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  1. … MEMBERS' STATEMENTS STUDENT BUSING ONTARIO RANGERS PKU AND FABRY'S DISEASE GAY PRIDE WEEK SAUNDERS SECONDARY SCHOOL … the estimates committee on June 2, 2003, according to the Hansard record, that they would be paying down debt of $5 … which hadn't been changed for decades. We started those debates in late 1990, 1991, and we involved many different …
    House Hansard
  2. … more than 14,200 cars crossed the Seaway bridge -- two and a half times as many as made the crossing at the same … issue like the economy, the really important economic debates for all of us are going to come following the budget … and as my colleague here would say to them, "Read the Hansard for some of the things that you have said in the …
    House Hansard
  3. … employment Visitors Notice of dissatisfaction Deferred Votes Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 / Loi de 2019 pour … Education funding Long-term care Men’s mental health and addiction services Autism treatment Emergency services … can take a walk down memory lane courtesy of the Ontario Hansard. Speaker, I see someone, perhaps the Leader of the …
    House Hansard
  4. … CRIMINELS OAK RIDGES MORAINE CONSERVATION, PROTECTION AND PROMOTION ACT, 2000 / LOI DE 200 SUR LA PRÉSERVATION, LA … offer verbally my welcome to the honourable member and the debates that go on here. That's the end of the welcome. The … went to second reading in November 1981, and I quote from Hansard: "This bill will continue and enhance the vision that …
    House Hansard
  5. … SERVANT Mr. Nixon: Mr. Speaker, on a point of order -- and I raise this as the House leader for the Liberal caucus. … I will be back in 10 minutes. Mr. Speaker suspended proceedings for seven minutes. Mr. Speaker: Order. When we … is occupied by the Premier and the Executive Council. Hansard and the members’ offices are, in fact, not in the …
    House Hansard
  6. … 2010 ORDERS OF THE DAY CREATING THE FOUNDATION FOR JOBS AND GROWTH ACT, 2010 / LOI DE 2010 POSANT LES FONDATIONS DE … and if you weren’t here, I would encourage you to read the Hansard from the end of question period yesterday. I say this … workers. I also spent quite a bit of time reading through debates in this House on the subject over the last 20 years. …
    House Hansard
  7. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS COMPENSATION FOR … the issues that needed to be covered. I want to quote from Hansard, because the Deputy Premier, Mr Eves, at that time … next sessional day during the routine proceeding "Deferred Votes"; and That, in the case of any division relating to any …
    House Hansard
  8. … exaggerating when I say that drivers in Thunder Bay and northwestern Ontario are thoroughly fed up with the high … Day decision, as have a number of his colleagues in other debates in this House involving victims, and he's referred to … I just wanted to close by putting a few comments into Hansard about the terrorist attacks and the people who have …
    House Hansard
  9. … Rosa, Pepsi-Cola Bottling, Coca-Cola, Rosemarie McAlear, and Jim and Pat Brunt. I know that the supervisor, Carolyn … our province, have been watching the hockey playoffs. Debates rage as to who will be the award recipients for the … understand why it was lost. I will send a copy of Instant Hansard in the next hour and maybe he'll catch up on it. To …
    House Hansard
  10. … TIMETABLE INTRODUCTION OF BILL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACT ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN ORDERS AND NOTICES … regeneration of our forests an issue during the estimates debates, with questions during question periods and written … print it in Orders and Notices and send out the copies of Hansard to our mothers, fathers-in-law and other people …
    House Hansard
  11. … lies with the Minister of Natural Resources (Mr. Pope) and legal counsel from the Ministry of the Attorney General. … October 18, in this assembly at pages 3204 and 3205 of Hansard. It would appear to me that a consideration of that, … House reported progress. The House recessed at 6 p.m. … Hansard Transcripts 1984-Oct-23 …
    House Hansard
  12. … infrastructure Protection of privacy Hydro rates Deferred Votes Stronger, Healthier Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 … gallery. Please welcome Ernie Hardeman, his wife, Susan, and three of my grandchildren: Anika, Freya and Willem. Thank … Further, in my submission to you, sir, I have quoted Hansard from the Minister of Energy, where he confirmed many …
    House Hansard
  13. … amended by striking out the word "plan" in the fourth line and substituting "natural." What this bill essentially does … Economic Development and Trade): We'll send him a copy of Hansard and see if he gets it in context. Mr Murdoch: I'm … are partisan, a lot of things that are great political debates, but we are talking about the future of this …
    House Hansard
  14. … LONG-TERM CARE MFP FINANCIAL SERVICES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ENERGY CONTRACTS DIAMOND MINE AUTISM TREATMENT … the constituents they represent, are well heard in these debates, and that at the end of the debate they've been heard … you heard me the last time, although you can find it in Hansard on October 21, the first error of this bill is that …
    House Hansard
  15. … that the commitment of resources to the construction and expansion of facilities in higher education will be … had an opportunity on Tuesday morning to read the Instant Hansard and in it I found that a member of the opposition … the confines of our caucus, there have been some heated debates about the nature and extent of the Ontario nuclear …
    House Hansard