Government motion 7

43rd Parliament, 1st Session

Motion moved by Michael Parsa on and Carried on division

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 28, An Act to resolve labour disputes involving school board employees represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees;

That when the Bill is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That the Bill shall be Ordered for Third Reading, which order may be called the same day; and

That when the Order for Third Reading of the Bill is called, two hours shall be allotted to debate with 50 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 50 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 20 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of this stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and
That no deferral of the Second or Third Reading votes on the Bill shall be permitted.

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