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Displaying 2011 - 2025 of 7370
  1. … DEVELOPMENTALLY HANDICAPPED STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSE RECREATION SERVICES ORAL QUESTIONS EXTRA BILLING … Mr. Harris: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker: Regarding Votes and Proceedings of Thursday, June 5, on page 198, … not support it, for whatever reasons. In reviewing Instant Hansard, the reasons given were not very substantial. …
    House Hansard
  2. … BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON NOTICE PAPER AND RESPONSE TO PETITION The House met at 2:02 p.m. Prayers. … program over the next five years. We have endless debates in the estimates and elsewhere about those kinds of … and the response to a petition, sessional paper 245. (See Hansard for Friday, November 13). The House recessed at 6 …
    House Hansard
  3. … THERAPY HEALTH CARE HYDRO RATES INTRODUCTION OF BILLS FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AMENDMENT ACT (DOUBLE-CRESTED … Colleges and Universities): I'd be delighted to check the Hansard and find out what answer the member gave when his … the answer that came back, and I invite members to check Hansard, was that the government felt it needed the time to …
    House Hansard
  4. … ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS TORONTO ATMOSPHERIC … the time were the Liberals. I've got to go back and check Hansard on this, because I certainly remember some debate and … simply rammed through with a raising of arms and simple votes. Then the bill came back here for third reading, where …
    House Hansard
  5. … INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS ORAL QUESTIONS WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD … that explained the need for more licences. So based on the debates in this Legislature, the PC caucus introduced the … even if you're not listening now, look back over the Hansard; look at that motion and think about it. What a …
    House Hansard
  6. … PARADE PARKINSON’S AWARENESS MONTH LEEDS–GRENVILLE ARTS AND CULTURE OAKVILLE AWARDS FOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE MINOR … for reasonable compromises when it comes to some of the debates that we’re seeing in this House, particularly with … co-operation that they’ve actually said—on record, in Hansard, they actually said, “We will agree with the will of …
    House Hansard
  7. … Speaker, I'd like to have unanimous consent to move second and third reading of Bill 62 right now. The Deputy Speaker … will, of this caucus of this House. He has participated in debates on many topics, and on this particular topic he's … been working on your behalf at Queen's Park. This is my Hansard record: `Interjection.'" Or a frivolous point of …
    House Hansard
  8. … ZUCCHINI RECIPE WESTINGHOUSE ANTI-TRUST SUIT INDIAN LAND AND RESOURCE CLAIMS REPORTS ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD REPORT POWER … the committee has included, and it’s reflected well in the debates in this assembly subsequently, was that it’s really … House on June 18, 1976. I’d like to read from page 3578 of Hansard, Friday, June 18, 1976. “Last week there was quite a …
    House Hansard
  9. … Speaker, I appreciate the comments of the members opposite and of my colleague from Carleton-Grenville (Mr. Sterling). I … and they, along with the councillor who had the most votes, became the three representatives. There still will be … Always concerned about the little guy over there. Mr. Epp: Hansard will so record. Mr. Rotenberg: The maximum …
    House Hansard
  10. … IMPAIRED SERVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED CREDIT UNIONS AND CAISSES POPULAIRES HELLENIC COMMUNITY OF OTTAWA POAG … example of a breach of standing orders 23(h) and (i) in Hansard. That question makes an overt and unseemly allegation … today. Premier, all the best. There being no deferred votes, this House stands recessed until 1 p.m. this …
    House Hansard
  11. … to encourage awareness of the need for the early detection and treatment of brain tumours / Projet de loi 14, Loi visant … just prior to the last federal election. Were they buying votes? I don't know, but you really begin to wonder. Very … to prorogue; it says if we prorogue. You'd better check Hansard. You left more of the impression that we are going to …
    House Hansard
  12. … of Visitors Gary Leadston Earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan Oral Questions Autism treatment Hydro rates … to speak on this bill. I was in the House for a lot of the debates that took place on this bill. I think we’re close to … we will make sure that you receive a DVD and a copy of Hansard, of these tributes for your keepsake. Finally, we …
    House Hansard
  13. … Statements Ontario Scottish community Pension plans Organ and tissue donation Delhi Rockets Injured workers Pay equity … the bill without further debate or amendment; and That the votes on second and third reading may be deferred, pursuant … Dave Levac): Oh, sorry. I just thought I’d offer you that. Hansard, do not record that. There are no deferred votes. …
    House Hansard
  14. … ORAL QUESTIONS ASBESTOS HAZARDS UNEMPLOYMENT FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PROCESSING TORONTO DOCTORS’ DISPUTE NIAGARA … would not want to mislead anyone either. I do not know how Hansard operates. I read this very carefully. Mr. Martel: You … as grey power. These people will have a large number of votes. How cynical can the federal government get? And this …
    House Hansard
  15. … ANTI-SMOKING LEGISLATION MEMBERS' STATEMENTS FIBROMYALGIA AND CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME AWARENESS DAY MOTHER'S DAY FALUN … great number of years, I can tell you that the most heated debates that we would have at East York council or the most … this is in fact not the case— Mr. Dave Levac: Just read Hansard. Mr. John Yakabuski: Just his words in Hansard—I'm …
    House Hansard