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  1. … RESPONSIBILITY OFFICE MUNICIPAL ENUMERATION PUBLIC SERVICE AND LABOUR RELATIONS REFORM CHARITABLE GAMING SOCIAL … case. You said the following on January 22, 1997, Hansard, page 6442: "However, I am very concerned by the … than in others. I look forward to participating in future debates in this assembly and I can only hope, as I am sure …
    House Hansard
  2. … Day Legislative staff Visitors Legislative pages Deferred Votes Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail … maintenance, cleaners, dining room staff, cafeteria, Hansard, the pages, all of the ministries and the broader …
    House Hansard
  3. … FINANCIAL DEFICIT ANNUAL REPORT, MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS REPORT STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL … is trying to get at. Mr. S. Smith: Since on page 4198 of Hansard it will be very clear that the total provincial … get to the meat of the amendments before us and have some votes on the rights to appeal that are not even involved in …
    House Hansard
  4. … in the opinion of this House, the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation should move immediately to implement a … through one of the most agonizing and difficult national debates, with several revisions and changes in the … incredible. I advised the minister that I quoted from Hansard of May 13 and May 14. That is over three weeks ago. …
    House Hansard
  5. … SOUTH ASIAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAMS RESEARCH AND INNOVATION WOMEN MOVING FORWARD INITIATIVE INTRODUCTION … H5N1, avian flu. The then Minister of Agriculture said in Hansard the next day, "I think it is inappropriate for anyone … The throne speech is basically the catalyst for the debates, the catalyst for the creation of the bills and the …
    House Hansard
  6. … on the obvious parallel between the Duplessis era and the situation now where three people have had to resort … mention of the matter during the debate -- we have checked Hansard -- Hon. Mr. Grossman: Did the Leader of the … -- I know he is using this terminology -- to get votes in the coming referendum. I don’t know what that will …
    House Hansard
  7. … with a special column 3, in which the township of Burleigh and Anstruther, for instance, is getting $1,434. I want to … to the minister, I hope that when he gets his copy of Hansard and he sees this letter -- and perhaps I’ll still … than on the other. Last fall I put a mass of figures in Hansard in connection with this whole problem of alcoholism …
    House Hansard
  8. … AVIATION PROGRAM HEALTH CARE FUNDING ACCESS TO PROFESSIONS AND TRADES FREEDOM OF INFORMATION PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC … to our call for public hearings. This is on page 1301 of Hansard, from the debate on Thursday, June 7. Our colleague … interesting. It is the unsaid debate. Sometimes you have debates where everybody's on the floor and they all say the …
    House Hansard
  9. … TABLING OF REPORTS ORDERS OF THE DAY PUBLIC SECTOR PRICES AND COMPENSATION REVIEW ACT (CONTINUED) ESTIMATES, OFFICE OF … the bill last year. I could quote him now straight from Hansard, but I will not take the time to do that. The purpose … back to the universities, just to finalize this, I think debates on the financing and the future directions of the …
    House Hansard
  10. … describing the public accounts committee for the record, and perhaps for members who may not be as aware of the … on this little boondoggle, Mr. Speaker, let me quote from Hansard. My colleague Mr. Hall, who is no longer with us, put … the British national oil corporations? That is one of the debates that is going on at the present time in the British …
    House Hansard
  11. … Education funding Nurses Government spending Mental health and addiction services Autism treatment Fundraising Dental … to say, I’ve had the opportunity now to hear different debates in the House where people get very fired up. They get … 53% of the time, if you look at that silly thing called Hansard which has within it facts. I also know that in that …
    House Hansard
  12. … HOME CARE RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL OF OTTAWA EXPENDITURE SAVINGS AND CONSTRAINTS NUCLEAR POWER HOUSING SUPPLY SPECIAL … on August 31, 1987, good enough to buy the Liberals votes and get them elected, why is it not good enough for the … P-7, P-16 and P-17 standing in Orders and Notices [see Hansard for Tuesday, May 24]. ORDERS OF THE DAY BIG CEDAR …
    House Hansard
  13. … INSURANCE ASSISTED HOUSING GAMBLING NATIVE HUNTING AND FISHING GAMBLING ATTENDANCE OF MINISTERS GAMBLING … at some of the -- and I try not to be partisan in these debates, but I have to at least jump into -- having just come … that I feel is very inappropriate. In checking through Hansard, I found that when the Treasurer brought to our …
    House Hansard
  14. … FIRST NATION NORTH BAY LIONS CLUB PRECIOUS MINDS RESOURCE AND LEARNING CENTRE HAMILTON MENNONITE CHURCH GOLDEN AGE … them with disrespect. He says that I allege. I read from Hansard yesterday: "We invite the member to continue to … Speaker: I believe we have unanimous consent to suspend proceedings until 4 p.m. The Speaker (Hon. Alvin Curling): Do …
    House Hansard
  15. … to look into regarding his submission that his privileges and the privileges of the House had been abrogated by … in the House, which I will read from page 5037 of Hansard: "As I said earlier, and maybe to assist you, Mr. … talk about everything else except the money that is in the votes, but I do intend to ask about the $604 million that the …
    House Hansard