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  1. … PRICING REPORT HOSPITAL WORKERS DISPUTE INDIAN LAND AND RESOURCE CLAIMS FARM INCOME STABILIZATION PLAN BREAK-IN … to pay tribute to the select committee on company law whose report on credit unions laid the groundwork for … Petitions. Presenting reports. Motions. Introduction of bills. FARM INCOME STABILIZATION ACT Hon. W. Newman moved …
    House Hansard
  2. … RESPONSIBILITY OFFICE MUNICIPAL ENUMERATION PUBLIC SERVICE AND LABOUR RELATIONS REFORM CHARITABLE GAMING SOCIAL … Brown on the standing committee on regulations and private bills. The Speaker (Hon Chris Stockwell): Is it the pleasure … been qualified by a statement that they would only become law if and when the Legislature gave its stamp of approval to …
    House Hansard
  3. … Centre NDP) for Mr Winninger Wilson, Gary (Kingston and The Islands NDP) for Ms Harrington Clerk: Brown, Harold … by many of the proposals -- say, the suspensive veto on bills; in other words, a six-month hoist or whatever and … are the ones that will rule, and that courts interpret the law as they see it. My question is specifically on employment …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … Ennis, assistant deputy minister, corporate management and support group STANDING COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES * Chair / … to lay off people until we had completed the regulation-making process under the social contract. That has now … was so hopeless that I took him home to die. My parents-in-law (Ontario residents of 20 years) transferred to Calgary, …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … 18 mar 1976 SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES (CONCLUDED) SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, … that has been committed over the past thee years and the bills are just coming in now. In spite of this sort of … per cent of it likely -- that is going to be required by law to provide these services? I’m just wondering, in the …
    House Hansard
  6. … ÉQUITABLE DES MUNICIPALITÉS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER AND RESPONSES MINISTRY BRIEFING ONTARIO HOTEL AND MOTEL … calculate, it's costly for municipalities to send out tax bills and it's costly for municipalities to try to collect … there's a completely new hearing on the facts and law at the Ontario Municipal Board. The proposed process …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … 2014 / Mer 19 nov 2014 STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES RÈGLEMENTS ET DES PROJETS DE LOI … the time. But the company retained, actually, a claim in law that the company was entitled to make, and he didn’t …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … Solicitor General   The committee met at 1230 in room 151 and by video conference, following a closed session. 2019 … they can provide the most impact for citizens requires making difficult decisions. The decision to transfer … Right now, these are recommendations without the force of law, so we do not have the ability to compel organizations to …
    Committee Hansard
  9. … Tuesday 16 March 2021 Mardi 16 mars 2021 Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 Loi de 2021 modifiant la … day, you heard from an individual who was working and making $50,000 a year—he got injured on the job, and what … WSIB prove that it wasn’t done in the workplace. These are bills that make a lot of sense to me. I said this during …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … No. 106 No 106 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … to Bill 16, the Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 of the first session of the fortieth …
    Orders & Notices
  11. … No. 105 No 105 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … to Bill 16, the Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 of the first session of the fortieth …
    Orders & Notices
  12. … Lyndon Koopmans, Shahin Kazai, Malcolm Morum and Christina Chewchuk. Welcome. BIRTH OF MEMBER'S GRANDCHILD … for months and years. This government can not proclaim bills that it passes to get the spin of the day when it … to employers in Ontario and said, "Listen, we've got a law and it says, 'If you can't negotiate a collective …
    House Hansard
  13. … presented the Committee's Report which was read as follows and adopted:- M. O'Toole du Comité permanent des affaires … avec des amendements:- Bill 38, An Act to revise the law relating to condominium corporations, to amend the … Highways Management $ 992,954,500 INTRODUCTION OF BILLS DÉPÔT DES PROJETS DE LOI The following Bills were …
    Votes & Proceedings
  14. … 10 of the bill be amended by adding at the end thereof: “and of the total number of members appointed, at least … for it. Mr. Nixon: If the Premier does it will become law. Mr. Cassidy: Mr. Chairman, basically this is the same as … we might have an opportunity to do the second readings of Bills 41, 42 and, if printed, 48. We would then go into …
    House Hansard
  15. … No. 121 N o 121 Votes and Proceedings Procès-verbaux Legislative Assembly of … to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. La motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi … Section 23 of the Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act, 2006 (Sessional Paper No. P-245) Mr. …
    Votes & Proceedings