The Bill proclaims the month of September in each year as Kids’ Online Safety and Privacy Month.

Bill 133 2023

An Act to proclaim the month of September as Kids’ Online Safety and Privacy Month


The internet is an integral part of the daily lives of Ontarians, providing numerous opportunities for learning, communication and entertainment. However, while digital technology can offer many benefits, it also poses significant risks to children. The protection of children in the online environment is a critical issue that demands attention from parents, educators, legislators and the wider community. Cyberbullying, online grooming, exploitation and trafficking are just a few of the dangers that children may encounter on the internet that can cause long-lasting harm. The community has a responsibility to protect children from these risks.

Education is key to ensuring the safety and privacy of children online. It is crucial that parents are educated about their role in supervising their children’s online activities and the importance of their responsibility in this regard. It is also important to discuss this issue in schools to ensure that children are aware of the risks and how to protect themselves.

By proclaiming September as Kids’ Online Safety and Privacy Month, we prioritize the need to raise awareness about online safety and privacy for children. This month is an opportunity to highlight the importance of digital supervision, education and responsibility. It is an occasion to emphasize the role of parents and the wider community in protecting children from online dangers. By acknowledging the significance of online safety and privacy for children, we aim to ensure that children can navigate the digital world confidently and safely.

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

Kids’ Online Safety and Privacy Month

1 The month of September in each year is proclaimed as Kids’ Online Safety and Privacy Month.


2 This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.

Short title

3 The short title of this Act is the Kids’ Online Safety and Privacy Month Act, 2023.