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  1. … AREA TRANSIT OPERATING AUTHORITY ACT ONTARIO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT PARKWAY BELT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT … to which I drew his attention on May 2, on page 1633 of Hansard? Hon. Mr. McKeough: No, Mr. Speaker. Mr. F. Laughren … In the interim, I’ll send you Hansard so you can see the debates that took place, and give you an idea of the …
    House Hansard
  2. … steam generators supplied to Ontario Hydro by Babcock and Wilcox (Canada) Limited and the addendum thereto. Mr. … nor the time or opportunity to read the transcript of the debates and the testimony that was put before the committee. … of taking notes. Why they could not rely on the Instant Hansard, which was already being paid for by the people of …
    House Hansard
  3. … RETARDED CHILDREN BARRIE JAIL ORAL QUESTIONS DRYDEN PULP AND PAPER OPERATIONS SEATON DEVELOPMENT DRYDEN PULP AND PAPER … Speaker, I rise on a point of personal privilege. In the Hansard of October 29 the member for High Park-Swansea (Mr. … may or may not have been made in connection with certain votes in the House of Commons. But as well, I don’t think …
    House Hansard
  4. … DURHAM EAST HEALTH CARE FUNDING WARDLAW, MULLIN, CARTER AND THWAITES ORAL QUESTIONS MUNICIPAL RESTRUCTURING (TORONTO) … MPs have certain concerns that they expressed in the debates around their redistribution that relate exactly to … MPs for ridings in the north, raised concerns. I have the Hansard from the committee hearings in the House of Commons. …
    House Hansard
  5. … novembre 2010 ORDERS OF THE DAY HELPING ONTARIO FAMILIES AND MANAGING RESPONSIBLY ACT, 2010 / LOI DE 2010 SUR L’AIDE … hopeful—I’m optimistic—that his leader will get a copy of Hansard and be able to read what the member from Durham, who … and fiscal review. In the last couple of days, full of debates, we heard a lot about our energy plan and support. I …
    House Hansard
  6. … BILLINGS BURSARY FUNDS INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS SALE OF BEER AND WINE MOTION COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTIONS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS … to Mr. Allan Rae of the minister's staff, who monitors our proceedings. I say that because over the past number of years … of the Alan Gordon affair. I must say, in rereading the Hansard of Mr. Gordon's appearance before that committee, I …
    House Hansard
  7. … DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES TOMATO PROCESSING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY LEGISLATION RESPONSE TO ORAL QUESTION USE OF TIME … question, I suggest he might choose to read the Instant Hansard because I did answer his question. I reiterate that … credit where credit is due. I have been pleased in past debates to see that opposition members have recognized the …
    House Hansard
  8. … INMATES’ MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND SUPPLY DISPOSABLE DIAPERS FOREST FIREFIGHTING … to see. At the very least they’ll provide you with the Hansard transcript.” Once again, I encourage every single … requests for Hansard transcripts of these time allocation debates commencing 3 April on through to the present. I …
    House Hansard
  9. … past procedures concerning access to parts of the chamber and its lobbies by members of the press and other strangers. … place his question. I said, and it’s recorded in Instant Hansard, 1530-2: “Mr. Speaker: We’ve got one minute left. The … Sargent: Mr. Speaker, you should be watching the Ottawa proceedings. The Speaker down there gives lots of laxity on …
    House Hansard
  10. … G. E. Smith: Mr. Speaker, I would like to introduce to you and to my colleagues in the Legislature, 80 grade 10 students … That was a blessing. Mr. Singer: Let it be recorded in Hansard. Hon. F. S. Miller: Let me say, that is the first … The fact is that this particular report will be printed in Votes and Proceedings which will provide all the members of …
    House Hansard
  11. … the regional municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth, and in particular to commend the work during the past year of … children in institutions. I have read in the Instant Hansard the spirited defence by the Minister of Correctional … many others in northeastern Ontario in an attempt to buy votes. One really has to wonder about his intentions when he …
    House Hansard
  12. … HOMEMAKER PENSIONS ONTARIO HYDRO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY PETITION THERAPY FOR ABUSED … Speaker: I would like to rise and correct the record of Hansard of January 6, 1988, regarding the statement, “The … Liberal government at that time, not wishing to take the votes of the parliament of Ontario, withdrew that in a very …
    House Hansard
  13. … DISSATISFACTION REPORTS STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND OTHER STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS STANDING COMMITTEE ON GENERAL … of privilege: On Tuesday you advised the Legislature that Hansard was being printed by in-house facilities. However, … if not destroy, the Legislature and 61 per cent of the debates and 83 per cent of the speeches that go on here. The …
    House Hansard
  14. … a motion without notice regarding this afternoon's debate, and that the motion be debated until 7:15 this evening, the … unanimous consent for an order from this assembly that the Hansard of this afternoon's debate around Bill 144 not be … a democracy that says a party that gets 42% of electoral votes is able to get a clear majority in the House. I would …
    House Hansard
  15. … HOUSE SITTINGS VISITORS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS / ÉTUDIANTS DU SECONDAIRE … from Durham, I had a chance to read through them on the Hansard. Unfortunately -- it's just my luck -- I have two … have a chance to look through the Hansard of the committee debates of the clause-by-clause and the amendments that I …
    House Hansard