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  1. … OF NICKEL WORKERS EDWARDSBURGH LAND ASSEMBLY HOME HEATING AND INSULATION ANACONDA PLANT LOSS OF DOCTORS POINT OF … S. Smith: On a point of personal privilege, Mr. Speaker, Hansard will show that on Tuesday I declared in this very … program within our ministry -- Mr. Cassidy: Was to win votes. Hon. J. A. Taylor: -- was the fact that the Minister …
    House Hansard
  2. … GOVERNMENT CONSULTANTS GOVERNMENT'S RECORD ON LAW AND ORDER GOVERNMENT CONSULTANTS CORPORATE TAX VISITOR … one. I've said it from the very beginning during these debates. There is large mismanagement that is going on from … wants to learn the history of this place, read some of his Hansard speeches; Bob Nixon's too. There are great lessons …
    House Hansard
  3. … Wildman: Mr. Speaker, I want to participate in this debate and to express, along with my colleagues who have already … that tax in the House. That would make an interesting Hansard to send back to the people four years from now. … they are only interested in catering to the area where the votes are and where people in general terms vote for the …
    House Hansard
  4. … Municipal Interest and discount rates Act, 1982 PUBLIC UTILITIES AMENDMENT ACT … never here, he probably does not listen and does not read Hansard either, and is not familiar with what opposition … Board of Cabinet. The House adjourned at 10:33 p.m. … Hansard Transcripts 1982-Oct-21 …
    House Hansard
  5. … MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS VISITORS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ORAL QUESTIONS … hearings as opposed to the narrow shutting down of debates. We intend to use points of order to ensure the … paid to do; to be able to speak out and be recorded in Hansard for the public to see and to respond to. We don't …
    House Hansard
  6. … DE LA SOCIÉTÉ IMMOBILIÈRE DE L’ONTARIO CANADA HEALTH AND SOCIAL TRANSFER ONTARIO REALTY CORPORATION CLEAN UP ACT, … them.” As a matter of fact, if you go back and check the Hansard, Harris said, “Well, it isn’t quite deep enough, but … Liberal side, I might add–you can go back and check the Hansard–had concerns about that. But no, Mike Harris, to get …
    House Hansard
  7. … SOCIAL ASSISTANCE REFORM RECYCLING MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE PUBLIC CONSULTATION WATER … of Municipal Affairs said yesterday -- I was reading Hansard -- that the funding is still there. Then he went on … to rule and we have two boards that are holding strike votes. I think quite frankly the minister's plate is very …
    House Hansard
  8. … ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STANDING COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE AND SOCIAL POLICY ORAL QUESTIONS EMPLOYER HEALTH TAX HYDRO … been certain things said. We will certainly go back to Hansard and check. I'm certain if the member said anything … Take your seat. I thank the member. I will also review Hansard and speak to the minister involved. I thank all …
    House Hansard
  9. … SEWAGE TREATMENT HIGH WATER LEVELS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SPECIAL GRAINS PROGRAM PETITIONS LOW-ALCOHOL … 1420 Hon. Mr. Keyes: If the member were to check Hansard correctly, I believe I said there are ongoing … on the environment in the morning of and following routine proceedings on May 6, 1987. Select committee on health …
    House Hansard
  10. … GRANT ORDERS OF THE DAY REMEDIES FOR ORGANIZED CRIME AND OTHER UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES ACT, 2001 / LOI DE 2001 SUR LES … related. Robert Nigro also said, and again, this is all in Hansard: "We've noticed that certain illegal businesses have … adjourned at 1759. Evening meeting reported in volume B. … Hansard Transcripts 2001-May-28 …
    House Hansard
  11. … PROTECTION FOR FOREIGN NATIONALS ACT (LIVE-IN CAREGIVERS AND OTHERS), 2009 / LOI DE 2009 SUR LA PROTECTION DES … I have no choice but to make one statement first—these debates seem to be falling on deaf ears. We want the … on Ms. Kramer and Dr. Hudson for everybody to read in Hansard for the rest of their lives. But when we wanted to …
    House Hansard
  12. … to be addressed in phase 2 include the means of setting and adjusting the level of permanent disability pensions, the … want to salute the staff, who work very hard to follow the debates of all 125 members. I wish to take this opportunity … 5 p.m. I hope that one day soon we will have electronic Hansard so that when my colleagues and I give our speeches, …
    House Hansard
  13. … the common school system. This developed into the public and separate systems we enjoy today. At that time, there was … 10 years in this House this was one of the most important debates in which he had entered. I think back three or four … which, by motion today, will be fully recorded in Hansard for the benefit of all members of the House and the …
    House Hansard
  14. … CITIES FORMER MEMBER'S COMMENTS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT ORAL QUESTIONS FORMER … problems of northern Ontario, which is a crass way to win votes in Cochrane North. I say to the Treasurer that the … along with that and promoting it. It is right here in Hansard. Hon. Mr. Nixon: I did not move an amendment to -- …
    House Hansard
  15. … THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ESTIMATES, OFFICE OF THE PREMIER AND CABINET OFFICE The House met at 2 p.m. Prayers. USE OF … right. I would include them all. If he would check Hansard he will see I said, "in recent times," and I was … the Opposition has said. I know he used to join in these debates with the Treasurer, and I have never taken that much …
    House Hansard