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  1. … rights hidden. I understand that the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation has the responsibility to promote this tax … member of this Legislature. Let me quote from the May 27 Hansard, where the member for St Catharines, in response to … of an outline of what is to come, and if you think the debates around this place, those horrible Grit days in 1989 …
    House Hansard
  2. … met at 2 o’clock, p.m. Prayers. Hon. J. White (Treasurer and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs): Mr. Speaker, the … opposition critic during the budget debate on page 1083 of Hansard he said. “The population of Kingston is dropping by … agreed to. The House adjourned at 5:10 o’clock, p.m. … Hansard Transcript 1974-Apr-18 …
    House Hansard
  3. … / Jeu 15 mai 1980 COMMISSION ON ELECTION CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENSES STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS … -- I will read what the minister said at page 1823 of Hansard: He has suggested there are thousands of graduates of … in spending and in efficiency of money spent for votes won. You are a fine and upstanding leader, together …
    House Hansard
  4. … ACT, 1993 HELLENIC ORTHODOX COMMUNITY OF KINGSTON AND DISTRICT ACT, 1993 PARAGON FINANCIAL CORP ACT, 1993 … not, one can anticipate that those user fees can. I've had debates with individuals over the user fees. I recall, during … irresistible conclusion. I'm strengthened by reading the Hansard comments of colleagues of mine in that modest …
    House Hansard
  5. … 18 mar 1976 SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES (CONCLUDED) SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, … -- now or later, it doesn’t matter. Mr. Kennedy: Put it in Hansard. Mr. Chairman: The hon. member for Beaches-Woodbine. … Mr. Chairman, on a point of order. Will there be separate votes or one vote? Mr. Chairman: We would carry each item as …
    House Hansard
  6. … DETENTION CENTRE PC FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES OIL AND GAS PRICES LOAN SHARKING NON-RETURNABLE BOTTLES AND CANS … to certain clauses of the bill to get them recorded on Hansard. We have undergone considerable study of this in … Is it the pleasure of the committee that we stack these votes? Agreed. Mr. Chairman: Any other comment to any other …
    House Hansard
  7. … LEGAL PROFESSION PORNOGRAPHY MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SPENDING FOREST INDUSTRY LABOUR LEGISLATION HEALTH … in this Legislature last Tuesday, May 31. After reviewing Hansard, I determined that I may have been a little hard on … a piece of legislation that could buy in enough votes to pass it, why wasn't there consultation? Why did you …
    House Hansard
  8. … PROTECTION FOR FOREIGN NATIONALS ACT (LIVE-IN CAREGIVERS AND OTHERS), 2009 / LOI DE 2009 SUR LA PROTECTION DES … thing; certainly, I'm well aware that we had good debates and received some very valuable input that raised … the government said nothing. I actually just looked at Hansard. I said they talked for about 20 minutes with a …
    House Hansard
  9. … ACT (PROHIBITING FLAVOURED TOBACCO, NEW TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND SMOKELESS TOBACCO), 2012 / LOI DE 2012 MODIFIANT LA LOI … the debt trap that you’re walking into, you said to me in Hansard that, “In fact, we cut $17.7 billion.” Can you point … the right to correct his own record. There are no deferred votes. This House stands recessed until 3 p.m. this …
    House Hansard
  10. … GOVERNMENT'S RECORD CANADIAN BASEBALL HALL OF FAME AND MUSEUM DIALYSIS CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES … province, values the quality of health care. We've heard debates here in this Legislature often about the value of … I didn't say "all." Mr Christopherson: Well, we'll get the Hansard and we'll just take a look at what you did say. But …
    House Hansard
  11. … funding Ontario economy Environmental protection Immigrant and refugee policy Education funding Mental health and addiction services Water quality Visitors Deferred Votes Labour Relations Amendment Act (Protecting Ontario’s … our historic building would not be maintained. Without the Hansard and interpretation staff, our words in this chamber …
    House Hansard
  12. … from Thunder Bay. We have Dr. Brian Stevenson, president and vice-chancellor of Lakehead University, here with us … members of the House, knocked on doors, participated in debates—well, most of us participated in debatesand … that with a straight face and actually have it recorded in Hansard for people to hear and read many years from today. …
    House Hansard
  13. … CARE REFORM FIREARMS SAFETY LIQUOR STORE MOTORCYCLE AND SNOWMOBILE INSURANCE FIREARMS SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE … years he was here. I recall a number of occasions during debates in the late 1970s when references were made to Donald … can find this quote on page 541 of the estimates committee Hansard. In view of Mr Pouliot's very questionable promises …
    House Hansard
  14. … ONTARIO ECONOMY GOVERNMENT SPENDING MANUFACTURING AND FORESTRY SECTOR JOBS HYDRO RATES EMPLOYMENT SUPPORTS … the Canadian home builders—I refer it for the record for Hansard. It's from September 17, 2008. It's online. It … bills to actually put things on the floor and create the debates that are necessary. When we look at some heavy-duty …
    House Hansard
  15. … BY THE MINISTRY FLOOD DAMAGE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BILL NUCLEAR PLANT SAFETY ORAL … the tourist operators in that area. As I read from Instant Hansard, the minister made reference to the $10 million North … in the money that we vote, that we deal with here in the debates, such as they are, on northern matters. Hon. Mr. …
    House Hansard