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  1. … the aspect of the resolution. It was late in the evening, and I did not feel like arguing the point with him. That is … foregone conclusion by those who want to expedite these debates in the interest of getting out early. Who am I to … -- gives us this on June 1, as reported at page 1163 of Hansard: "Mr. Speaker, if I can continue: I hope I will be …
    House Hansard
  2. … LISABETH MARLENE STEWART STREIT PIT BULLS ONTARIO FILM AND TELEVISION INDUSTRY FOSTER AND ADOPTION FAMILIES PREMIER … two things now, and I've been making these points in the debates around the greenbelt. They desperately need their … question is to the Minister of Education. A review of the Hansard record will show that you don't answer questions and
    House Hansard
  3. … of the House the First Clarkson Scout Troop Adventurers and their leaders, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Russell and Mr. Amos. I’m … Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): I hope they don’t read Hansard. Mr. Chairman: The member for Wellington South is … agreed to. The House adjourned at 10:35 o’clock, p.m. … Hansard Transcript 1974-May-13 …
    House Hansard
  4. … protection des propriétaires de condominiums Strengthening and Improving Government Act, 2015 / Loi de 2015 sur le … recognized on a further point of order. We can check the Hansard. Anyway, I’m going to speak on what I believe is … of course, the President of the Treasury Board for their debates. If the Chair will give me a little bit of leeway, …
    House Hansard
  5. … Introduction of Visitors Question Period Health care Child and family services Public transit Skills training Municipal … workers Women’s services Business of the House Deferred Votes Health Care is Not for Sale Act (Addressing Unfair Fees … in the name of economic development.” And he quotes from Hansard, so this is a government statement: “We would also …
    House Hansard
  6. … Mardi 12 avril 2011 ORDERS OF THE DAY HEALTH PROTECTION AND PROMOTION AMENDMENT ACT, 2011 / LOI DE 2011 MODIFIANT LA … Mr. Tang. They’re here to report on the calmness of our debates so people back home can see how democracy really … to get one’s name on the record for a 16th of a page of Hansard. Where are the government members defending Internet …
    House Hansard
  7. … 27 avr 1988 MEMBERS’ STATEMENTS COLLEGES OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL FUNDING MANITOBA ELECTION USE OF … on it. Mr. Speaker: We will now commence with routine proceedings. MEMBERS’ STATEMENTS COLLEGES OF APPLIED ARTS AND … Mr. Harris: Maybe I will continue with my debate. For the Hansard record, the first two minutes may be considered part …
    House Hansard
  8. … of the province for the year ending March 31, 1982, and recommends them to the Legislative Assembly, Toronto, … the NEB's invitation to his ministry to intervene in the proceedings, his officials were conspicuously absent. I want … on a promise made by the former minister. I refer to Hansard of April 22, 1980, when the former minister was asked …
    House Hansard
  9. … with four generations under his care. He works six days and two nights per week in his Clarkson office, makes house … procedures for this House, and I'm going to be reviewing Hansard very closely, I would suggest to you that what I … watching the clock, so I'm watching the clock as well. The debates in this House aren't quite as liberal and free as the …
    House Hansard
  10. … BUSINESS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT MOTOR VEHICLES LABOUR CONTENT … terms of structure and organization and just how many free votes it has within its caucus to determine whatever … has the opportunity, quietly over breakfast, he can read Hansard and realize there was a great deal of substance in …
    House Hansard
  11. … COMMISSION ON ELECTION CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENSES STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY STRIKEBREAKING … by the Loan and Trust Corporations Act to initiate proceedings to wind up the companies. Such action would have … be an original idea in that party. If we were to read Hansard from a year or so ago, the member stood in his place …
    House Hansard
  12. … regulations. The increase in mill rates to be used by this and other boards to determine the local share of expenditures … undertaken. Mr Runciman : In the 4 December 1986 issue of Hansard, the Premier is quoted as saying in respect to the … General did not in fact have any influence over any of the proceedings that occurred at the station that particular …
    House Hansard
  13. … OF THE DAY SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF TREASURY AND ECONOMICS (CONTINUED) CONCURRENCE IN SUPPLY, MINISTRY OF … if it would help the government get out of their box." In Hansard of Tuesday, January 25, the minister said to this … ah, uh" -- I do not know how one would put that down in Hansard -- after a lot of hesitation she conceded she would …
    House Hansard
  14. … (Waterloo–Wellington): People in Waterloo—Wellington and Halton Hills know that the McGuinty Liberal government's … the normal process of second reading. But if you read Hansard on second reading after a bill has been referred out … well as the dissenting report and his contributions in the debates since October 2006, when this bill was introduced. He …
    House Hansard
  15. … uniform manner. Following that announcement, my colleagues and I have received many comments, delegations and … strict time limits, its scheduling, its allocations of debates, were it not for the very tireless and very dedicated … yes, right. Mr. Speaker, you will permit me if I amend Hansard in this connection. While I am not the most rabid …
    House Hansard