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  1. … health systems by amending or repealing various enactments and enacting certain Acts / Projet de loi 171, Loi visant à … discussion of a lot of these schedules should refer to the Hansard and comments made by our critic, Shelley Martel, on … at 1:30. The House adjourned at 2132.         … Hansard Transcripts 2007-Mar-26 …
    House Hansard
  2. … the Legislature will have 15 minutes each to debate, and then you will have two minutes in summation. Mr Steven … her in February: "I was overwhelmed upon receipt of the Hansard excerpts of December 6, 1993," which she received "on … what they all said. I am just encouraging them to read Hansard. The Speaker: The member for York Centre. Hon Mr Rae: …
    House Hansard
  3. … my constituents in Oriole must have a say in legislation and what is happening in their community. The previous … contributed to the point and I did undertake to look at Hansard and I am now ready to report back. Very briefly, I … about the WCB. I have been here enough years to recall the debates that went on among all three parties dealing with the …
    House Hansard
  4. … TRADE WINE INDUSTRY AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION NATURAL GAS HEALTH CARE JURY SELECTION … getting stonewalled at every course. We saw second reading debates on bills that were supported by all parties in this … question in his response. I think people could look at Hansard to see that doing the right thing actually is the …
    House Hansard
  5. … ON RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND OTHER STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL … industry. If one goes back and looks at the records of the debates in the Legislature at that time, one will see both … concerns about sections 21 and 22. While I do not have Hansard with me, I know I am accurate in my recollection of …
    House Hansard
  6. … CAPACITY TRANSIT SYSTEM HOUSE PRICES QUEBEC BUDGET HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS AT ELLIOT LAKE HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS … to the hon. minister that he send his statement up to Hansard because his neighbour had his hand over the mike and … Motion agreed to. The House adjourned at 1 o’clock, p.m. … Hansard Transcript 1975-Apr-18 …
    House Hansard
  7. … Government Introduction of Bills Improving Mental Health and Addictions Services in Ontario Act, 2015 / Loi de 2015 … Ecuador. Hopefully I’m pronouncing that correctly, but Hansard will get the correct spelling. Hispanic Heritage … came from with regard to Bill 10. There were some heated debates about this issue—as they should be. When the bill was …
    House Hansard
  8. … ORAL QUESTIONS MUNICIPAL RESTRUCTURING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY EDUCATION FINANCING HOSPITAL RESTRUCTURING CHILD … the right to use English or the right to use French in the debates, but it does not require in the act that the standing … he indicated -- this is a quote from him; it comes from Hansard of May 27, 1992 -- "In fact he was talking about …
    House Hansard
  9. … DUMP TRUCKS HOLIDAY CLOSINGS FOR RETAIL BUSINESSES OIL AND GAS PRICES PUBLIC SECTOR WAGE SETTLEMENTS TORONTO … One year ago today, on Oct. 29, 1974, on page 4519 of Hansard, the Treasurer, Mr. White, in answer to my question: … Mr. Chairman, it was planned to consider the remaining votes, that is 1006, 1007, 1008, and 1009 of the Ministry of …
    House Hansard
  10. … soft drink containers has been under discussion, study and consideration for some time now. The first report was … me. An hon. member: He is a farmer. Mr. Davidson: I hope Hansard got that. Mr. Bain: This evening, as I rise to … Motion agreed to. The House adjourned at 10:33 p.m. … Hansard Transcripts 1976-Jun-17 …
    House Hansard
  11. … 1 er mars 2016 Orders of the Day Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, 2016 / Loi de 2016 sur … other than to correct your record. There are no deferred votes. This House stands recessed until 3 p.m. The House … comments and reflections upon the debate that was added to Hansard by our member from Nepean–Carleton. First of all, I …
    House Hansard
  12. … / Mar 23 Jun 1998 1 ORDERS OF THE DAY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND WORKPLACE DEMOCRACY ACT, 1998 / LOI DE 1998 SUR LE … got up and spoke to this bill - I think we should take the Hansard and circulate everywhere in the Sarnia area and the … of its wonderful aspects? Why aren't we having extended debates? Why aren't we having full public hearings? Why …
    House Hansard
  13. … AMENDMENT ACT RAILWAYS AMENDMENT ACT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT AMENDMENT ACT ONTARIO HIGHWAY … since there is an ample opportunity to do it after routine proceedings this afternoon. Mr. Cassidy: I have a … aware of it; they simply do not spend their days reading Hansard. I welcome, also, the change to section 96 of the …
    House Hansard
  14. … members’ public business Statements by the Ministry and Responses Children’s Mental Health Week / Semaine de la … not arguing, as Jim Prentice would argue, as he did in the debates, that we have to raise corporate taxes to record … lesson. I’m going to be using a lot of the material in Hansard to help my constituents better understand the NDP and
    House Hansard
    House Hansard