Nathaniel Currie
Middlesex West
Dates of service
Middlesex West
1st Parliament
1st Parliament (December 27, 1867 – February 25, 1871 )
Member, Standing Committee on Railways
Member, Standing Committee on Railways
Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 91 (To Prevent the spreading of Canada Thistle in Upper Canada--Chapter 40)
Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 58 (An Act regulating Line fences and Watercourses )
Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 37 (To Amend the Jury law)
Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 46 (To Prevent the Setting of Fires at certain seasons of the year)
Member, Select Committee to consider the expediency of altering and amending the existing municipal and assessment laws of Ontario
Member, Standing Committee on Railways
Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 30, An Act for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Horticulture, Arts and Manufactures
Member, Standing Committee on Railways
Member, Special Committee to consider the Municipal and Assessments Act
Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 68, An Act amend the Act respecting joint Stock Companies for the construction of Roads and other works in Upper Canada
Conservative Party