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  1. … to compete in providing long-distance service and the potential impact on local telephone rates. As I … I might say to the members they may want to look at Hansard and recall the one supplementary made by the member … had an opportunity to move others on clause-by-clause debates on Bill 101 on many occasions, fighting on behalf of …
    House Hansard
  2. … Reilly (Eglinton): Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Industry and Tourism (Mr. Bennett), will be in the House shortly, but … Meen: Mr. Chairman, the hon. member could take a look in Hansard, if he likes. I enlightened the hon. members earlier … It being 6 o’clock, p.m., the House took recess. … Hansard Transcript 1974-May-23 …
    House Hansard
  3. … OTTAWA ACT, 2002 ORAL QUESTIONS GOVERNMENT'S RECORD SALES AND RENTALS REVENUE ONTARIO POWER GENERATION HYDRO ONE SPORTS … thinks about working families when they're looking for votes. The choice will be between a Liberal Party that has a … Eves's predecessor. I have on numerous occasions, and the Hansard is chock full of this, criticized Mr Harris for the …
    House Hansard
  4. … Bradley: You are the last one to lecture on that -- you and the feds. Hon. Mr. Davis: Listen, the feds are your … Peterson: It is not deinstitutionalization? I will check Hansard. Perhaps someone else in the room understood what he … be on interim supply. The House adjourned at 4:54 p.m. … Hansard Transcripts 1983-Apr-21 …
    House Hansard
  5. … who is a member of the foreign relations committee and the defence committee. Please join me in welcoming Count … which we did not have before. The member will remember the debates in this House on all sides. People were saying they … money required by Access was $34,000. I believe that is in Hansard. I understand that at a news conference today, Access …
    House Hansard
  6. … ASTHMA DAY MUNICIPAL RESTRUCTURING INTERNATIONAL CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORKERS' MONTH HIGHWAY 7 WORLD LUPUS DAY … concern. It was stated in this House -- and we can check Hansard to make doubly sure, because I don't want to say it … we have certainly seen a tremendous amount of buying votes going on in Hamilton in the last couple weeks. It's …
    House Hansard
  7. … OMA FEE SCHEDULE SPENDING CEILINGS IN EDUCATION HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS AT ELLIOT LAKE ONTARIO HYDRO SPENDING … roads and streets. I think almost yearly I have placed in Hansard a blow-by-blow description of the struggle between … with, and we wish you all the best in your handling of the debates in this House. I must say to the hon. member who just …
    House Hansard
  8. … TIBET ANIMAL PROTECTION SCHOOL CALENDAR ABRAHAM D. SHADD AND BRYAN PRINCE MARC DIAB INTRODUCTION OF BILLS HEALTHY … that has to be done. I've had little television and radio debates with medical ethicists about how, if you have … be done with this legislation. I have actually checked in Hansard all the comments he has made so far and I don't see …
    House Hansard
  9. … (TRANSFERTS DE FONDS) STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY PETITIONS SPRINGWATER … share a birthday. Happy birthday. There are no deferred votes. This House stands recessed until 1 p.m. The House … they were asked in this House, and they were in Hansard. But still, they take the attitude of “How could we …
    House Hansard
  10. … HYDRO GENERATION INTRODUCTION OF BILLS HEALTH PROTECTION AND PROMOTION AMENDMENT ACT, 2004 / LOI DE 2004 MODIFIANT LA … believe in this place?" I didn't get an answer. I look at Hansard, and again, in response to the initial question, … pm next Monday afternoon. The House adjourned at 1810. … Hansard Transcripts 2004-Oct-14 …
    House Hansard
  11. … up to the introduction of the two bills, the Waterloo bill and the Peel bill which were tabled Friday last, and the … to tell us? Mr. Reid: I hope that one didn’t get into Hansard. Hon. Mr. Snow: Explain yourself, Pat. Explain … Mr. Welch: That brings us to a very happy point in the proceedings, Mr. Speaker. Only one thing remains to stand in …
    House Hansard
  12. … DAY MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES CONSUMER PROTECTION AND SERVICE MODERNIZATION ACT, 2006 / LOI DE 2006 DU … Restaurant; Ellis's basement. I'm going to make sure Hansard gets that right. Interjection. Mr. Kormos: Well, no, … until tomorrow at 1:30. The House adjourned at 2132. … Hansard Transcripts 2006-Oct-30 …
    House Hansard
  13. … PEOPLE SOUTH AFRICAN INVESTMENTS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SALE OF LANDS UNIVERSITY FUNDING TECHNOLOGY FUND … made to the betterment of our society. Mr. Speaker: When Hansard is printed, I will, on behalf of the House, forward a … ordered to be reported. The House adjourned at 6:03 p.m. … Hansard Transcript 1987-Feb-09 …
    House Hansard
  14. … FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY HANDICAPPED PETITION SALE OF BEER AND WINE REPORT STANDING COMMITFEE ON ADMINISTRATION OF … is there. 5 p.m. Mr. Philip: If the minister would read Hansard, he would see I did not suggest that. I said it could … Hon. Mr. Gregory: I do not have anything further to add. Votes 901 to 903, inclusive, agreed to. On motion by Hon. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  15. … ENVIRONMENTAL EVENTS TAXATION MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY RED TAPE REVIEW COMMISSION VISITOR SPEAKER'S … full CMPA. You said on June 4 -- I'm reading these from Hansard -- that you're doing everything you can, "including, … because there isn't sufficient affordable housing. No one debates that. What we're attempting to do is to ensure an …
    House Hansard