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Displaying 1651 - 1665 of 7370
  1. … 2015 Orders of the Day Strengthening Consumer Protection and Electricity System Oversight Act, 2015 / Loi de 2015 pour … always starts us off in the morning with his debates. He’s very electrified. I notice that you are working … to do that. I would refer the Leader of the Opposition to Hansard between February 17 and April 2. I answered questions …
    House Hansard
  2. … CULTIVÉS EN ONTARIO STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES FOREIGN-TRAINED DOCTORS FOREIGN-TRAINED DOCTORS … research department; Martha Acquah Hayford, head of Hansard; Mr. Addow Quashie, head of their information … and the wine in the other, to tune in on these political debates. I wanted to take this opportunity and present a …
    House Hansard
  3. … Anthony Perruzza (Downsview): Mr Speaker, I am before you and the rest of the chamber here today to essentially ask for … I certainly spoke out publicly on this issue during the debates a year and a half ago, roughly, and I continue … the system. Mr Kimble Sutherland (Oxford): Read the whole Hansard, Lyn. Read the whole testimony. The Speaker: Order. …
    House Hansard
  4. … statement? Hon. Mr. Norton: No, Mr. Speaker. I will wait and perhaps respond. I’m sure the honourable members opposite … to children being before the courts in some of these proceedings. It strikes me that it would be a better … Campbell: No! Hon. Mr. Grossman: I promise to read it in Hansard. Mr. Makarchuk: I want that in writing. Mr. Speaker: …
    House Hansard
  5. … REPORT, OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ONTARIO WORKS ORAL QUESTIONS YOUNG OFFENDERS … I'd bet. I remember reading in the legislative library the debates on this one. I encourage all members to take the … always wanting more. I could play that back to you from Hansard. But I'm telling you, they sure have the record for …
    House Hansard
  6. … Let’s see if we can keep that momentum going with a tried-and-true classic game: true or false!   [00:00:49] David: You … likely heard it referred to as the “Official Report of Debates” or “Hansard.” For the purposes of our episode today, we’re going …
  7. … housing Highway improvement Public transit Sexual violence and harassment Assistance to farmers Members’ Statements … those who are out there watching or that might read the Hansard later and don’t know what time allocation is, … “Levac says Liberal government dominance of legislative debates has also set a poor precedent, citing the ‘excessive …
    House Hansard
  8. … PROPOSALS ASSISTANCE FOR THE HOMELESS ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND SUPPLY FREEDOM OF INFORMATION WOMEN’S HEALTH SERVICES … If the member wants to check the record, it is in Hansard; I will send it over to him. So if he says that the … various spokesmen at the federal level. There will be many debates over the coming months and there are debates right …
    House Hansard
  9. … STATEMENT TOURISM RESERVATION NETWORK STUDENT ASSISTANCE AND TUITION FEES CAPITAL FUNDING FOR SCHOOLS GROW ONTARIO … I would remind the minister that everything she says is in Hansard and that she is differing greatly from what the … not to have to drastically cut services. I should say for Hansard in his defence, he nods no. Interjection. Mr Bradley: …
    House Hansard
  10. … L’ONTARIO Wednesday 8 August 2018 Mercredi 8 août 2018 Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 / Loi de 2018 annulant le … for their developer friends, to cut down on those pesky debates about— Mrs. Robin Martin: Point of order. Mr. Lorne … be great for democracy—those are their words. It’s in Hansard. We can all go and read that. I do want to caution …
    House Hansard
  11. … EDUCATION PROGRAM EVALUATION PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH GRAPE AND WINE INDUSTRY TENDERING PROCESS ORGAN DONORS FABULOUS … may be that when the Premier has returned and he has seen Hansard, that may allow him an opportunity to correct the … is officially connected with the Ministry of Health, "to proceedings pending in Parliament" -- clearly, my honourable …
    House Hansard
  12. … ON JUSTICE POLICY STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS ACCESSIBLE PARKING … homes, for those viewers listening today or reading Hansard in the future, are not long-term-care facilities. … if you go back and look at Hansard, is that in many of the debates, even though they may not have been about …
    House Hansard
  13. … INDUSTRY OVERTIME PERMITS PRICE REVIEW OF FARM SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT INQUIRY ON BUILDING INDUSTRY ARBITRATION BOARD … get the shovel out. Mr. Roy: The minister has been reading Hansard. Hon. Mr. Handleman: -- we are going to do about it, … are not arrived at lightly, but emanate from a series of debates in the estimates of the Minister of Health over …
    House Hansard
  14. … REFUGEE CLAIMANTS ONTARIO ROUND TABLE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY HOSPITAL FUNDING TORONTO AREA TRANSPORTATION … français, quelques paragraphes que j’aimerais lire pour le Hansard, car ce n’est pas souvent qu’on a quelqu’un qui … municipalities and legislative services, especially the debates and bills. I think it is important at times to look …
    House Hansard
  15. … WATERLOO-WELLINGTON TRANSPORTATION ACTION PLAN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN WATERLOO REGION CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE … Mr. Klees: I'm going to ask the Acting Premier to read Hansard of yesterday's estimates committee, because she's … lands are still part of the greenbelt." That's taken from Hansard, March 7, 2005. Then the minister went on to say, …
    House Hansard