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  1. … COLLEGES OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY LABOUR DISPUTE SETTLEMENT ACT (CONTINUED) … the open door of the classroom trying to overhear the proceedings inside. If that is happening in our … Legislature, even though he did not have to. If one reads Hansard of May 30, 1979, one can see the chain of events that …
    House Hansard
  2. … Park, which happens to be located between Sault Ste Marie and Wawa, regulations are not being enforced during the … this place, I was one of three subscribers in Ontario to Hansard of the Legislative Assembly. During that period of … as well. It is quite interesting when we get into these debates. Obviously, being three political parties, we bring …
    House Hansard
  3. … BUSINESS ORDERS OF THE DAY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF TREASURY AND ECONOMICS (CONCLUDED) ESTIMATES, OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY … With great respect, may I invite the Speaker to look at Hansard. You will not find my having made any reference to … May I ask the minister specifically if, during that day's debates, the ministry made presentations to Standard and
    House Hansard
  4. … TAX REDUCTION HOSPITAL RESTRUCTURING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY BEAR HUNTING NORTH YORK BRANSON HOSPITAL NURSING … Mr Speaker: I see my friend is back today. After perusing Hansard very, very diligently and carefully, I can't find any … in terms of what else needed to be done. In these debates it is always important to have members who take the …
    House Hansard
  5. … CO. REPORT BY COMMITTEE STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS EDUCATION STATUTE LAW … of sympathy are sent to the Fulford family as soon as Hansard is printed. 1350 STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY VOTER … I refer to page 10 of the Instant Hansard of yesterday’s proceedings in the afternoon, “But the precise answer to the …
    House Hansard
  6. … becoming comfortable with the House, with committee and with all the other things we do can be difficult, there … South is back in his seat. He can have a look at Hansard because I made some comments that were directed to … South he had better sit down and read about six years of Hansard to understand the reactions that are coming from over …
    House Hansard
  7. … Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland have not introduced this kind of … as the official record is printed, I will send a copy of Hansard to the Shiner family so that they will be aware of … as a surprise to the honourable member but I do follow the debates that go on in this House. I listen to them and I read …
    House Hansard
  8. … MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS VISITORS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ORDER AND DECORUM IN THE … to receive. Later in the House, as part of routine proceedings, I will present a petition which is signed by … a question to the Minister of Health. I'm reading from Hansard, July 15, 1994, about the time these reports were …
    House Hansard
  9. … PROTECTION OF AGRICULTURAL AREAS MEMBERS' STATEMENTS CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES ENVIRONMENT INDUSTRY MEMBERS' … a school bus as well, and I would like to put on Hansard just a bit of the history behind it and why I feel we … high as it is reported in rural areas. We know from past debates in this place about issues like gridlock, about …
    House Hansard
  10. … respect to an interjection by the Premier (Mr. Peterson) and not to the minister responsible for women's issues (Mr. Scott), as Hansard appeared to indicate. He questioned the accuracy of … House when I was first elected was to go over 15 years of debates with respect to nursing homes in Ontario. I have two …
    House Hansard
  11. … we have a quorum in the House. Acting Clerk Assistant and Clerk of Committees (Ms Deborah Deller): Speaker, a … finding them, but they will eventually show up in the Hansard of the resources development committee, I understand, … to live in a rural setting. As you know, we've had many debates in here, and we've seen in the papers that there are …
    House Hansard
  12. … MEMBERS’ STATEMENTS GOODS AND SERVICES TAX SOIL CONSERVATION NOVEL PRODUCTS HUMBER … comments from the Attorney General reported in Thursday’s Hansard. The Supreme Court ruled that the Houlden inquiry … Subject to the Speaker’s control of the course of the proceedings, we may well talk about Frigidaires and
    House Hansard
  13. … Services is implementing its policy of salary compression and restructuring of institutional staffing patterns. The … agreed to stack any votes arising out of the third reading debates this afternoon until 5:45 Wednesday afternoon. The … thought it was worth while that I repeat it in order that Hansard get the chance to put in all of the interjections, as …
    House Hansard
  14. … province (Mr. Davis) in which he said the Liberal Party and the NDP each believes it has ethnic groups in the … council in terms of the statement I made here. I have read Hansard, and while I am more than prepared to take the advice … institution. It seems to us, and it was said in the debates on the original Act, that there can be overkill in …
    House Hansard
  15. … ON ORDER PAPER ORDERS OF THE DAY MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TOURISM AMENDMENT ACT LABOUR RELATIONS AMENDMENT ACT … available. Mr. M. Davidson: It will be once you review the Hansard report of what the member said. Mr. Sweeney: … some weeks ago, which had to do with the arbitration proceedings. The minister may recall the circumstances at the …
    House Hansard