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  1. … June 2001 Lundi 18 juin 2001 ORDERS OF THE DAY STABILITY AND EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION ACT, 2001 / LOI DE 2001 SUR LA … could not get their act together. If you look back in Hansard, you'll find a minister, you'll find a Premier, … them for political purposes because it does gain you some votes, I think you make a major mistake in education. The …
    House Hansard
  2. … running away from classrooms, running away from students and running away from teachers to make this truly a quality … On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Can I ask you, does Hansard record the fact that the government members voted … make a profit, there is no insurance. Mr Bradley: I hope Hansard got that because I wanted that on Hansard. I will …
    House Hansard
  3. … ANIMALS Mr Villeneuve: I rise to report a growing health and environmental problem which is threatening all of rural … member for Nipissing. At the time, I undertook to review Hansard and report back to the House. My examination of … Bill 81 was deferred until immediately following routine proceedings today. 1550 The House divided on Mr Laughren's …
    House Hansard
  4. … LTD. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO WAGE AND PRICE CONTROLS COST OF LAND FOR HOUSING NORONTAIR … of Government Services (Mr. Snow) on page 1870-3 of Hansard, during his estimates, that since the government … way. It being 6 o’clock, p.m., the House took recess. … Hansard Transcript 1974-May-14 …
    House Hansard
  5. … many mines of northern Ontario for the treatment of gold and silver ores. By 1929, the accommodations had become … legislation, the Premier said, and I now quote from Hansard: "There's no threat to jobs in this legislation; … a five-month strike? Maybe during the course of these debates the socialist NDP members will have answers to some …
    House Hansard
  6. … OF PRESIDING OFFICERS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF OLDER PERSONS ORAL … by virtue of adoption. Kim, who will undoubtedly read the Hansard or is watching this now, will understand what I'm … of the services that they themselves built through their votes for progressive governments in the past, that they …
    House Hansard
  7. … stunning news was delivered to the people of St Catharines and the people of Ontario that General Motors would be … is in direct contrast to the answers -- and I will check Hansard -- which I believe I heard earlier this afternoon, … decisions to change people's lives. I know full well these debates have taken place at municipal councils around …
    House Hansard
  8. … ACT MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX AMENDMENT ACT REG. BOOTH AND SON LIMITED ACT CORONERS AMENDMENT ACT EMPLOYMENT … Judicature Act where they wanted an option to delay in the proceedings to ask for an option to appeal. If the Attorney … when we were supposed to have the report as recorded in Hansard, and we will not receive it until the middle of …
    House Hansard
  9. … ON PROCEDURAL AFFAIRS STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND OTHER STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS ONTARIO … to the Legislature, sessional papers 60 and 66 [see Hansard for Friday, April 27]. ORDERS OF THE DAY PRIVATE … I think my position on it is known and is reflected in the votes we have had here, I may not have had the opportunity to …
    House Hansard
  10. … 2001 Mardi 4 décembre 2001 ORDERS OF THE DAY FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ACT, 2001 / LOI DE 2001 SUR LA QUALITÉ ET LA … I hope the minister has had an opportunity to read Hansard and has had an opportunity to listen to some of the … of 1999, I became involved in the Huron county hog farm debates as parliamentary assistant to the Minister of the …
    House Hansard
  11. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS ADOPTION DISCLOSURE … essential that the message I'm leaving on the record of Hansard today is that I need to have protection for the rural … before and you're doing it again. Closure on these debates is something I feel very strongly against. In a …
    House Hansard
  12. … report of the director of the legislative library research and information services for 1982-83. STATEMENTS BY THE … agreement giving Ontario full participation in the proceedings without the need to resort to the courts. After … ministers are not here. It is not good enough just to read Hansard. They should be here participating. They should be …
    House Hansard
  13. … SOLAR ENERGY DAIRY FARMERS LONG-TERM CARE POLICE AND FIRE SERVICES PRIX DE LA FRANCOPHONIE DE L'ONTARIO LEADER … very pleased to be able to respond anytime to any of these debates around apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships … this debate for some 20 years. If the member looks back in Hansard, one of her predecessors, in that he was an Attorney …
    House Hansard
  14. … to call orders 7 to 18 inclusive so that they may be moved and debated simultaneously. The Acting Speaker (Mr Michael A. … "nay." In my opinion, the ayes have it. We'll stack these votes. Mr Stockwell has moved concurrence in supply for the … with on a motion. Today's motion -- we reviewed Instant Hansard -- clearly indicated that the government would call …
    House Hansard
  15. … that in subclause 1(1)(d)(ii) the word "four" be deleted and replaced by the word "three." Mr. Philip: Mr. Chairman, … cabinet and the majority of the government party recorded votes in favour of it. What did the Minister of Health say? … the member for Carleton (Mr. Mitchell) should be found in Hansard. An honourable member says "ho, ho," and that is the …
    House Hansard