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Displaying 571 - 585 of 14003
  1. (Original Version)
    … motor vehicle towing industry in Ontario Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly … is composed of the number of individuals specified by by-law, not to exceed 20, and at least 40 per cent of the … for such business, including deductibles;     (l)  making any provision of the Corporations Act and Corporations …
  2. (Original Version)
    … motor vehicle towing industry in Ontario Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly … is composed of the number of individuals specified by by-law, not to exceed 20, and at least 40 per cent of the … for such business, including deductibles;     (l)  making any provision of the Corporations Act and the …
  3. (Original Version)
    … Bill 241 2002 An Act to enhance safety and mobility on Ontario's roads Her Majesty, by and with the … per hour, the council of a municipality may by by-law prescribe a rate of speed of 30 kilometres per hour for … make a report under section 203, 204, 204.1 or 204.2 for making such a report or for reporting to the Registrar in …
  4. (Original Version)
    … Bill 20 2003 An Act to enhance safety and mobility on Ontario's roads Her Majesty, by and with the … per hour, the council of a municipality may by by-law prescribe a rate of speed of 30 kilometres per hour for … make a report under section 203, 204, 204.1 or 204.2 for making such a report or for reporting to the Registrar in …
  5. (Original Version)
    … Bill 173 2016 An Act to implement Budget measures and to enact or amend various statutes CONTENTS 1. Contents … government entity or public body. Limitation - regulation-making powers    (3)  A regulation made under clause (1) (b) … any authority under a statute, regulation or any other law to delegate or assign such a power, function or duty. …
  6. (Original Version)
    … Educational Communications Authority Act, 2008 and make complementary amendments to the Ontario Educational … and administer distance education programs. By-laws, making    5.  (1)  Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the … be filed with the Minister provided, however, that no by-law shall take effect until the expiration of two weeks from …
  7. (Original Version)
    … rules respecting consultations with the City before plans and drawings are submitted for approval and respecting … Section 23 is amended in two ways with respect to the by-law making power of the Corporation designated under the Act. …
  8. (Original Version)
    … reimbursement 7. Definition 8. Records 9. Inspections and inquiries 10. Recovery of overpayments 11. … entitled to receive it; and   (b)  to authorize the making of financial arrangements to reimburse electricity … doing any such thing. Same    (7)   Despite any other law to the contrary, every person shall, unless the person is …
  9. (Original Version)
    … Act to enact the Energy Conservation Leadership Act, 2005 and to amend the Electricity Act, 1998, the Ontario Energy … as may be prescribed, despite any restriction imposed at law that would otherwise prevent or restrict their use, … requirements as may be prescribed for that purpose. When making capital investments (2)  The Lieutenant Governor in …
  10. (Original Version)
    … for trade unions to have access to certification processes and to enact other measures with respect to employee rights … History at Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of …
  11. (Original Version)
    … Bill 55 2012 An Act to implement Budget measures and to enact and amend various Acts Note: This Act amends or … 1994 Schedule 9 Change of Name Act Schedule 10 Children's Law Reform Act Schedule 11 Compulsory Automobile Insurance … fair market value;   (b)  to purchase any debentures, bills or notes of a corporation; and    (c)  to make advances …
  12. (Original Version)
    … Bill 42 Bill 421999 An Act to enhance public safety and to improve competitiveness by ensuring compliance with … permitted by the authorization in accordance with law; (b)will not carry out the activities permitted by the … application for a hearing is made may extend the time for making the application either before or after the 15-day …
  13. (Royal Assent Version)
    … Explanatory Note was written as a reader’s aid to Bill 2 and does not form part of the law. Bill 2 has been enacted as Chapter 10 of the Statutes of … the parties and a listed bargaining unit. Criteria (2)  In making an award, the mediator-arbitrator shall take into …
  14. (Original Version)
    … the Racing Commission Act Contents PART I definitions and administration PARTIE I DFINITIONS ET APPLICATION … has jurisdiction to determine all questions of fact or law that arise in hearings before it. Oaths (4)Every member … to the purposes of this Act. Discretion of panel (7)In making an order, the panel may substitute its opinion for …
  15. (Original Version)
    … intended to protect farm animals, the food supply, farmers and others from risks that are created when trespassers enter … risks include the risk of exposing farm animals to disease and stress, as well as the risk of introducing contaminants … re transportation of farm animals 6. Exceptions, law enforcement, etc. 7. Responses by owner, occupier 8. …