Heather Robertson, Walking Into Wilderness: The Toronto Carrying Place and Nine Mile Portage

Walking Into Wilderness: The Toronto Carrying Place and Nine Mile Portage

Heather Robertson, Walking Into Wilderness: The Toronto Carrying Place and Nine Mile Portage

Walking Into Wilderness: The Toronto Carrying Place and Nine Mile Portage is the story of the land and water trails between Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay. Beginning with the geological history and early archaeology of these much-used trails - about 130 kilometres as the crow flies but nearly twice the distance using the ancient paths and waterways - author Heather Robertson delves into the success and ultimate devastation of the Wendat, the coming of the French, the fur trade, the War of 1812, the settlement and railroad periods and the devastation wrought by Hurricane Hazel. Here, what might be seen as regional history is revealed to be, in fact, the history of Ontario, Canada and North America.