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Displaying 151 - 165 of 254
  1. … LABOUR RELATIONS AND EMPLOYMENT STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1992 / LOI DE 1992 MODIFIANT DES LOIS EN … this issue from the beginning, and I will be asking and making a motion to that effect. The Chair: You're moving …
    Committee Hansard
  2. … The Chair: We have one hour--20 minutes per caucus--and we're going to proceed with questions from Mr McGuinty. … this meeting with the board of directors to which you're making reference took place on September 25. Hon Mr Charlton: … that question. A person such as yourself, learned in the law, particularly in the rules of evidence-- [Laughter] Mr …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … PAULINE JOHNSON COLLEGIATE NORMAN SERRO SOCIAL PLANNING AND RESEARCH COUNCIL OF ST CATHARINES AND THOROLD NORMAN … That future amendments to the Constitution will not become law unless and until they have been approved by direct … There should be funds behind it, not the way it works now. Bills are just paid from our tax revenue. Why should we be …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … MUNICIPALITY OF OTTAWA-CARLETON HEALTH DEPARTMENT JOHN AND FRED DONKOR LORRAINE LACHAPELLE CONTENTS Tuesday 14 … become cumbersome. It would be easier to change the whole law and rather than work on a 0.08, drop it to a 0.05 for … around. I mean, you have insurance, you have maintenance bills, you have gas, you have everything. So the way I see it …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AMENDMENT ACT, 1994 / LOI … counsel practising in the area of workers' compensation law and who provided technical support, to speak. He brings … understanding on financial responsibility that in decision-making and in the operation of the system, it's important …
    Committee Hansard
  6. … RÉFORME DE LA LOI SUR LES ACCIDENTS DU TRAVAIL UNITED FOOD AND COMMERCIAL WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION COMMUNICATIONS, … and employer stakeholders work as equal partners under the law to produce actions and activities that reduce the … report that Justice Roach's comments were still valid. Bills 101, 162 and 165 only continue to distort the system. …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … for injured workers, to promote the prevention of injury and disease in Ontario workplaces and to revise the Workers' … measures, such as we're seeing in this bill and in other bills such as Bill 136, were taken in a third world country, … the record, because I kind of embrace this thought: "This law reform process has been flawed from the beginning because …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AMENDMENT ACT, 1994 / LOI … of procedure and evidence as well as interpretation of law and policy. This situation has complicated the workers' … very unclear and nebulous, and I'm talking about several bills. You must have been surprised -- and that's what I want …
    Committee Hansard
  9. … AFFAIRS The Chair: I call the meeting to order, and for those people who may be following us at some point … I will turn it over to Mr Bornstein first in terms of making a presentation on some of the events in and around … session, that is, no later than the end of this month. The law was to make for a referendum on sovereignty no later than …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … JOHN MELIN, ROBERT GREENHILL, PATRICK PICHETTE AND MARTIN LEBLANC RENATO CIOLSI RIK GATES DAVID HUBAND … protected in the charter are paramount over any other law. Then Quebec should propose what powers it feels are … members only on important pieces of legislation. On money bills or bills that are part of the government election …
    Committee Hansard
  11. … L'ÉNERGIE Consideration of Bill 35, An Act to create jobs and protect consumers by promoting low-cost energy through … benign energy sources; and "(h) to reduce electricity bills for all consumers." This amendment, I think, is fairly … people in accounting firms, investment banking firms and law firms. I am really struck, in my travels, by just how …
    Committee Hansard
  12. … LAND USE PLANNING AND PROTECTION ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 SUR LA PROTECTION ET … you've got someone who is foreign to your way of living making decisions that affect your lives. Then you also make … and I'm not blaming any party in this particular case -- a law was established in 1976 to merge those big lots into one …
    Committee Hansard
  13. … L'ÉNERGIE MINISTRY OF FINANCE MINISTER OF ENERGY, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENCORE ENERGY SOLUTIONS CITY OF TORONTO … But we have not before paid a specific charge on our Hydro bills in lieu of federal corporate taxes. Is that not … tax governments. The way that's interpreted in federal law is that if entities are more than 90% owned publicly by …
    Committee Hansard
  14. … WCB CRISIS COMMITTEE HAMILTON-BRANTFORD, ONTARIO BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL UNITED STEELWORKERS OF … up to a general reality or a justifiable claim, or general law, labour law or what have you, or that in fact it doesn't … on rehabilitation and service delivery, submissions on Bills 101, 162, 165, or, in recent years, Workers' …
    Committee Hansard
  15. … REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF OTTAWA-CARLETON AND FRENCH-LANGUAGE SCHOOL BOARDS STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1994 / LOI DE 1994 MODIFIANT DES LOIS … 18 April 1994 Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton and French-language School Boards Statute Law Amendment Act, …
    Committee Hansard