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Displaying 2296 - 2310 of 7370
  1. … FOR JUSTICE (CONTINUED) PRIVATE MEMBERS’ HOUR LANDLORD AND TENANT AMENDMENT ACT The House met at 2 o’clock, p.m. … serves me correctly. If the hon. member wants to check Hansard and find out what I said to his leader, perhaps that … time, gave any indication -- but my brief perusal of the debates indicates he did not. There are no particular plans, …
    House Hansard
  2. … HYDRO EXPORTS USE OF STRIKEBREAKERS EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY AIRPORT TAXI SERVICE UNEMPLOYMENT DIOXIN IN FISH … it has, maybe the minister can tell me and I can check in Hansard for the answer. It is with respect to the courses … to fall upon the clinics which are being funded through votes like this unless the summer student concern is …
    House Hansard
  3. … of the House about the insensitivity of the NDP government and its inability to come to the help and aid of the Kurds. … or may have seen it on the television or read it in the Hansard. Mr Thom, as the members will recall, has worked on a … unnecessarily "from verbatim reports of the legislative debates or any other document." Please refer to the motion …
    House Hansard
  4. … the government had commissioned between March 11, 1980, and February 1, 1981, and their costs. At that time, the … of Health wants to deny that he ever said that, I refer to Hansard of June 18, 1981, where the minister said: "Let me … that were formed and I recall all of the emergency debates we had during those times and the things that we had …
    House Hansard
  5. … in saying I think there can be some problems with this act and we should all be aware of those problems. I am advised by … courts once the basic determination has been made that the proceedings will be carried out in French. I believe the more … April 25 clearly set these out and they are available in Hansard for members to see. There is only one that did …
    House Hansard
  6. … déc 1974 SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT … Communications): Mr. Chairman, just a very brief comment. Votes 2302 and 2303 are the result of increased costs as a … much, if you have an opportunity, for you to investigate Hansard of yesterday, whereby the whip made the commitment we …
    House Hansard
  7. … RESTRUCTURING TVONTARIO VISITOR STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES MUNICIPAL RESTRUCTURING ORAL QUESTIONS … and members of the opposition more ability to have real debates on this kind of legislation. That way, we could talk … industry. I will say in this Legislature and put it in Hansard so that it's there for the future that that will also …
    House Hansard
  8. … WINE INDUSTRY FERRY SERVICE FEES COLLINGWOOD GENERAL AND MARINE HOSPITAL WORKERS' COMPENSATION VISITEURS BUDGET … David Turnbull (York Mills): I'd like to read briefly from Hansard from the Minister of Transportation's statement … two clauses. The minister was very much a part of those debates and it certainly could not fall on us to disengage …
    House Hansard
  9. … MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS VISITORS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES SENIOR CITIZENS RAPPORT DE L'ENQUÊTE SUR … not because of political opportunism during leadership debates. I implore the government to do the right thing, to … record, although anyone who for whatever reason would read Hansard would see that is what I originally said. I'd also …
    House Hansard
  10. … REPORT BY COMMITTEE STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS MOTION HOUSE SITTING INTRODUCTION OF BILLS … who will also be able to assume the conduct of minor proceedings in native justice-of-the-peace courts. This new … why she responded to my question yesterday -- this is from Hansard -- by saying that “at present the capacity of our …
    House Hansard
  11. … RAIL SERVICE LABOUR UNIONS GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS ORDER AND DECORUM IN THE CHAMBER GASOLINE PRICES DANGEROUS … there. Certainly I will look up with interest in the Hansard all the figures that you put forward, because I think … as the association, that we had a higher percentage of the votes. I say this because I cannot figure out any other …
    House Hansard
  12. … ACT CITY OF KITCHENER ACT CITY OF OTTAWA ACT SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT TRUSTS ACT POINT OF PRIVILEGE THRONE SPEECH … for man’s power needs has generally been ridiculed. The Hansard from Queen’s Park will verify the non-answers of … Inflation seems to be a central theme in many of the debates that I have listened to in this session of the …
    House Hansard
  13. … PUBLIC RELATIONS STAFF FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION BOARD HIGHWAYS 17 AND … read the notes which he left with me to have placed on Hansard, Mr. Speaker. He says that the sections on equalized … it. It is my understanding then that we will stack any votes. Mr. Renwick: If we follow the whole procedure. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  14. … of record Members’ Statements Town of Halton Hills and Village of Arthur Climate change Ontario film industry … say your riding. Mr. Steve Clark: That’s okay. I’m in Hansard today. Ms. Catherine Fife: But in 2011, the province … made. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): There are no deferred votes. This House stands recessed until 3 p.m. this …
    House Hansard
  15. … bring a matter of urgent attention to the Attorney General and the minister of government services. The General Division … boats was an added bonus this time. On Canada Day, the proceedings were augmented by a multicultural festival. Food … order, Mr Speaker: If you would be glad to check Instant Hansard this moment, I said that the minister said she would …
    House Hansard