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  1. … DÉFIBRILLATEURS VINCE KERRIO STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION EARTH DAY ORGAN ANDand administrative in nature. But if you read Hansard, for those specialists who read Hansard, you would … but I don’t agree with him, and this is why we love debates. I believe that we should cap those numbers because, …
    House Hansard
  2. … LEWIS NONAPPEARANCE OF MINISTRY OFFICIALS POINTS OF ORDER AND PRIVILEGE PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS STATEMENTS BY THE … one: I just want to draw your attention to the fact that Hansard of May 4, 1981, shows in my questioning of the … giving the government their money so they can buy their votes. I think at some point there is a degree of cynicism …
    House Hansard
  3. … TRUCK FATALITIES PETITION ANNUAL REPORT, REGISTRAR OF LOAN AND TRUST CORPORATIONS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS UNITED NATIVE … Minister of Government Services was quoted in the Instant Hansard to have said: "Mr. Chairman, to answer the questions … careful with the English language he uses in this House. Votes 502 to 506, inclusive, agreed to. Mr. Chairman: This …
    House Hansard
  4. … in May 1976. Its interim report was tabled in November and was discussed here in this House subsequent to that time. … began to take action. I’d like to put the figures in Hansard, that after governments had begun to lay down safety … the 15 points. At this point they will delay their court proceedings until further points have dropped off at the …
    House Hansard
  5. … ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES LUNG CANCER AWARENESS MONTH PETITIONS AIR … hacks for 20 years. Ms. Sylvia Jones: Show it to me in Hansard. Never said it. Hon. David Zimmer: She never said it. … 20 years, and I think Michael talked about that in his debates the last time and the time before. It’s an issue that …
    House Hansard
  6. … SMALL BUSINESSES FRENCH-LANGUAGE SERVICES CREDIT UNIONS AND CAISSES POPULAIRES AMENDMENT BILL DEATH OF MRS. JAMES … I raised this same issue in the House? After a page of Hansard, I couldn’t see what his answer was at that time. I … he wouldn’t support that very petition on page 4647 of Hansard of November 20, where the petition is spelled out as …
    House Hansard
  7. … COMMITTEE ON THE OMBUDSMAN STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ORAL QUESTIONS IPPERWASH … time has expired. Because the standing orders require that votes on private members' public business not be taken before … rhetoric. I would challenge him to go back and look at the Hansard record. For example, when I spoke for 20 minutes, …
    House Hansard
  8. … My statement is directed at both the Minister of Housing and the minister responsible for seniors' issues. There have … point I am going to make is that everything is recorded in Hansard. I was here in the House during private members' hour … by the same people while they are campaigning for their votes, and yet when those people are given their support by …
    House Hansard
  9. … HYDRO APPROVALS FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PETITION … and Commercial Relations (Mr. Walker), on December 9 in Hansard, is quoted as saying to me: "Does he not understand? … of inappropriateness that seemed to occur in some of the debates and so on is partly due to that. As I have been …
    House Hansard
  10. … ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS ALLAURA INVESTMENTS … to speak on Bill 167. I have listened carefully to the debates thus far, and I've come to a couple of conclusions … from Haldimand—Norfolk—I refer the listeners today to read Hansard online; his one-hour speech was kind of a thesis on …
    House Hansard
  11. … light from the excellent speeches I have already heard and to try to put it in an historical context which I do not … that right? I think the member had better go back and read Hansard again. The only issue I am rising to talk about … of eloquence, participating in one of the most historic debates that has ever been heard in this Legislature. In a …
    House Hansard
  12. … TRADE CHILDREN'S SERVICES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY CHILDREN'S SERVICES ASSISTED HOUSING JOBS ONTARIO … plan to bring in cards. My leader, Mr Mike Harris, in Hansard on June 5, 1990, was absolutely right when he said, … parties in this House and you may think it will win you votes in a future election, but in the final analysis what's …
    House Hansard
  13. … HOMEMAKER PROGRAM HOME INSURANCE SECURICOR INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY LTD. FOREST REGENERATION DAY CARE CENTRES … a petition presented to the House, sessional paper 60 [see Hansard for final sitting day of session]. I would like to … has some leisure time; he might reread the estimates debates for 1978 and 1979 in the standing committee on social …
    House Hansard
  14. … arts organizations ever achieve the artistic standards and integrity, the financial and business stability and the … It has been ruled on previously. You may wish to refer to Hansard. MEMBERS' MAILINGS Mr Mahoney: On a point of order, … country of ours. Having followed the course of national debates on the Constitution for nigh on to 30 years, I do not …
    House Hansard
  15. … YORK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS ARTS AND CULTURAL FUNDING CALEDON EAST HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHILD … safety, are something people can get a copy of from the Hansard or the transcript on the Web site. I also think that … the vote on Bill 140 be deferred until Monday at deferred votes.” This is from the chief government whip, and it is so …
    House Hansard