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  1. … HYDRO EXPORTS RAPID TRANSIT POLICIES EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY WINTER WORKS PROGRAM ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS SHUNIAH … affairs committee. That was on April 6, 1978, and it is in Hansard on page 1239. The Speaker at that time accepted the … If that is not duplicity, I do not know what is. Estimates debates are something which we as members in the opposition …
    House Hansard
  2. … the following statement -- I’m quoting from the Instant Hansard: “Thank you very much. I shall remind myself, Mr. … correspondents.” I’m afraid that statement could create and has created a false impression. Let me quote to you, Mr. … see. However, I go back to a period of time when we had debates in this Legislature and discussions on the whole …
    House Hansard
  3. … Resuming consideration of Bill 7, An Act to revise and extend Protection of Human Rights in Ontario. On section … you weren't able to convince my friend. I have read the Hansard transcript three times and I am still not sure why … the chair for five minutes. The Chairman suspended the proceedings of the committee at 10:31 p.m. 10:37 p.m. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  4. … get at 8 o’clock -- in view of the two-hour gap between 6 and 8. I’ve seen times, Mr. Speaker, when there was a sort Of … wrong to support us then? They say yes it was. I look at Hansard. I like to look back at Hansard. Mr. Gaunt: A book of … one of the more enjoyable and one of the most worthwhile debates that I have heard in this House in my brief stay …
    House Hansard
  5. … health by enacting the Healthy Menu Choices Act, 2015 and the Electronic Cigarettes Act, 2015 and by amending the … a sense of déjà vu, having heard them before in previous debates on the same bill, not that it in any way diminishes … has to say when he tells about health. Take a look in Hansard and look up what Marion Burt said to the committee. …
    House Hansard
  6. … ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD (CONTINUED) ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND … in income of other provinces. Perhaps you had better check Hansard. I related it only to the interest on the … there are a number of things we can get into in the votes and items, but I would like to take a minute to deal …
    House Hansard
  7. … Last week I understand he was away for a week's holiday, and the rest of us were home working hard trying to make an … badly if the honourable member were going to send this Hansard back to all his reeves, deputy reeves and wardens andand retain them until they are produced in any court proceedings." We recognize the necessity of empowering …
    House Hansard
  8. … OF BILLS WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION AMENDMENT ACT LANDLORD AND TENANT AMENDMENT ACT CONDOMINIUM AMENDMENT ACT MUNICIPAL … The proceedings of the committee shall be reported by Hansard in the format used by the House unless otherwise … what kind of conduct he is referring to. We had a lot of debates on the Family Law Reform Act on the question of …
    House Hansard
  9. … OF THE DAY EDUCATION AMENDMENT ACT MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE ACT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS AMENDMENT ACT The House met … that I pointed out on Tuesday last -- the member can check Hansard to see whether my memory is correct -- that, as a … I have stated in question period and have argued in debates with the minister that there need to be guidelines …
    House Hansard
  10. … Mr. Speaker, we too, in this party will support this bill and probably do it within 10 minutes. But there are certain … tabled, the minister made these comments, and I quote from Hansard of November 25: “This legislation has been reviewed … do Bill 98. I take it we could agree that if there are any votes in committee we might stack those votes until 10:15 …
    House Hansard
  11. … GIRL POWER PROJECT ERINOAKKIDS CENTRE FOR TREATMENT AND DEVELOPMENT POLICE DOCKS AT MOOSONEE GIVE THE GIFT OF … first subway station in Toronto. I’d like to read from Hansard, because it’s an interesting answer they gave me. The … There will be time for amendments; there will be time for votes at all stages. It’s just a little bit passing strange …
    House Hansard
  12. … minister. Hon Chris Hodgson (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing): Today this Legislature has the opportunity to … quote that in your literature. Hon Mr Hodgson: It's in the Hansard. Ms Churley: That's true. It's in Hansard. But I'm a … give adequate notice of public hearings and legislative debates, to enable persons with disabilities to attend and to …
    House Hansard
  13. … READINGS INDUSTRIAL SAFETY ACT THIRD READING DOG LICENSING AND LIVE STOCK AND POULTRY PROTECTION ACT THIRD READING … The minister is just going to send him a copy of Hansard, that’s all. Mr. Lewis: I choose to interpret that as … the title. I think there was a vote, or perhaps two votes or three votes, on changing the title of the bill. …
    House Hansard
  14. … ORAL QUESTIONS TAX ON MEALS APPLICATION OF TAX WAGE AND PRICE CONTROLS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH REPORTS TAX ON MEALS … away $385 million in corporate tax changes. There are no votes in giving away the $385 million and there are a lot of … is going to raise is valid or not. I would have to look at Hansard. Mr. Martel: I suggest you do. Mr. Speaker: I will. …
    House Hansard
  15. … Park, I was served with a notice of action under the Libel and Slander Act by an agent, Mr. Gordon Lemon, representing … a point of privilege, Mr. Speaker. I only have the Instant Hansard of last evening, but my colleague the member for … in this assembly, and all of us who have participated in debates know, it has been a longstanding tradition, depending …
    House Hansard