Government motion

43rd Parliament, 1st Session

Motion moved by Paul Calandra on and Carried

That following the proceeding "Introduction of Visitors" during the Morning Routine on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, the Speaker shall interrupt proceedings and the House shall observe a ceremony, in the following form, in recognition of former Clerks Mr. Claude L. DesRosiers and Ms. Deborah Deller:

That at that time, Mr. Claude L. DesRosiers and Ms. Deborah Deller be permitted to attend the floor of the Chamber while it is in session; and

That the Government House Leader be permitted to present to the House Orders-in-Council to be laid upon the Table; and

That the Speaker shall read the Orders-in-Council to the House; and

That the Speaker be authorized to make statements in recognition of Mr. DesRosiers and Ms. Deller; and

That following such statements, Mr. DesRosiers and Ms. Deller be invited to take honourary seats at the Table; and

That the remainder of the Morning Routine shall continue following the ceremony; and

That the Standing Orders of the Assembly be amended as follows:

The following new Standing Order is added:

148. Former Clerks of the Assembly, while entitled by Order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council made pursuant to section 77.4 of the Legislative Assembly Act to use the honorific title "The Honourable" and after such Order is laid upon the Table, are permitted to attend the floor of the Chamber while it is in session and take an honourary seat at the Table at their pleasure.

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