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  1. … REFORM SHEENA'S PLACE EDUCATION REFORM TIM FARMILO AND CHRIS DRAGERT LEGISLATIVE PAGES REPORTS BY COMMITTEES … on the record. You stated that on February 24, 1997, in Hansard, page 7154. You went on to say that in that … deadline rather than this Thursday, so that the estimates debates can proceed in the estimates committee and not have …
    House Hansard
  2. … organization of Ontario's Breakfast for Learning program and a delay in the transfer of funds needed to feed children. … and keep our existing businesses here." He said that in Hansard in 1991. Yet, it would appear that a government that … issue. I have in front of me the elementary school strike votes, and I'd like to share these with you for the record: …
    House Hansard
  3. … - Thu 18 Dec 1997 / Jeu 18 Déc 1997 ORDERS OF THE DAY FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION ACT, 1997 / LOI DE 1997 SUR LA … that was articulated by Mr Hodgson" - that is recorded in Hansard, so if you want to check whether he said it or not, … Speaker (Hon Chris Stockwell): I forgot during the routine proceedings to announce to the House that today is the last …
    House Hansard
  4. … the passing of a distinguished constituent of Scarborough and an extremely distinguished Ontario public servant for … Members will recall that during the discussions and debates on Bill 77, both in standing committee and in … the minister is telling us? Hon. Mr. Welch: It is right in Hansard. Mr. McClellan: That is exactly what the minister has …
    House Hansard
  5. … PAPER MILL CONTROL ORDERS HYDRO PURCHASING POUCY PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY ONTARIO EXPORTS PLANT LOCATION INCENTIVES … remember, if he will think back to the day the estimates debates began, when I indicated to him there were three areas … your mind? Hon. F. S. Miller: If you go back through Hansard, and I’m sure you will; I stated -- Mr. Laughren: I …
    House Hansard
  6. … SPECIALISTS' SERVICES CPI CANADA HAZARDOUS WASTE DRINKING AND DRIVING EYE CARE SERVICES HOME CARE INTRODUCTION OF BILLS … funding-I'm quoting directly from your answer from Hansard-to Fort Henry over the last five years. You and I … next sessional day during the routine proceeding "Deferred Votes"; and That, in the case of any division relating to any …
    House Hansard
  7. … bill on the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001, and the bill is numbered 122. This is indeed a very unique … for that matter, on April 12, 2000. That is the record of Hansard in this House. It is astounding that somehow now, on … the clock tomorrow morning. The House adjourned at 2130. … Hansard Transcripts 2001-Nov-07 …
    House Hansard
  8. … Thu 6 May 1976 / Jeu 6 mai 1976 WINDSOR BOARD OF EDUCATION AND TEACHERS DISPUTE ACT The House resumed at 8 p.m. WINDSOR … on Tuesday, March 30, as recorded on page 744 of Hansard, in reference to the Windsor teacher-board … legislation coming into force and the long and acrimonious debates that went on among teachers, among trustees and
    House Hansard
  9. … THIRD READING ESTIMATES, MINITRY OF TREASURY, ECONOMICS AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS (CONTINUED) PROVINCIAL SCHOOLS … some repetition since I have advocated this -- I believe Hansard would disclose -- four times over eight years, would … represents the Ministry of Labour, doesn’t he insist on votes? Hon. Mr. MacBeth: We have quite a bit of latitude in …
    House Hansard
  10. … PUBLIC BUSINESS STRANDHERD-ARMSTRONG BRIDGE RED TAPE AND REGULATORY REVIEW ACT, 2008 / LOI DE 2008 SUR LA RÉVISION … and that's why I was extremely disappointed to read the Hansard of the standing committee on finance and economic … of support, but it didn't get the support of some critical votes, I suppose one would say. The parliamentary assistant, …
    House Hansard
  11. … Speaker, I certainly realize, of course, what art honour and privilege it is to wind up this Throne Speech debate on … the Premier (Mr. Davis). It will be interesting to see how Hansard delineates the difference between the two phrases. … perhaps more important, its form, which was attributed by Hansard to the Leader of the Opposition -- in his reply to …
    House Hansard
  12. … APARTMENTS ST MARY'S HIGH SCHOOL CHEQUE CASHING BILL CHILD AND PARENT PLACE LAND-LEASE COMMUNITIES OPTOMETRISTS VISITORS … to read your thoughts. Fortunately, they're recorded in Hansard. But I can tell you one thing: Your standards are … based on our hearings and our conclusions and our debates. Mr Jordan: I think the point that we're attempting …
    House Hansard
  13. … PROTECTION DES PERSONNES ÂGÉES STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ENERGY CONSERVATION ORAL QUESTIONS DEMOCRATIC … party that changed standing order 124. You see, I remember debates around standing orders going back a long time now. I … the minister of infrastructure over there, maybe will read Hansard on Monday. That will give you an opportunity to see …
    House Hansard
  14. … WASTE MANAGEMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR SPENDING INTERNATIONAL AND INTERPROVINCIAL TRADE LONG-TERM-CARE REFORM CONTAINMENT … had them. Every so often you get into one of these debates and people from the government side will say: "But … I did the first year I was here was I went back through Hansard and I read volumes of Hansards on a daily basis and
    House Hansard
  15. … amendment which we would like to propose, moved by myself and seconded by Mr. Mancini. It is an amendment to add a … has been made, I want to mention for the record and in Hansard that part IV on survivorship was formerly part III … by Hon. Mr. Welch, the House adjourned at 10:40 p.m. … Hansard Transcripts 1977-Oct-25 …
    House Hansard