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  1. … MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES POLICE WEEK CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE POLICE … that other options will not be considered until all court proceedings are completed. It would be premature to make a … couple of quotes from both the media and from here through Hansard. One of the comments made on November 5, 1996, by …
    House Hansard
  2. … blunders. The reason I say that is that in committee, and I was present at the time, the minister indicated she was … her mind. Hon. Miss Stephenson: Why doesn't he read Hansard and find out? Mr. Ruprecht: The reason I am repeating … she has not said I was wrong. Hon. Miss Stephenson: Read Hansard. Mr. Ruprecht: We read Hansard. Let me point out to …
    House Hansard
  3. … Members’ Statements Violence against Indigenous women and girls Gilbert Francis Whittamore Menstrual products Royal … Madam Speaker, what do you say? This is just one of these debates. There are all kinds of pressing issues in this … of government, as the member opposite said in 1992 in Hansard. We’re getting to the business of government. I would …
    House Hansard
  4. … though, no action has been taken as yet by the government and the Minister of Colleges and Universities in particular. … to know that if he passes this piece of legislation, if he votes for it, then he is voting not just for a landfill site … to see that quote from the Minister of the Environment in Hansard, because the taxpayers in Peel have spent $9 million; …
    House Hansard
  5. … Speaker: Would the Clerk count, please. Clerk Assistant and Clerk of Journals (Mr Alex D. McFedries): A quorum is not … and I would like to correct that record. Yesterday, in Hansard, I said that the calendar provided that the House was … to say that, anyway, when you stand to speak in these debates. Interjection: It's a challenge. Mr Brown: It is a …
    House Hansard
  6. … TABLING OF INFORMATION VISITORS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES WEILER REPORT WORKERS' COMPENSATION SERVICE … POLL RESULTS Mr. Harris: I would like to read a quote from Hansard: "We must share all information freely and openly … as he has in this fall session; bitter, acrimonious debates that he did not do his job, that he did not go to …
    House Hansard
  7. … - Thu 2 Mar 1989 / Jeu 2 mar 1989 ORDERS OF THE DAY REPAIR AND STORAGE LIENS ACT SMOKING IN THE WORKPLACE ACT … to my friend the member for Nickel Belt. I checked the Hansard of January 7, 1988, because I anticipated his attack. … and he made an impassioned plea during the course of the debates in this House, when he shared with us his views with …
    House Hansard
  8. … CONCURRENCE IN SUPPLY, MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING CONCURRENCE IN SUPPLY, MINISTRY OF THE ATTORNEY … to say we are obviously very pleased with the results. Our votes went up everywhere and we won two seats. Organization … to anyone on the public accounts committee. In Instant Hansard, at page A-1140-3, this is what the auditor said: "I …
    House Hansard
  9. … OF DISSATISFACTION ANNUAL REPORT, MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES, 1978-79 REPORT STANDING COMMITTEE ON … would recommend that they examine the minister's speech in Hansard. He had some things to say about the responsibilities … the occasion here as it has been in previous throne speech debates. This particular throne speech is a very positive …
    House Hansard
  10. … ON RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS MOTIONS TRANSFERRAL OF REPORT RELEASE OF … of pride. 2:30 p.m. The member may recall, having read Hansard or being interested in politics, back in the 1970s, … they wanted to bring forward. I never hid from those debates. I met with interest groups, as this minister does, …
    House Hansard
  11. … STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY PITUITARY GLAND REMOVAL OIL AND GAS PRICES AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS BEEF PRICES … to be my way, or no way at all.” I can remember those debates. I don’t like to repeat myself time and time again, … only verbatim thing will be some quotes from last year’s Hansard. I find the debate on this bill today rather serious …
    House Hansard
  12. … Miss Jan Larabie. The majority of members believe in and support free enterprise. Jan is also a firm believer in … when we asked for information. I would like to read into Hansard an example of just one of many cases where it has not … free vote. This is an issue that should be decided by the votes of individual members and not along party lines. The …
    House Hansard
  13. … STATEMENTS RENT REGULATION MINISTER OF HOUSING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATION OF STUDENTS ORGAN DONATIONS … somewhat on the services that are provided by our own Hansard. It offers, for example, “a comprehensive, systematic … enters the next phase of one of the most pivotal national debates in our history, it is important that all Canadians …
    House Hansard
  14. … following bill: Bill 218, An Act to amend the Election Act and the Election Finances Act and make related amendments to … York, Michael Prue, for all his well-thought-out debates and arguments, and last but certainly but not least, … at 1:30 p.m. The House adjourned at 2003.         … Hansard Transcripts 2007-Jun-04 …
    House Hansard
  15. … AIR POLLUTION STUDY LINDSAY APARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT OIL AND GAS PRICES STUDENT HOUSING PROCRAMME LEAD LEVELS AT GM … it’s premature. Mrs. Campbell: No. Mr. Singer: You want 24 debates, do you? Mr. Lewis: What is the plan? Before you … minister replied to me -- and I’m reading from page 641 of Hansard -- that a letter was sent to “Riverview Hospital, …
    House Hansard