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  1. … PLACE SMART METERS JEAN LUMB STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH AND PERSONS DAY / MOIS DE … and what we mean by “week” and then people get into debates about it, and it creates misunderstandings and … power, whereas his earlier speech—check the Hansard—would have you believe that there were some …
    House Hansard
  2. … PAGES WRITTEN QUESTIONS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES CONSUMER PROTECTION ACCESS TO LEGISLATIVE … to make it better for tenants." That's what he said during debates. He won that election, and the people in his riding … Centre): I want to begin the debate by reading into Hansard the letter that was mentioned in the resolution. It …
    House Hansard
  3. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS STANDING COMMITTEE ON GENERAL GOVERNMENT … I would ask you to check the interjections from the Hansard table. He clearly indicated that - The Speaker: You … next sessional day during the routine proceeding "deferred votes"; and That, in the case of any division relating to any …
    House Hansard
  4. … my first question is to the Minister of Transportation and Communications. Mr. Sweeney: Put on your crash helmet. … an opportunity. I think there is a great opportunity for debates of relevant issues. I for one don’t participate in … and maybe for those who will be reading these comments in Hansard, that the author of that particular article in …
    House Hansard
  5. … is no question there is a crisis in home care in my riding and across the province and it's affecting some of our most … next sessional day during the routine proceeding "Deferred Votes"; and That, in the case of any division relating to any … the public who happen to be watching or reading this in Hansard, if you want more information on the whole issue of …
    House Hansard
  6. … ONTARIO HYDRO EMISSIONS HOSPITAL BEDS ASSISTANCE TO PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY LAYOFFS INVESTMENT COMPANIES’ FAILURE … is doing that. [Breakdown in sound system.] Mr. Speaker: Hansard is just as concerned about the sound system as we … in September of this year for that negligence under the Proceedings Against the Crown Act. In view of all the …
    House Hansard
  7. … QUESTIONS DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION HUNTING AND FISHING DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION GO TRANSIT … copies of two letters from Mr Lindgren and an excerpt from Hansard to refresh the minister's memory. The minister has … some of the rhetoric that frequently transcends these debates and overpowers them and go through the act section by …
    House Hansard
  8. … AMENDMENTS ORAL QUESTIONS CHAIN STORE DISCOUNTS LIQUOR AND WINE PRICING VISITORS PROVINCIAL TAXING POWERS HURONIA … coming from the Premier. Mr. Roy: We will send a copy of Hansard to him. Mr. Foulds: That certainly is provocative. … and which has been brought up during the last two estimate debates. I want to ask the minister, how is it possible that …
    House Hansard
  9. … of the province's second-largest industry, agriculture and food. I think it is fair to say there's widespread … immediately into some letters. I don't normally do this in debates -- read letters from constituents into the record -- … legislation will not create that result. I've gone through Hansard and I find the answers the minister has given to be …
    House Hansard
  10. … MACGREGOR POINT PROVINCIAL PARK RENT REVIEW LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT AMENDMENTS OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL … next week. Mr. Sargent: Do you want me to read it out of Hansard? Mr. Speaker: Order, please. Mr. Sargent: Do you want … Commission; we have had green papers; we have had great debates; the Solicitor General beat himself on the breast and
    House Hansard
  11. … HEALTH CARE NATUROPATHY GOVERNMENT SPENDING SCHOOL OPENING AND CLOSING EXERCISES INTRODUCTION OF BILLS CITY OF ETOBICOKE … General would be present in the House for these kinds of debates. He has never seen fit to be present for the passage … one for the assistant clerks, one for the chair, one for Hansard and one for the interpreters. So in the future, if …
    House Hansard
  12. … privilege. On May 31, the hon. Minister of Transportation and Communications (Mr. Snow) reported to this House as … everybody in the province. You are probably going to lose votes in some areas in proposing this type of programme -- … procedures. In fact, all of my remarks, if checked with Hansard, would show that I contained my remarks -- Mr. Deputy …
    House Hansard
  13. … TRANSPORTATION GOVERNMENT’S RECORD CANCER TREATMENT ARTS AND CULTURAL FUNDING MANUFACTURING JOBS CASINOS CHILDREN’S … an important perspective that we all have to bring to our debates and to our discussions and proceedings here. After … Regg Cohn has placed on the record in our record here in Hansard. He says: “The big story in Ontario’s budget isn’t …
    House Hansard
  14. … EPP REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS STANDING COMMITTEE ON THE LEGISLATIVE … As part of our gratitude, we will have the words of Hansard in a DVD of the tributes you heard today, so that you … and I think the truly democratic thing to do is to have debates on the bills. Of course, the one thing I just want to …
    House Hansard
  15. … TRIBUTES TO JACK SPENCE STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY FRUIT AND VEGETABLE STORAGE PROGRAM HOSPITAL BUDGETS STOCK AND … London Centre (Mr. Peterson) was over here trying to get votes on this side last night. At least I work my own side. … remarks on behalf of the government. I do not know what Hansard will show about the comments of the member for …
    House Hansard