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  1. … PURCHASE OF CONDOMINIUMS ST CLAIR COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY JOSEPH BRANT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL EXPENDITURE … a companion document will be accepted but I will read in Hansard the words of the Premier very carefully. POLICIES ON … I look forward to participating in many other debates, and I do hope that Bill 125, in spite of its rocky …
    House Hansard
  2. … OF PETITIONS HOSPITAL FUNDING ABORIGINAL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES TAXATION WATER QUALITY TAXATION MINING INDUSTRY … of their bills through the Legislature. But I did read the Hansard transcript of both Attorney General Bentley’s and Mr. … resolutions—in some cases, characterized as emergency debates—are initiated, debate takes place over a couple of …
    House Hansard
  3. … 223 of The Municipal Act is still a useful document, and we are taking steps, with the aid of municipal treasurers … international issue. You will do anything for a handful of votes. Mr. S. Smith: I have a supplementary of the Premier, … answer to the question? Mr. Lewis: I hope that got on to Hansard. I hope Hansard has that interjection. Hon. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  4. … Davis: Mr. Speaker, I would just like to inform the House and seek the endorsation of all members for a letter that I … correct procedure had been followed and that there were no votes taken between the two so-called official votes that … Hon. Mr. Drea: Mr. Speaker, I will look at the Hansard when it is available. I will look at today’s Hansard
    House Hansard
  5. … I rise to raise what I believe is a point of privilege and a matter of great import to this Legislative Assembly. To … -- Interjections. Mr. Peterson: He said it, sir, and Hansard will show that it is on the record. Mr. Speaker: I … say for a moment that there will not be opportunities for debates and committee discussions of other aspects of this …
    House Hansard
  6. … ever-increasing costs associated with the hospital care and the alternative of community-based health services, the … Mr. Beer: I think that when we enter into constitutional debates, and in some respects we do not do that often enough, … value extremely highly, I am going to send a copy of this Hansard -- Mr. Speaker: Thank you. POLLUTION CONTROL Mrs. …
    House Hansard
  7. … VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE LONG-TERM CARE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSUMER PROTECTION HIGHWAY SAFETY MUNICIPAL … investigate an incident on the premises of his ministry. Hansard shows he quite clearly accused the member for … don't gain an unfair advantage on the opposition in the debates that take place in this House and in this province? …
    House Hansard
  8. … this opportunity, on behalf of the members of this House and the people of Ontario, to thank Lou Parsons, whose term … At the very least, the Premier should have checked Hansard from last week, when his own Finance minister at … in pursuing in a reasonable and progressive fashion the debates on important pieces of legislation. There is, in my …
    House Hansard
  9. … take this opportunity to introduce to the House 35 grade 7 and 8 students from Spanish Public School in the great riding … for Riverdale has raised, we not only make it clear in Hansard what our intention is -- unfortunately that has often … of the standing procedural affairs committee report in the votes and proceedings No. 27 of April 29, I would like to …
    House Hansard
  10. … a point of privilege, Mr. Speaker: In this morning’s Globe and Mail on the front page there was an article which, in the … down. First of all, I want to read into the record, from Hansard, an excerpt from the committee itself. I know that a … in time in this particular section in some philosophical debates on the matter, if she would engage in it, so that I …
    House Hansard
  11. … of Education): I move that, pursuant to standing order 46 and notwithstanding any other standing order or special order … third party members -- from fully participating in the debates of the day. They're designed to limit those … The minister made a promise and an undertaking in Hansard that he and his staff would get back not only to …
    House Hansard
  12. … EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS' SALARIES FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE RETAIL SALES TAX VISITOR EMPLOYEE … to questions 164 and 193 in Orders and Notices [See Hansard for Friday, February 7]. ORDERS OF THE DAY HEALTH … 3:40 p.m. The last three paragraphs are direct quotes from Hansard, January 28, from the comments made by the Liberal …
    House Hansard
  13. … moved second reading of Bill 54, An Act to Authorize and Regulate the Payment by the Minister to Specified Persons … he said, and I am quoting from page 3 of Instant Hansard: "Unrealistic drug prices are a major contributing … "in the opinion of the Speaker, refers at length to debates of the current session, or reads unnecessarily from …
    House Hansard
  14. … OHC LAND PURCHASES IN OTTAWA AREA JUDICATURE ACT LOAN AND TRUST CORPORATIONS ACT MUNICIPAL ACT MOOSONEE DEVELOPMENT … In view of the fact that on page 5193, Nov. 13, 1974, of Hansard, he agreed that the appraised value of the Saltfleet … More than that, the person getting the largest number of votes -- Mr. Stokes: That is giving them a little bit of …
    House Hansard
  15. … a pilot project court where methods of reducing expense and delay in the adjudication of civil action can be … reactor should be re-undertaken. Interestingly enough, the votes of the other two parties on that committee rendered the … straight, for once? Ms. Gigantes: Why don’t you read the Hansard? Mr. S. Smith: I may say there was neither a motion …
    House Hansard