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  1. … for skills with the effort of our education ministries and with the responsiveness of the labour market to changing … that would have looked bad and might have cost him a few votes. So he said nothing and did nothing at that conference, … report. Mr. Lewis: That’s interesting. I am glad that’s on Hansard. Mr. Chairman: Order, please. The minister has the …
    House Hansard
  2. … COMMITTEE REPORTS STANDING COMMITTEE ON PROCEDURAL AFFAIRS AND AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS VENUE OF COMMITTEES … all, I am sure we have had a chance to review the Instant Hansard as to what has been said. The Premier said in answer … just read, I would like to read his question from Instant Hansard. He asked, "Is it the government's intention to grant …
    House Hansard
  3. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES … Niagara Centre. Mr. Kormos: Do you want to spell that for Hansard? Mr. Baird: I will not. Shariah law -- family law … Uniform Arbitration Act (Uniform Law Conference of Canada, Proceedings of the Seventy-Second Annual Meeting (ULCC, …
    House Hansard
  4. … NURSES WEEK MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS AND CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE SOCIAL … about this. All the quotes that I am using are in Hansard, and if the minister wants to review what she said, … three questions from Rabbi Hillel in this House and other debates and I've often used the three questions as a basis …
    House Hansard
  5. … HAEMODIALYSIS VISITORS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES PERSONS DAY ORAL QUESTIONS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE … the last provincial election campaign, I compare it to the debates in Hansard from the debate on Bill 40 and I compare it to my …
    House Hansard
  6. … people who ran in September 1990. Because I was so upset and discouraged with what was happening, I decided to get … appreciate his input, as he's speaking with the people at Hansard and trying to organize. I thought he brought some … to deal with this issue. I wish we could as part of the debates be dealing with it here. We are not. It's our …
    House Hansard
  7. … HEALTH COUNCIL CLEANUP OF SPILLS NON-ALCOHOLIC WINES AND BEERS ROYAL COMMISSION LEGAL FEES STERILIZATION OF THE … the question, so I better take it as notice, get it from Hansard, and give an answer later. Mr. Grande: Supplementary: … we will have to be here day after day having emergency debates as various sectors of the economy go through cyclical …
    House Hansard
  8. … UNIT STABILIZATION PAYMENTS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES CORPS D'ÉLITE GREETING OF VISITORS CORPS … cost of gasoline and the power he has. We have had great debates about that. The minister has said he does not have … I reminded him of that on October 29, 1985; he can check Hansard to remind himself of that. At that time, he thought …
    House Hansard
  9. … Mar 14 oct 1980 STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY PLANT CLOSURES AND TERMINATION ENTITLEMENTS NEW HEALTH PROGRAMS ORAL … power. Hon. Mr. Welch: Take a minute and look through Hansard. The Leader of the Opposition’s own colleague has … ministry officials have gone out of their way to institute proceedings against members of native bands when it was not …
    House Hansard
  10. … 2000 PRIVATE MEMBERS' PUBLIC BUSINESS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND ESTABLISHMENTS AMENDMENT ACT (FUNERAL SERVICES), 2000 / … of reading the names of this task group into the record of Hansard in this chamber today: Philip Donne, president of … e-mail and the Internet, are able to follow municipal debates and municipal issues far closer than they could a few …
    House Hansard
  11. … the chair -- unless, of course, you like it there -- and continue my duties in that role. Mr. Brad Duguid … not a point of order. Mr. Parsons: Yes, but I got it into Hansard. Thank you. The Acting Speaker: You got it into Hansard. The member for Oxford. Mr. Hardeman: You can say it …
    House Hansard
  12. … Lun 17 déc 1979 CONCURRENCE IN SUPPLY MINISTRY OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES (CONCLUDED) MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL … to cover ground that was covered during the estimates debates, but there are some, if you will, cleanup items I … topic; but I expect the minister’s staff to go through Hansard and to respond to critics questions when they ask for …
    House Hansard
  13. … OF CITIZENS RENTAL ACCOMMODATION RENT REVIEW ONTARIO FRUIT AND VEGETABLE GROWERS' ASSOCIATION HUMAN RIGHTS STATEMENTS BY … honourable member referred. The member might look back in Hansard for last week, when a similar question was asked by a … committee assignment changes. Reading dispensed with [see Votes and Proceedings]. Motion agreed to. INTRODUCTION OF …
    House Hansard
  14. … 1105481 ONTARIO INC. ACT, 2009 STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ECONOMIC OUTLOOK AND FISCAL REVIEW / … refrain from ruling after the fact, even if a review of Hansard suggests that similar or identical language was used: … to compete in today's global economy. In fact, during some debates on this in committee, a number of employers came …
    House Hansard
  15. … TORONTO HOUSING AUTHORITY ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WAGE PROTECTION IN INSOLVENCIES NATIONAL SALES … area. If time permitted, I would read to the member from Hansard the very detailed and accurate manner in which my … years, because even before I got here we had a great many debates. One of our former leaders, Stephen Lewis, was …
    House Hansard