SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AND SCHOOL BOARD GOVERNANCE ACT, 2009 LOI DE 2009 SUR LE … yourselves as you're speaking for the purposes of Hansard recording the permanent record. Your time officially … one of the most thoughtful, passionate but genuine debates we've had in many years, because we all care about …
    Committee Hansard
  11. … intérim Mr Todd Decker Staff / Personnel Ms Anne Marzalik and Mr Lewis Yeager, research officers, Legislative Research … Mr Gourley, if you'd be good enough for the purposes of Hansard to introduce yourself and those at the witness table, … we'll go by caucus for questioning. For the purposes of Hansard, if you would simply be good enough to identify …
    Committee Hansard
  12. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … to identify yourselves for the purposes of our recording Hansard. Ms. Kelly Duffin: Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. … Thank for your presentation. For the committee, if routine proceedings were to come before 2:30, could you come before …
    Committee Hansard
  13. … ONTARIO TRAINING AND ADJUSTMENT BOARD ACT, 1993 / LOI DE 1993 SUR LE CONSEIL … on videotape from your MPP's office free of charge or in Hansard by way of transcript. COMPUTER-ESE EDUTRAN TRAINING … can say you usually get it--there will be issues on which votes will be required. Each of the main partners must be …
    Committee Hansard
  14. … ROBERT FRANKLIN SOCIETY OF ONTARIO HYDRO PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES JAMES BULLOCK DAVID KERR … be good enough to identify yourself for the purposes of Hansard, and your colleagues with you. For members of the … the committee asked a question about the costs of the OEB proceedings. CAC participates, and we recover our costs for …
    Committee Hansard
  15. … 29 February 2016 Lundi 29 février 2016 Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and … is doing—and, quite frankly, what we’ve had a number of debates on in the legislative chamber—is the prevalence and … You may—or you shall. The Vice-Chair (Mr. Jagmeet Singh): Hansard shall recognize Ms. Jones saying “hallelujah.” All …
    Committee Hansard