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  1. … RESOURCES SOCIAL ASSISTANCE HOME CARE WILLIAM MILNE AND SONS LTD. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE VISITORS DENTAL CARE … conclusion, Mr. Kellock noted that it is clear from the debates at the time the Legislative Assembly Act was passed … you saying? He is half smart? I will send him a copy of Hansard. He came into office committed to neither. He was not …
    House Hansard
  2. … grand jury system abolished in their own jurisdictions, and he has indicated he will be bringing in an omnibus bill … I was going to join but I won’t mention it; I’ll lose some votes. The sum has gone up somewhat from $840,000 up to … “Summer is icumen in” -- i-c-u-m-e-n, for the purpose of Hansard; it’s taken from Chaucer, the first line of Troilus …
    House Hansard
  3. … DÉPUTÉS MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES WASTE DISPOSAL / GESTION DES DÉCHETS ORAL … relationship with the truth. I would invite him to look at Hansard from 2001 until the day that this Parliament was … to advise you, Speaker, that we did a very quick search of Hansard with respect to the wording that you were concerned …
    House Hansard
  4. … REPORT, SELECT COMMITTEE ON PLANT SHUTDOWNS AND EMPLOYEE ADJUSTMENT The House resumed at 8:01 p.m. … very well last year we went through the two emergency debates that precipitated the formation of the select … evening. I know they have not had a chance to read the Hansard reports of those committee hearings. I just want to …
    House Hansard
  5. … CONCURRENCE IN SUPPLY, MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS The House resumed at 8 p.m. … the Astra and Re-Mor scandals, neither civil nor criminal proceedings have come to trial even though two years have … it was not necessary. We are being criticized as well in Hansard for investigating -- remember this, for investigating …
    House Hansard
  6. … MEMBER'S ANNIVERSARY VISITOR STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES INDIAN BAND AGREEMENT SECURITIES INDUSTRY IDEA … not in the free lunches but in the discussions and debates that will have to take place to bring Ontario's laws … expired. Mr. Rae: I was not in the House yesterday; I have Hansard here. I understand the Leader of the Opposition (Mr. …
    House Hansard
  7. … DE 2007 SUR LES PROPRIÉTÉS FAMILIALES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AMENDMENT ACT (HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE), 2007 / … today. As I was preparing these remarks, I looked back at Hansard from June 8, 2006, the last time this bill was … in the schools. Never forget that. We went through big debates in the election. I know before the election the …
    House Hansard
  8. … CHILDREN NIAGARA OMB HEARINGS USE OF HERBICIDES AND PESTICIDES CO-PAYMENT FEES PETITION GEORGIAN BAY … have not yet had the opportunity to sit down and read the Hansard of that meeting. At least six to eight weeks ago we … Because of the stacked vote, it would seem that if the votes previously stacked are not agreed to by the committee, …
    House Hansard
  9. … damage the naturally reproducing lake trout lakes Denman and Chiblow, as any interference with the water levels could … listening to the quips. Probably it was not picked up by Hansard and this is purely to help it. I overhead the … very much of the fact that he is looking forward to these debates, looking forward very much to the consultation, …
    House Hansard
  10. … has been committed to a program of tax simplification, and of course my ministry has been heavily involved. I would … denied the involvement of the police. I quote from Instant Hansard wherein he said: “ ... I can state quite … might be in the interest of the plaintiff to delay the proceedings. What is sought here is some kind of medium, some …
    House Hansard
  11. … this week coming up, including a demonstration on Thursday and the singing of songs outside the Legislature today by a … assembly have come here to this debate, as we do to most debates, representing not only our own constituencies and our … in his allotted time. The House recessed at 6 p.m. … Hansard Transcripts 1980-May-06 …
    House Hansard
  12. … FARMERS KINDNESS WEEK COYOTES BLACK HISTORY MONTH PEYTON AND TAYLOR HORNING THREE KINGS DAY MINING INDUSTRY JANE … was spent and wasn’t spent on housing. He admitted in Hansard, on record, that it would cost less to put someone in … a member to attend this House. There being no deferred votes, this House stands recessed until 3 p.m. this …
    House Hansard
  13. … BY RAVENS WINDSOR CHRONIC CARE FACILITY EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY MUNICIPAL REASSESSMENTS USE OF TIME IN QUESTION … That is exactly what the member said. She can read Hansard and perhaps stand on a point of personal privilege … rarely and has never participated in any of the emergency debates on unemployment or the auto industry, is not here …
    House Hansard
  14. … WORKERS’ COMPENSATION LOTTERY PROFITS SCHOOL OPENING AND CLOSING EXERCISES WORKERS’ COMPENSATION TEACHERS’ … for his, I think, compliment. I will have to read Hansard to find out if indeed there was any substance to it, … members of the table here, but not as much as I have with Hansard correctors who have saved me from many a gaffe over …
    House Hansard
  15. … I would like to advise the Minister of the Environment and the House of an imminent emergency looming in my riding. … Toronto, I also recall very clearly many, many debates that took place about the Metropolitan Toronto level … the member for Mississauga East used, and I hope Hansard did not pick that up. The member for …
    House Hansard