Government motion

43rd Parliament, 1st Session

Motion moved by Sylvia Jones on and Carried

That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King in the following words:


We, Your Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, in Parliament assembled, approach Your Majesty with the expression of our deepest and heartfelt sorrow at the demise of Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Your Majesty’s beloved mother.

Her Late Majesty’s long and glorious life and reign was truly a gift to our world which we scarcely deserved and Her Majesty’s loss, an equally profound tragedy to us all.

In words we wished to have sent to Her Majesty in life and in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee – Her Majesty’s resolute dedication to public service and Her loyal Canadian subjects was vital to the growth of our young nation. It was Her Majesty’s lifelong example of strength, compassion, and dignity which has shaped generations of Canadians from all walks of life.

We as a country, and we as a people, stand today, undoubtedly bettered by Her Majesty’s indelible influence upon us all. For the prodigious sacrifice of Her whole life to the service of Her peoples, our debt to Her Majesty cannot ever be repaid by our humble thanks, however we offer it, nonetheless.

We shall not forget that while this is a national loss it is first Your Majesty’s personal loss of a loving and compassionate mother and a stalwart matriarch. As we wrote to Her Late Majesty one year ago, upon the demise of Your Majesty’s father, we shall commit our whole selves to personally sharing the burden of Your Majesty’s profound sorrow and grief. We hope this can be of at least some small consolation.

At too young of an age Her Late Majesty was left with the heavy burden of the Crown, a burden which now falls upon Yourself. In service of Your Majesty’s fulfilment of this heavy duty we, Your subjects, pledge our unending loyalty, devotion, and support for Your Majesty the King.

At the momentous end of this second great Elizabethan era our prayers remain with Her Late Majesty the Queen, Your Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen Consort, Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the Royal Family.

We pray to almighty God for the salvation of the eternal soul of Her Late Majesty, Elizabeth the Second and for divine countenance for Your Majesty and the Royal Family in this time of bereavement. May God bless Your Majesty with wisdom, strength, courage, and compassion as our Sovereign and King. God Save the King."

And that the said Address be engrossed.

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