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Displaying 1966 - 1980 of 7370
  1. … MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES EDUCATION REFORM SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION … they went to the people of Ontario and asked for their votes. It was this: "We will help children who need help the … in opposition, you said the following -- and I quote from Hansard in 1997: "Gas prices all over Ontario continue to be …
    House Hansard
  2. … 18 Jun 1974 / Mar 18 jun 1974 LAND SPECULATION TAX JURIES AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS INSPECTION STATUTES ORGANIZATION AND … about housing matters. He sent to me a photostat of Hansard today which indicates quite firmly that on May 24, … been solidly documented academically as well as in many debates in this House. Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): And
    House Hansard
  3. … SERVICE ONTARIO NORTHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE FERRY SERVICE … to shoptalk, and we started talking about some of the debates we’ve had here in this space and some of the … James Ramage, who are here visiting Carreen Paterson from Hansard services. Welcome to Ontario. ORAL QUESTIONS ONTARIO …
    House Hansard
  4. … TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PLANT CLOSURES AND TERMINATION ENTITLEMENTS ASBESTOS LEVELS UNIVERSITY … the private members’ hour. Since we have had two emergency debates on two successive Thursdays, that means I am going to … (Mr. Auld), had this to say, and I am quoting from Hansard: “We look at how much business they do. I can give …
    House Hansard
  5. … OF POLICE BRUTALITY POLITICAL ESPIONAGE EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY USER FEES CHARGES AGAINST JUDGES ASSISTANCE TO … gimmicks which were obviously very successful in getting votes, and to speak of BILD and this and that. We have to … answer to question 248 standing on the Notice Paper. (See Hansard for Friday, December 4.) ORDERS OF THE DAY …
    House Hansard
  6. … to this kind of hijacking of our democracy. Rule changes and streamlining have taken place since the beginning of … was the conclusion of those deliberations? I looked at Hansard, page 1770, on the division on changes to the … very different creature, and while many may feel that the debates that go on in here and the institution itself may be …
    House Hansard
  7. … PUBLIC BUSINESS INTRODUCTION OF BILL PRIMROCK MINING AND EXPLORATION LIMITED ACT MOTION TO SET ASIDE ORDINARY … co-ordination. For the members present let me quote, from Hansard, the Minister of Tourism and Recreation. This was in … to meet those obligations and allow those very important debates of interest to the citizenry of northern Ontario, and
    House Hansard
  8. … MINING CO. ONTARIO INDIAN POLICE COMMISSION KICKBOXING AND FULL CONTACT KARATE RESPONSE TO WRITTEN QUESTIONS CLOSURE … 696, 697, 698, 699, 700 and 706 on the Notice Paper [see Hansard for final sitting day of session]. ORDERS OF THE DAY … from 1979 to 1980 in the number of last-offer and strike votes supervised by the commission. Indeed, the number of …
    House Hansard
  9. … OF JUSTICE STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND OTHER STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS STANDING COMMITTEE ON … of Canada that the time provided for these adjournment debates was strictly limited to the members concerned and … objective? Hon. Mr. Snow: I am sure the Premier is reading Hansard in great detail these days and will get the …
    House Hansard
  10. … assets International trade Court facility Mental health and addiction services Water quality Public transit Hydro … As the esteemed member from Oxford mentioned during past debates, I strongly feel that submissions from individuals, … House leader and of the member from Simcoe–Grey, Hansard, items provided by the member from Simcoe–Grey and
    House Hansard
  11. … ACT THRONE SPEECH DEBATE KIRKLAND LAKE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND TEACHERS’ DISPUTE The House met at 2 p.m. Prayers. Mr. … starts to investigate Ontario Hydro. If one looks back at Hansard in November, 1975 and looks at some of the comments … in the same party, the fact that I hold my seat by 440 votes. Mr. Foulds: Perhaps you should have. Mr. Grossman: …
    House Hansard
  12. … LAND-LEASE COMMUNITIES SOCIAL SERVICES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY FAMILY SUPPORT PLAN SERVICES FOR THE DISABLED … process, particularly during question period and during debates where there are contentious issues. But throughout … short seconds I have left, of a letter that was read into Hansard a few days ago by the minister. It says: "We believe …
    House Hansard
  13. … Jeudi 11 mars 2021 Orders of the Day Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 / Loi de 2021 … Mrs. Lisa Gretzky: I’m going to read directly from Hansard. I’m quoting what was already in Hansard from my … whether it’s on private members’ bills, we have lively debates but, ultimately, as the Premier has said on a number …
    House Hansard
  14. … (Mr. Nixon) in a previous incarnation in his speeches and in his dedication to the campaign. I cannot think of an … the arguments several times. I refer the members to Hansard for those arguments and I make them again in that … It is 10:15 p. m. and the time has come for the stacked votes. Mr. Harris: Mr. Chairman, I appreciate your drawing my …
    House Hansard
  15. … are new to North America they are fairly common in Europe and have been used there for many years. Mr. Kerrio: We have … for Brant-Oxford-Norfolk, in his comments on page 5055 of Hansard, on second reading, made this comment: “My colleague, … -- someone to the commission then this doesn’t hold up the proceedings. In other words, the minister can then go ahead …
    House Hansard