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  1. … INC. TORONTO ISLANDS SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT LITHUANIAN AND ESTONIAN INDEPENDENCE DAYS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY … those who are not around -- I know they will be reading Hansard later tonight just before they retire so they can be … is a provision where some councillors, if the council so votes within itself to establish a pension fund, can indeed …
    House Hansard
  2. … CASE OF ADY GANDOUR ORAL QUESTIONS STATUS OF GREYMAC AND SEAWAY CONFLICT OF INTEREST DEATHS AT HOSPITAL FOR SICK … -- Interjection. Hon. Mr. Grossman: He had better read Hansard. A moment ago -- Mr. Rae: The statement I just made … legal opinion if it wants to sneeze in the course of its proceedings. It is that particular about what is required. …
    House Hansard
  3. … MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES HYDRO GENERATION ORAL QUESTIONS CONFLICT OF … school tax credits, and what did he do on one of the first votes in this House? He voted to maintain them. Today, the … the province who stood in this House -- the record is in Hansard -- and so eloquently stated the need for …
    House Hansard
  4. … that found the member for Rainy River (Mr. T. P. Reid) and the Minister of Labour (Mr. Ramsay) to be equally … in this House. I suggest the member refer to the copies of Hansard that deal with them. I dealt with this matter on … I have tried in I cannot think how many throne speech debates to persuade the members opposite to change their …
    House Hansard
  5. … PUBLIC SECTOR PRICES AND COMPENSATION REVIEW ACT (CONTINUED) BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE … community hospital. Hon. Mr. Grossman: Do you want that in Hansard? Mr. Nixon: It is a marvellous public hospital, but … carry when we get to 10:15 p.m. and have all these stacked votes, would have to carry for the legislation to be …
    House Hansard
  6. … PLACE ACCIDENT LAYOFFS AT FIRESTONE EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY ROMAN CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS ROMAN CATHOLIC … to every cabinet minister and despite having three debates on the plight of Sudbury, to the day this government … for York South to continue so he can be picked up by Hansard. In case Hansard has not picked it up, perhaps he …
    House Hansard
  7. … This was reflected in the unselfish acts of young men and women who put their lives on the line to preserve a way … walking away, but perhaps she could come back and read the Hansard tomorrow -- is that until we shift significant … member for Leeds-Grenville, as he is counting the votes from each of his Conservative Party colleagues around …
    House Hansard
  8. … ACT HUMAN RIGHTS CODE AMENDMENT ACT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT AMENDMENT ACT MINISTRY OF … I have a question for the Premier. I have read through the Hansard of yesterday and through all of the Hansards, as a … a more negative rate of accomplishment as far as winning votes is concerned in the House, but I did want to bring to …
    House Hansard
  9. … whether or not the hon. member for Riverdale (Mr. Renwick) and the hon. minister have come up with a compromise. Hon. … which says that the Ombudsman can’t look at the debates of the legislative assembly as to what the intentions … to read to you, if I may, from page 2947-2 of the Instant Hansard, in which I said: “Well, I may, just before you move …
    House Hansard
  10. … The steering committee concluded its work in June 1990 and recommended the establishment of a district health … reality is that she raised it yesterday. On page 3057 of Hansard, she said, "On a point of privilege, Mr Speaker," and … Bill 118 where it relates to Mr Eliesen. We have had some debates around here, and I was not here the day that the …
    House Hansard
  11. … MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES INTERPROVINCIAL TRADE IMPAIRED DRIVERS … General, Jim Flaherty, said when in office. This is in Hansard. In June 2000, the former Attorney General, Jim … government doing anything and saying anything to get votes. We saw it in the last election when they promised the …
    House Hansard
  12. … the honourable members of the House that my ministry and the Ministry of Northern Affairs will spend $60.5 million … yesterday in the budget debate. I want to read to you from Hansard some of the comments he made. He said: "I do want to … equity of the real property tax itself. We have had these debates in the past in this House, although not in recent …
    House Hansard
  13. … HYDRO AFFAIRS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS COMMODITY BOARDS AND MARKETING AGENCIES ACT MUNICIPAL AMENDMENT ACT LANDLORD … minister not recall that on March 15, 1976, according to Hansard, when I raised the question of the Port Robinson … From Erskine May’s Treatise on “The Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament” we gain a statement on …
    House Hansard
  14. … SESSION ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND SUPPLY GOVERNMENT’S RECORD RENAL DIALYSIS GOVERNMENT’S … in demand by the media at this particular stage of our proceedings in the summer. He is talking to them now and will … Can you ensure whether or not this is being recorded on Hansard? The Deputy Chairman: The lights are low, and I have …
    House Hansard
  15. … MEMBERS' STATEMENTS HIGHWAY 17 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MARYANNE SHOLDRA VIDEO LOTTERY TERMINALS HIGHWAY … our progress against other areas engaged in similar debates, such as British Columbia where, like Ontario, one of … decorum in this House. Having said that, I reviewed the Hansard from yesterday and I would stand by the decision that …
    House Hansard