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Displaying 1921 - 1935 of 7370
  1. … of Health. Can the minister explain why confidential and detailed information on patients at the Queen Street … probably would never admit this, the constitutional debates and reforms are going to take a long period of time. … could be dealt with under vote 1101. In any event, I think Hansard will show that. Mr. Chairman: If the committee so …
    House Hansard
  2. … COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MOTION COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTION ORDERS OF THE DAY … Mr. Andrewes: Mr. Speaker, if you will retrace my words in Hansard, I think you will find that I moved a motion to … bars set up in the past as a result of the lengthy proceedings before the board. The third party seems to have …
    House Hansard
  3. … THE MINISTRY FIRESTONE CANADA INC. HOME SUPPORT SERVICES AND ELDERLY PERSONS CENTRES RESPONSES FIRESTONE CANADA INC. … calls first reading, introduces it, calls second reading, debates it in principle, calls third reading and it is passed … Pelissero). The member for Lincoln, if members will check Hansard -- I do not have it with me; if I had it, I could …
    House Hansard
  4. … of Bill 27, An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Act and the MPPs Pension Act, 1996 / Projet de loi 27, Loi … orders was amended in August 1997. I have reviewed the debates that took place at that time and have found … the government, on June 23, 1997, on page 10943 of Hansard said, "this particular amendment I have put forward …
    House Hansard
  5. … CANADIAN FORCES OVERSEAS NATIVE HUNTING AND FISHING OPPOSITION MEMBERS SMALL BUSINESS FREEDOM OF … adds something that is a little different to our normal debates and procedures here in the House. 1650 I also would … to go back through all of those. They're there, they're in Hansard, and we're going to be able to look at them and to …
    House Hansard
  6. … I thought I needed a little moral support. I would ask you and the other members of the House to recognize some 18 young … Mr. Grossman: Those words irony and ironical set out in Hansard may leave some sort of impression at some later date … find most popular and which would lose them the fewest votes. I suppose this is it. By presenting this non-secular …
    House Hansard
  7. … from legally accountable professional social workers; and Whereas professional social workers work with people … Don't lose them. You're throwing it away. You're losing votes by the second. The Deputy Speaker: The member for … have done and the tremendous contribution of our clerk, Hansard, the research staff and all the recording staff. They …
    House Hansard
  8. … HOSPITAL EDUCATION REFORMS CLASS SIZE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY TRANSITION HOUSE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY … in fact initiated. To quote the Attorney General in Hansard, he said: "I said there was a break-in. I said it was … I recall, and I wish I could have it in front of me in Hansard, but of course it's too early for that this …
    House Hansard
  9. … 2002 SPEAKER'S RULING ORDERS OF THE DAY RELIABLE ENERGY AND CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 2002 / LOI DE 2002 SUR LA … and again, I would urge anyone watching tonight or reading Hansard subsequently to reflect that the same "sky is … He and all his colleagues have so far, in all the debates, been loathe to talk about the Power Workers' Union. …
    House Hansard
  10. … 1976 / Jeu 11 mar 1976 KIRKLAND LAKE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND TEACHERS’ DISPUTE ACT (CONTINUED) KIRKLAND LAKE BOARD OF … and I would like to quote, Mr. Speaker, from page 100 of Hansard of Jan. 15, 1976, the evening edition, wherein the … Motion agreed to. The House adjourned at 10:40 p.m. … Hansard Transcripts 1976-Mar-11 …
    House Hansard
  11. … Privatization of public assets Post-secondary education and skills training Executive compensation Health care … you were for.” Another example: On December 4, 2002, in Hansard, the member from Eglinton–Lawrence said, “I’m ... … their perspectives, values and concerns to bear on the debates of our provincial Legislature. Speaker, in that …
    House Hansard
  12. … attending a special awards ceremony given by Chief Boughen and the Port Hope Fire Department in honour of five heroes … has asked, "What's the end of the sentence?" I have Hansard. My last sentence was, "Everybody wants an appeal, … amendment? Mr Stockwell: I think at the end of these debates that it's always important to discuss exactly what …
    House Hansard
  13. … TRIAL DECISION DETENTION OF RAPE VICTIM EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY VISITOR CONTRACT TENDERS EXTRA BILLING THUNDER BAY … sessional paper 205 standing on the notice paper [see Hansard for Friday, December 2]. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE Hon. … he has the time, and I think we may have it, before this debates ends. The time is available. It is interesting that …
    House Hansard
  14. … SPECIAL SERVICES AT HOME PROGRAM NATIVE PEOPLE AND THE JUSTICE SYSTEM PETITIONS SENIOR CITIZENS’ APARTMENTS … Mr. Speaker: When the official record of the House, Hansard, is printed, I will, on behalf of all members, make … means that unless the barricade is discovered and legal proceedings are commenced within six months, the provisions …
    House Hansard
  15. … CONFERENCE ON NORTHERN COMPETITIVENESS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES … he could not recall any of that. I suggest he look in Hansard. I also called him in September about the same sort … dollars that he has and to the estimates that are in his votes and items. Hon. Mr. Nixon: I think your advice is good, …
    House Hansard