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  1. … TRANSIT FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY PUBLIC TRANSIT CHILDREN AND YOUTH SCHOOL EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES SENIORS’ HEALTH … not get the opportunity to listen to him should review the Hansard, because I think they will find it very, very useful … as proof points during fundraising campaigns and election debates. Bill 176 is the government striking an action pose. …
    House Hansard
  2. … L160 - Thu 19 Dec 1974 / Jeu 19 déc 1974 OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRICES ROYAL COMMISSION ON BUILDING INDUSTRY … say they were applicable to 1970 or 1972. Mr. Singer: Hansard will speak for itself. There it is. Hon. Mr. Irvine: … remarks like this. Hon. Mr. Miller: In our last estimates debates, we did roam across them. I really don’t mind which …
    House Hansard
  3. … NORTHERN ONTARIO ONTARIO BUDGET ONTARIO LOTTERY AND GAMING CORP. ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS LABOUR DISPUTE HOSPITAL … out the duties through some of the most … difficult debates ever witnessed in this chamber, the member for … that is to let the family know that we will have copies of Hansard and a DVD of the tribute sent directly to the family. …
    House Hansard
  4. … INDUSTRIELLES) VISITOR STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES HEALTH CARE REFORM ORAL QUESTIONS PROVINCIAL … Assembly print and electronic publications, such as Hansard and Ont.Parl, they can be referred to as the New … all of us. Interestingly enough, as I've listened to the debates over the last while and I speak about sustainability, …
    House Hansard
  5. … When you examine the changes that are proposed, time and again these changes speak to the need for the government … would attempt all sorts of delaying tactics and would have debates of all manner. So debate would have taken place … prefer not to stand and read the lakes and rivers into the Hansard of the province. We would just as soon not do that. …
    House Hansard
  6. … a point of privilege? I would like to apologize to you and to the House for my unparliamentary remarks during the … this was perhaps even more important. Mr. Roy: You read Hansard. Mr. Swart: I listened rather carefully to the … all members of the House, regardless of the outcome of the votes, with the very responsible manner in which they have …
    House Hansard
  7. … ASSISTANCE TO HOME OWNERS PLANT SHUTDOWNS EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY COLLECTIVE BARGAINING MINE SHUTDOWNS U OF T … March 29, the proceedings of which shall be transcribed by Hansard and appended to the Hansard proceedings of the House. … even run in Lakeshore, so watch out. He is out looking for votes, and he is looking for the feminine vote. Let me read …
    House Hansard
  8. … Energy policies Taxation Mercury poisoning Ontario film and television industry Mental health services School … to the House in days gone by, the purpose of these debates is to canvass public opinion, to make the public … of Community Safety and Correctional Services said in Hansard that the plan is to use “alternative service …
    House Hansard
  9. … RECALL PROCESS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AMENDMENT ACT, 1994 / LOI DE 1994 MODIFIANT LA LOI … interest groups in their constituencies attempt to muster votes to oust them from office, they cannot make the kinds of … by the member for Mississauga West, which I presume is in Hansard, knowing him to be an honourable member, I'm sure …
    House Hansard
  10. … I am sure that my colleagues on the government side and the honourable members in both the opposition and the … the delegates meetings in order to wind up with the major votes at a convention? I suggest that the member for Durham … I think, are accurate. I could look it up; it is in Hansard. He said he bought a building with four units in it …
    House Hansard
  11. … QUESTIONS ALSANDS PROJECT SCHOOL TEXTS EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY RENT CONTROL STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY PHYSICIANS' … Community and Social Services (Mr. Drea), as reported in Hansard on page 909, stated to myself and the member for … real emergency debate in this chamber. I think many of the debates we have had in that area have been -- how could I …
    House Hansard
  12. … CONSIDERATION OF BILL 28 STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE CRIME PREVENTION WEEK … know how every MPP votes, and I'm looking forward to the Hansard, because when we ring those bells and bring those … about politics as a whole. They hear the rhetoric, through debates such as we're having this morning, about how we want …
    House Hansard
  13. … given notice to the member for Riverdale (Mr. Renwick) and, of course, to the Attorney General (Mr. McMurtry) and … to you that -- Mr. Lewis: Don’t put that interjection in Hansard. An hon. member: Put it in. Mr. Roy: -- I think my … that when members come to vote on this section that their votes may spring from a personal experience themselves. I do …
    House Hansard
  14. … work last year alone just to improve the production and quality of his forest. Peter is in the managed forest … official opposition that, first of all, I have read the debates and listened very carefully to what people have said … to have been a statement. But I want to just read from Hansard the response of the minister to a question from the …
    House Hansard
  15. … OF MENINGITIS FUNDING OF SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES ALCOHOL AND DRUG ADDICTION ASSISTANCE TO GRAPE GROWERS TEACHERS … and European countries. A quick glance into our provincial debates over this subject indicates just that as well. In … However, I have noticed that a correction has been made to Hansard in this regard without the member having informed the …
    House Hansard