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  1. … EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY RESPONSE TO WRITTEN QUESTION STATEMENT BY THE … what his first question was. He will have to read back in Hansard to see what was first perceived as being a question … Honourable Allan Grossman in the Legislature of Ontario debates of May 4, 1973, when this question was previously …
    House Hansard
  2. … in terms of time. There is no good reason, in my judgement and in the judgement of many professionals to whom I have … Mr. Bradley: Every time you mention Darcy you get 10 more votes. Hon. Mr. Parrott: For us. Mr. di Santo: The report … It is always a delight to talk to a very attentive Hansard. It is always listening to what you say. I am pleased …
    House Hansard
  3. … CANADIAN COLLECTION AMENDMENT ACT MINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP AND CULTURE ACT COMPENSATION FOR UFFI HOME OWNERS The House … who were in the galleries, plus the people who might read Hansard. Mr. Rotenberg: Mr. Chairman, I believe the words I … not caused by the people themselves. I do not think anyone debates that. I do challenge the particular reference by the …
    House Hansard
  4. … to implement a universal disability insurance program; and further, that this legislation should be preceded by a … to report to cabinet. I found some interesting things in Hansard from previous debates. One member even stated in this House, and I found it …
    House Hansard
  5. … THE DAY LIQUOR LICENCE AMENDMENT ACT (CONTINUED) MUSKOKA AND PARRY SOUND TELEPHONE COMPANY LIMITED ACQUISITION ACT The … simply for that document. I would draw his attention to Hansard of June 8 which says, “Will you table in writing not … think any of these types of figures were provided in the debates up to now; so I thought I would let the members of …
    House Hansard
  6. … TIMBER AMENDMENT ACT CITY OF HAZELDEAN-MARCH ACT GAME AND FISH AMENDMENT ACT INTERIM SUPPLY CITY OF HAZELDEAN-MARCH … section? Hon. F. S. Miller: If you recall in the estimates debates, at least one member, or maybe more, referred to the … we were told in this House on June 15 -- and I read from Hansard, page 3482: “When the government received the report …
    House Hansard
  7. … CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS CONDITIONS AT DON JAIL HOSPITAL AND NURSING HOME BEDS ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME ORAL … juxtaposition and sequence of the remarks on page 128 of Hansard, the April 4 edition, indicate quite clearly to any … this whole legislative process. Mr. Singer: You don’t like debates. Hon. Mr. Handleman: No. Debate as much as you want. …
    House Hansard
  8. … period, the Minister of the Environment (Mr. Parrott) and I engaged in an exchange regarding the land drainage … put your question? Mr. S. Smith: Good. For the benefit of Hansard, I didn’t think you heard me, Mr. Speaker. If it is … House have at the degree of partisanship we notice in the debates. We recognize the British parliamentary system is an …
    House Hansard
  9. … INSURANCE GAMBLING PENSION FUNDS TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH AND THE VILLAGE OF RODNEY ACT, 1993 ENVIRONMENTAL BILL OF … had 38% of the vote in 1990, has well over 50% of the votes, so it will always win the major decisions in the … Minister of Transportation, Mr Philip, and I quote from Hansard, November 21, 1990. Again, that's a long way in the …
    House Hansard
  10. … OF THE DAY SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF TREASURY AND ECONOMICS The House met at 2 p.m. Prayers. LOCATION OF TV … down to the post office together. Hon. Mr. Gregory: Read Hansard. Mr. Speaker: Order. If you want to carry on a … statements that were made on December 20 and reported in Hansard. The first time the member rose there was some …
    House Hansard
  11. … BY THE MINISTRY MORTGAGE BROKERS FILM CENSORSHIP AND CLASSIFICATION WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEMBERS' PRIVILEGES … MEMBERS' EXPENDITURES Mr. Speaker: Before the routine proceedings, I wish to inform the House that I have today … (Mr. McMurtry) was going to be making a statement. The Hansard report shows you had undertaken to the House to make …
    House Hansard
  12. … of Bill 169, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and to amend and repeal various other statutes in respect of … who has an illustrious future ahead of him. If you look up Hansard, he said that, yes, they kind of tacitly agreed that … my feet here without notes, so I'm going to refer to the Hansard discussion during the hearings on Bill 169. I'm going …
    House Hansard
  13. … PRAYER FOR WINDSOR ELECTRONIC HANSARD COMMISSION ON ELECTION CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENSES STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY SPECIAL WARRANT FARM … of order, Mr. Speaker. It is customary in these emergency debates that the minister responsible will either lead off or …
    House Hansard
  14. … 5 Déc 1995 MEMBERS' STATEMENTS PROJET DE LOI OMNIBUS ARTS AND CULTURAL FUNDING EDWARD PATRICK ROBERTSON DAVIES … referring of course to the people responsible for putting Hansard together. As we all know, on both sides of this … the Chair to see that documents which may be relevant to debates are laid before the House and are available to …
    House Hansard
  15. … - Tue 7 Dec 1976 / Mar 7 déc 1976 PROTECTION FOR BORROWERS AND DEPOSITORS POINT OF PRIVILEGE POINT OF ORDER PUBLIC … picked it up although I have not particularly checked Hansard. That is simply not acceptable, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Roy: … possible -- Hon. F. S. Miller: Every time I go you win votes. Mr. Foulds: Come again! Mr. Bain: But before a final …
    House Hansard