Private Members' motion

42nd Parliament, 2nd Session

Motion moved by Norman Miller on

That the Order for Second Reading of Bill Pr65, An Act respecting the Ross Memorial Hospital shall be called immediately and that there shall be up to 15 minutes of debate on the motion for Second Reading with 5 minutes allotted to Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, 5 minutes allotted to the Independent Members as a group, and 5 minutes allotted to Her Majesty’s Government; and At the end of this time the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and put every question necessary to dispose of this stage of the Bill; and That the Order for Third Reading shall be called immediately and the question on the motion for Third Reading shall be put immediately without debate; and That the Orders for Second and Third Reading of the following Private Bills shall be called consecutively and the questions on the motions for Second and Third Reading of the Bills be put immediately without debate:- Bill Pr59, An Act to revive 201827 Ontario Limited.; Bill Pr60, An Act to revive 1692783 Ontario Inc.; Bill Pr61, An Act to revive 1712042 Ontario Ltd.; Bill Pr68, An Act to revive Lunova Machinery Import and Export Ltd.; Bill Pr69, An Act to revive Brisdale Plaza Inc.; Bill Pr70, An Act to revive 2127023 Ontario Inc.; Bill Pr71, An Act to revive Eleanor Fulcher Limited; Bill Pr72, An Act to revive 1833025 Ontario Inc.; Bill Pr74, An Act to revive P.K.B. International Bazaar Ltd.; and That the Member for Parry Sound—Muskoka (Mr. Miller) may move the motions for Second and Third Reading of Bills Pr65, Pr68, and Pr72 on behalf of their respective sponsors.

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