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  1. … FOR WORK OF EQUAL VALUE INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS SALE OF BEER AND WINE MOTION COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY INTRODUCTION OF BILLS … of Education in that connection. Mr. Bradley: I will allow Hansard to pick that up. We have found in this case that … so stubborn, for being politically unbending during the debates on Bill 127. The minister rarely listens to what …
    House Hansard
  2. … HEALTHY WORKPLACE AWARD SCARECROW FESTIVAL UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE FACILITIES PHARMACISTS STEVEN TRUSCOTT … Renewal): Mr Speaker, on a point of order: Does Hansard record that it was the NDP who said no to the … of Ontario whatever they wanted to hear, found enough votes to get elected, and now we're stuck with the guy until …
    House Hansard
  3. … FINANCES EXTRA BILLING AFFORDABLE HOUSING EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY TIMMINS HOSPITAL TOXIC CONTAMINANTS EMPLOYEE … of my old speech of four years ago, dusted the cover of Hansard and looked at some of the comments I made then and … to form a government by having received the majority of votes, I believe its members can no longer represent their …
    House Hansard
  4. … Lundi 17 octobre 2005 ORDERS OF THE DAY PRIVATE SECURITY AND INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES ACT, 2005 / LOI DE 2005 SUR LES … but I want to put it on the record because of looking at Hansard down the road. On Bill 88, the explanatory note -- … to haunt us. I wanted to have clearly identified in the Hansard what the Shand inquiry recommendations were so that …
    House Hansard
  5. … involve itself, as a matter of principle, in extensive and rather expensive bail-out exercises. Clearly these are … much time criticizing E. P. Taylor, and he may not read Hansard as he sits with his feet up in Nassau contemplating … the member for Brantford. The longer you go on, the more votes he gets. Mr. McClellan: Not in Bellwoods, my dear …
    House Hansard
  6. … TIME ALLOCATION Hon David Johnson (Minister of Education and Training): I move that, pursuant to standing order 46 and … next sessional day during the routine proceeding "Deferred Votes"; and That, in the case of any division relating to any … those people who want to check the record, they can check Hansard, page 651, and they can find the Liberal member for …
    House Hansard
  7. … de l’Ontario de 2016 Introduction of Bills Jobs for Today and Tomorrow Act (Budget Measures), 2016 / Loi de 2016 … First of all, I would like to correct my record for Hansard from yesterday’s statement. Yesterday, on page 8 of … makes great sense, and I appreciate her sincerity as she debates any bill. One thing that stuck with me, Speaker, is …
    House Hansard
  8. … - Tue 29 Apr 1975 / Mar 29 avr 1975 MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND RECREATION AMENDMENT ACT (CONCLUDED) THIRD READING … give a brief outline of the bill before the hon. member debates the issue. I have just a short statement here that … review their suggestions in detail as I go through Hansard, because of course we are most anxious to come tsp …
    House Hansard
  9. … ÉMANANT DU GOUVERNEMENT ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN CARE DAY ACT, 2012 / LOI DE 2012 SUR LE JOUR DES … excerpt from the Afghanistan ruling, page 2,043 of Hansard for April 27, 2010, parliamentary privilege—of which … do is what is inside of the ruling. There are no deferred votes. This House stands recessed until 1 p.m. The House …
    House Hansard
  10. … classes from that school over the next several weeks, and I’m sure the members would wish to welcome them. Hon. R. … going to start with the seconder. I have here the instant Hansard of his speech. I’m rather intrigued by some of the … me quote his words. All right, on page 81 of the instant Hansard for March 13 we have the member for Prince …
    House Hansard
  11. … Wentworth; Paul Perak, Kitchener; Mark Prescott, Prescott and Russell; Jerry Taylor, Algoma and Michael Wohl, London … my decision at that time in order that I might study the Hansard carefully. The member for Scarborough-Ellesmere … cases. I can’t help but think of the times when these debates were on at Metro council. I think what we have to …
    House Hansard
  12. … PROTECTION CHARITY HOCKEY GAME ONTARIO LOTTERY AND GAMING CORP. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION YORK SUBWAY … see that the Callwood family receives the remarks from Hansard today. ORAL QUESTIONS ONTARIO LOTTERY AND GAMING … of my riding is under water. There are not many votes out there, but there's lots of work to be done in that …
    House Hansard
  13. … Mercredi 28 octobre 2015 Orders of the Day Strengthening and Improving Government Act, 2015 / Loi de 2015 sur le … members’ public business Decorum in chamber Deferred Votes Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015 / Loi de 2015 sur … is Justyna Zegarmistrz—and I apologize to the folks at Hansard for that, I will give you the spelling in a moment. …
    House Hansard
  14. … ON SENIOR CITIZENS ORAL QUESTIONS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PAY EQUITY IN HOSPITALS HEALTH … directly from one of his answers to a question of mine, in Hansard, December 3, 1985. “When you say ‘right to farm,’ the … the inefficiency of its management. I recall the various debates on bills since 1975. I remember, for example, Bill …
    House Hansard
  15. … ESTIMATES MINERAL RESOURCE TAXATION EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY REMOVAL OF CONTAMINATED SOIL DIOXIN IN FISH … the issue brought forward by the honourable member. I hope Hansard was better in getting the question than I was. Mr. … This is an election goody that was promised to attract votes. It was popular. The people of Ontario were concerned …
    House Hansard