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Displaying 1666 - 1680 of 7370
  1. … PLANNING DECISION PHYSICIANS' SERVICES EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY FAMILY BENEFITS CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES … Legislature yesterday when she said, according to Instant Hansard: "Neither the council nor any member of the medical … to questions 78 and 79 standing on the Notice Paper (see Hansard for Friday, April 30). 3:30 p.m. ORDERS OF THE DAY …
    House Hansard
  2. … the House, I, the Leader of the Opposition (Mr. Peterson) and others, raised questions of the Premier (Mr. Davis) and … The Premier promised me, as reported on page 1715 of Hansard, "As soon as we have that information, I am sure … to raise up to this point as we go along with the votes. With that I will take my seat. Mr. Chairman: Before we …
    House Hansard
  3. … SIZE SMALL BUSINESS AIR QUALITY SCHOOL CLOSURES ADDICTION AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES HOSPITAL RESTRUCTURING HYDRO RATES … the owner's fees to commence or appeal any dispute proceedings, there will be a dispute arbitrator, which may be … and comments? Mr Pouliot: I heard distinctly, and Hansard could perhaps attest to the following, my friends and
    House Hansard
  4. … care Public transit Water quality Aboriginal programs and services Housing Services Corp. Visitors Season’s … of his honourable opponent. Mr. Speaker, modern election debates just don’t deliver such headlines anymore. Macdonald, … Bay’s comments in the House last night, who is quoted in Hansard as saying that government backbenchers don’t …
    House Hansard
  5. … ADJOURNMENT OF THE HOUSE STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES SAFE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM GOVERNMENT'S RECORD … It is a historic moment and I hope it will be captured in Hansard. I just think that the member's attire today reflects … statements by the ministries and responses, deferred votes, oral questions and petitions. So the resolution is to …
    House Hansard
  6. … JAMES MCCRACKEN INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA AND TRANSPHOBIA INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA AND … are two issues here. One is with respect to in camera proceedings. The literature and the reference material is … Okay, we’ve got that now. You see, that’s how you get on Hansard: by being acknowledged. If I didn’t want you on …
    House Hansard
  7. … VISITORS ORDERS OF THE DAY HYDRO ONE INC. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS ACT, 2002 / LOI DE 2002 SUR LES ADMINISTRATEURS … the consumers are at the bottom of every one of these debates: how do we protect consumers and ratepayers in the … for the mere exclusion of strangers, there is still a Hansard kept. "In camera" implies restrictions on the Hansard
    House Hansard
  8. … VACCINE CONSERVATION OFFICERS FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SPRAY PROGRAM PETITION ROMAN … questions 195 and 217 standing in Orders and Notices [see Hansard for final sitting day of session]. I perhaps should … courts of our land. This can best be demonstrated by our debates, the hearings and the consideration of Bill 30 by the …
    House Hansard
  9. … PROPERTY ASSESSMENT POLICE WEEK SCHOOL BUS SAFETY ORDER AND DECORUM IN CHAMBER PARENT FINDERS BUDGET ORAL QUESTIONS … be put. Mr Gilles Pouliot (Lake Nipigon): Mike will check Hansard. The Speaker: Member for Lake Nipigon, I ask that the … the parliamentary assistant a chance at least to read the Hansard transcripts so he could be brought up to date, up to …
    House Hansard
  10. … COURT SYSTEM EAST NORTHUMBERLAND SECONDARY SCHOOL GOODS AND SERVICES TAX INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH AND FARM … by all three parties. We have had many lively and spirited debates and I appreciate the co-operation and the valuable … very much, Mr Speaker. I can assure you, when you check Hansard, you will see that my remarks are shorter than my …
    House Hansard
  11. … been asked for by myself over the last two or three years and by a resolution of the public accounts committee. The … danger of revolution but rather to the danger of losing votes. He confirms this when he says, “Particularly in a … The member’s leader doesn’t want it -- it’s in Hansard -- but we are going to try to get it for those …
    House Hansard
  12. … 1997 / Lun 15 Sep 1997 ORDERS OF THE DAY UNIFORM FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL CHILD SUPPORT GUIDELINES ACT, 1997 / LOI DE … The public would like to know." I haven't seen the Hansard yet because the pressure that the Queen's Park staff … into so much trouble. You were so busy trying to buy the votes of the poor that you cheated them out of their own …
    House Hansard
  13. … Introduction of Visitors Oral Questions Probation and parole services Nurses Privatization of public assets … Partisan politics always gets injected into divisive debates on good or bad measures. I think it’s all-important … zones right across the province. As Mr. Milner states in Hansard, “If the road is a municipal road, and the area with …
    House Hansard
  14. … INDUSTRY GASOLINE PRICES AIDS TREATMENT WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY EID-UL-ADHA DUNAI UKRAINIAN FOLK ENSEMBLE … forcibly against it, and I have his words right here in Hansard. What the words in Hansard say is that the Premier, at that time, was very …
    House Hansard
  15. … Government accountability Agri-food industry Mental health and addiction services Small business Mental health and … reading. Again, it will be debated, and third reading debates usually aren’t as long as second, because we’ve … crisis, and so it’s worthy to simply go through the Hansard and see how many times the opposition has talked …
    House Hansard