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Displaying 571 - 585 of 7370
  1. … of order regarding this motion, to whit its orderliness and, with respect, in view of the fact that the Chair will … time familiarizing himself with the rules that govern debates and procedures in this House. I think it's important … on that particular occasion. 1910 I only wish I had the Hansard before me tonight, where I could read some of the …
    House Hansard
  2. … by the Ontario government which are designed to encourage and promote more efficient use of energy resources in the … speech, I think a year and a half ago, during my estimate debates on this very topic. We’re not at odds on this matter … minister speaks. I would like to quote from the “quick” Hansard of November 2, 1976, where Mr. Renwick says: “But I …
    House Hansard
  3. … MANDELA STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY WEEK LANDLORDS’ RESTRICTIONS ON PETS POLICE … bill. They have not been able to find it by viewing the Hansard reports of the honourable member’s speeches, so we … I think the member for Welland-Thorold can read the Hansard wherein the member for Wellington indicated …
    House Hansard
  4. … KINDERGARTEN CASINO EMPLOYEES MUNICIPAL FINANCES ARTS AND CULTURAL FUNDING FLU PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS FLU PANDEMIC … and often to die. We speak of sacrifice in the day-to-day debates that occur in this place, we extol the virtues of … the tactic of an omnibus bill. I have pulled out of Hansard all kinds of speeches about how dastardly, how …
    House Hansard
  5. … IMPROVEMENTS PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES ASSISTANCE FOR SENIORS AND DISABLED PERSONS YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT AMATEUR HOCKEY HOTEL … -- Mr. Speaker: Question, please. Mr. Philip: -- read Hansard and not misinform the House. Is the minister not … you. Mr. Speaker: Order. Mr. Philip: The fact is it is in Hansard. Read Hansard. Mr. Speaker: Order. Supplementary. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  6. … PAPER ORDERS OF THE DAY ESTIMATES, OFFICE OF THE PREMIER AND CABINET OFFICE (CONCLUDED) The House met at 10:04 a.m. … this very vividly. I might even get some quotes out of Hansard to support this. I may even find some quotes out of … his nose into the committee or into the private members’ debates at all. He stays absent and leaves it up to people …
    House Hansard
  7. … (Mr. Roy), there were certain salient points he left out and I would like to bring them to the attention of this … October 16, 1979, and stated, as reported at page 3521 of Hansard: "I could find no honest consensus that significant … on December 13, 1979. He said, as reported at page 5460 of Hansard: "The members are all aware of the stand this …
    House Hansard
  8. … ANDREW STEWART DAIRY FARMERS OF ONTARIO COUNTIES OF PERTH AND MIDDLESEX HEALTH CARE REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING … the Minister of the Environment have been quoted often in Hansard stating that the implementation of the Nutrient … had that sense of, why do we bother having these long debates when, at the end of the day, the Liberal majority is …
    House Hansard
  9. … juin 2001 ORDERS OF THE DAY RESPONSIBLE CHOICES FOR GROWTH AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (2001 BUDGET), 2001 / LOI DE 2001 SUR … school, if the Speaker will indulge me, I will read from Hansard from the presentation the individual made: "In my … forward, there were referendums, public discussions and debates and campaigns, and information was not a shortage. …
    House Hansard
  10. … SYSTEM LONG-TERM CARE DIWALI CRIME PREVENTION PAT AND ROSA SIMON LEGISLATIVE PAGES INTRODUCTION OF BILLS … in the gallery today and to all those watching these proceedings on TV that for your courage, your sacrifice, your … (Brant): On a point of order, Mr Speaker: After checking Hansard yesterday and previous Hansard records regarding a …
    House Hansard
  11. … OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM HUMAN RIGHTS ROOMERS, BOARDERS AND LODGERS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY PRESCRIPTION DRUGS … Charlton: It is not an exact quote, but if he goes back to Hansard he will find the reference to which I am referring. … 21 et 22 sont adoptés. Mrs. Grier: The rest are stacked votes. Mr. Chairman: That is right. We have some stacked …
    House Hansard
  12. … the performance of the Minister of Financial Institutions and Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations. Over the … few seconds to conclude her remarks. I will review Hansard and I will report back to you tomorrow. I mention to … in cabinet that really tipped the balance in the debates that went on there. I think probably she is not going …
    House Hansard
  13. … corporations Child protection Pharmacare Child and youth services Agri-food industry Employment standards … to the House in days gone by, the purpose of these debates is to canvass public opinion, to make the public … start to cough too loudly, I apologize to the people from Hansard. I don’t mean to hurt your ears, but I have this cold …
    House Hansard
  14. … after the referendum of last week -- we in the country and the politicians felt that we needed a new Senate and that … argument applies in the case of ratification and strike votes. I am surprised that this government has not exhibited … for Welland-Thorold." But you may have done that and Hansard will show it. I think many of us are confused as to …
    House Hansard
  15. … Attorney General (Mr. McMurtry), the Minister of Community and Social Services (Mr. Norton), the Minister of the … Chairman, I will request the Attorney General to look at Hansard and to get answers for you, good or bad, one way or … into consideration. I personally was not involved in the debates that led to setting the fair-wage scale. I was not …
    House Hansard